347 research outputs found

    The immunohistochemical analysis of fibronectin, collagen type III, laminin, and cytokeratin 5 in putrified skin

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    Fibronectin, collagen type III, laminin, and cytokeratin 5 were visualized in normal skin and in skin showing early or advanced signs of autolytic decomposition to prove whether the immunohistochemical analysis of these antigens can provide useful information for an age-estimation of skin wounds obtained from putrified corpses. In cases with early signs of decomposition (visible course of veins, greenish discoloration) and without microscopic alterations like relaxation of the epidermal cell layers or destruction of the blood vessel structures, the staining pattern was identical to that found in normal, non-putrefied skin. In skin already showing microscopic alteration of the tissue structure, fibronectin and collagen type III could not be localized unambiguously. The distribution of laminin and cytokeratin 5, however, was well preserved. In advanced putrefied skin no reliable staining results could be obtained for fibronectin, collagen type III, and laminin. Even though cytokeratin 5 was still detectable in remnants of decomposition-resistant skin appendages, no information useful for an age-estimation of skin wounds can be obtained due to the autolytic detachment of the epidermal layers


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    New Insights into the Seasonal Variation of DOM Quality of a Humic-Rich Drinking-Water Reservoir—Coupling 2D-Fluorescence and FTICR MS Measurements

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    Long-term changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality, especially in humic-rich raw waters, may lead to intensive adaptions in drinking-water processing. However, seasonal DOM quality changes in standing waters are poorly understood. To fill this gap, the DOM quality of a German drinking water reservoir was investigated on a monthly basis by Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS) measurements and 2D fluorescence for 18 months. FTICR MS results showed seasonal changes of molecular formula (MF) intensities, indicating photochemical transformation of DOM as a significant process for DOM quality variation. For an assessment of the two humic-like components, identified by parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of excitation–emission matrices (EEM), their loadings were Spearman’s rank-correlated with the intensities of the FTICR MS-derived MF. One of the two PARAFAC components correlated to oxygenrich and relatively unsaturated MF identified as easily photo-degradable, also known as coagulants in flocculation processes. The other PARAFAC component showed opposite seasonal fluctuations and correlated with more saturated MF identified as photo-products with some of them being potential precursors of disinfection byproducts. Our study indicated the importance of elucidating both the chemical background and seasonal behavior of DOM if raw water-quality control is implemented by bulk optical parameters

    The time-dependent localization of Ki 67 antigen-positive cells in human skin wounds

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    A total of 77 human skin wounds with a post-infliction interval between 3 h and 7 months were investigated and the proliferation marker antigen Ki 67 was visualized in paraffin sections using a specific monoclonal antibody (MIB). The re-built epidermal layer covering the former lesional area showed only a few basal cells positively staining for Ki 67 antigen. No enhanced reactivity was found when compared to uninjured skin. In basal cells of the epidermis adjacent to the wound area, however, varying numbers of positive cells occurred, but no information useful for a reliable time estimation of skin wounds could be obtained due to the considerable variability in the number of Ki 67 positive epidermal basal cells found in non-damaged skin. Fibroblastic cells in the wound area revealed an increased number of Ki 67-positive sites which could first be detected in a 1.5-day-old skin lesion. Positive results could be obtained in every specimen investigated after a post-infliction interval of 6 days up to 1.5 months. Only the scar tissue of the oldest wound examined (wound age 7 months) revealed no increase in the number of positively staining fibroblasts. Therefore, positive results indicate a wound age of at least approximately 1.5 days and the lack of an increased number of positive fibroblastic cells in a sufficient number of specimens indicates at a wound age of less than 6 days, but cannot totally exclude longer post-infliction intervals
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