32,147 research outputs found

    On Wilson Criterion

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    U(1) gauge theory with the Villain action on a cubic lattice approximation of three- and four-dimensional torus is considered. The naturally chosen correlation functions converge to the correlation functions of the R-gauge electrodynamics on three- and four-dimensional torus as the lattice spacing approaches zero only for the special scaling. This special scaling depends on a choice of a correlation function system. Another scalings give the degenerate continuum limits. The Wilson criterion for the confinement is ambiguous. The asymptotics of the smeared Wilson loop integral for the large loop perimeters is defined by the density of the loop smearing over a torus which is transversal to the loop plane. When the initial torus radius tends to infinity the correlation functions converge to the correlation functions of the R-gauge Euclidean electrodynamics.Comment: latex, 6 page

    Global well-posedness and scattering for the defocusing mass-critical Schr\"odinger equation in the three-dimensional hyperbolic space

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    In this paper, we prove that the initial value problem for the mass-critical defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on the three-dimensional hyperbolic space H3\mathbb{H}^3 is globally well-posed and scatters for data with radial symmetry in the critical space L2(H3)L^2 (\mathbb{H}^3).Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.1237 by other author

    Modified Scattering of Cubic Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation on Rescaled Waveguide Manifolds

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    We use modified scattering theory to demonstrate that small-data solutions to the cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on rescaled waveguide manifolds, R×Td\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{T}^d for d≥2d\geq 2, demonstrate boundedness of Sobolev norms as well as weak instability

    Masses and Majorana fermions in graphene

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    We review the classification of all the 36 possible gap-opening instabilities in graphene, i.e., the 36 relativistic masses of the two-dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian when the spin, valley, and superconducting channels are included. We then show that in graphene it is possible to realize an odd number of Majorana fermions attached to vortices in superconducting order parameters if a proper hierarchy of mass scales is in place.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the Nobel symposium on graphene and quantum matte

    Induced scattering of short radio pulses

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    Effect of the induced Compton and Raman scattering on short, bright radio pulses is investigated. It is shown that when a single pulse propagates through the scattering medium, the effective optical depth is determined by the duration of the pulse but not by the scale of the medium. The induced scattering could hinder propagation of the radio pulse only if close enough to the source a dense enough plasma is presented. The induced scattering within the relativistically moving source places lower limits on the Lorentz factor of the source. The results are applied to the recently discovered short extragalactic radio pulse.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering in SF6_6 in the kinetic regime

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    Rayleigh-Brillouin spectral profiles are measured with a laser-based scatterometry setup for a 90 degrees scattering angle at a high signal-to-noise ratio (r.m.s. noise below 0.15 \% w.r.t. peak intensity) in sulphur-hexafluoride gas for pressures in the range 0.2 -- 5 bar and for a wavelength of λ=403.0\lambda=403.0 nm. The high quality data are compared to a number of light scattering models in order to address the effects of rotational and vibrational relaxation. While the vibrational relaxation rate is so slow that vibration degrees of freedom remain frozen, rotations relax on time scales comparable to those of the density fluctuations. Therefore, the heat capacity, the thermal conductivity and the bulk viscosity are all frequency-dependent transport coefficients. This is relevant for the Tenti model that depends on the values chosen for these transport coefficients. This is not the case for the other two models considered: a kinetic model based on rough-sphere interactions, and a model based on fluctuating hydrodynamics. The deviations with the experiment are similar between the three different models, except for the hydrodynamic model at pressures p≲2  barp \lesssim 2\;{\rm bar}. As all models are in line with the ideal gas law, we hypothesize the presence of real gas effects in the measured spectra.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Chemical Physics Letters 201

    Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations

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    The quotient complexity of a regular language L is the number of left quotients of L, which is the same as the state complexity of L. Suppose that L and L' are binary regular languages with quotient complexities m and n, and that the transition semigroups of the minimal deterministic automata accepting L and L' are the symmetric groups S_m and S_n of degrees m and n, respectively. Denote by o any binary boolean operation that is not a constant and not a function of one argument only. For m,n >= 2 with (m,n) not in {(2,2),(3,4),(4,3),(4,4)} we prove that the quotient complexity of LoL' is mn if and only either (a) m is not equal to n or (b) m=n and the bases (ordered pairs of generators) of S_m and S_n are not conjugate. For (m,n)\in {(2,2),(3,4),(4,3),(4,4)} we give examples to show that this need not hold. In proving these results we generalize the notion of uniform minimality to direct products of automata. We also establish a non-trivial connection between complexity of boolean operations and group theory

    Physics of Interpulse Emission in Radio Pulsars

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    The magnetized induced Compton scattering off the particles of the ultrarelativistic electron-positron plasma of pulsar is considered. The main attention is paid to the transverse regime of the scattering, which holds in a moderately strong magnetic field. We specifically examine the problem on induced transverse scattering of the radio beam into the background, which takes place in the open field line tube of a pulsar. In this case, the radiation is predominantly scattered backwards and the scattered component may grow considerably. Based on this effect, we for the first time suggest a physical explanation of the interpulse emission observed in the profiles of some pulsars. Our model can naturally account for the peculiar spectral and polarization properties of the interpulses. Furthermore, it implies a specific connection of the interpulse to the main pulse, which may reveal itself in the consistent intensity fluctuations of the components at different timescales. Diverse observational manifestations of this connection, including the moding behavior of PSR B1822-09, the peculiar temporal and frequency structure of the giant interpulses in the Crab pulsar, and the intrinsic phase correspondence of the subpulse patterns in the main pulse and the interpulse of PSR B1702-19, are discussed in detail. It is also argued that the pulse-to-pulse fluctuations of the scattering efficiency may lead to strong variability of the interpulse, which is yet to be studied observationally. In particular, some pulsars may exhibit transient interpulses, i.e. the scattered component may be detectable only occasionally.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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