7 research outputs found

    Production And Characterization Of Biosurfactants Produced By Pseudomonas Aeruginosa B031 Isolated From A Hydrocarbon Phytoremediation Field

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    The biosurfactants are used by several industrial sectors such as petroleum, agriculture, food production, chemistry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Because of their hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, they have potency to reduce surface tension, interfacial tension between water-hydrocarbon systems, and low micelle concentration. Their characteristics strongly depend on the producer strain as well as on the medium composition, such as carbon and nitrogen sources. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of different sources of carbon (n-hexadecane, glycerol and glucose) and nitrogen (urea, NH4Cl and NaNO3) for the production of biosurfactants by a new strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa B031 isolated from a rhizosphere of Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen, a hardwood plant species at a phytoremediation field. The biosurfactant characteristics of the strain were evaluated, particularly its surface-active properties and potential to remove hydrocarbon. Glycerol was found to be the optimum carbon source, with rhamnose concentration, emulsification index, and critical micelle concentration (CMC) of 718 mg/L, 37%, and 35 mN/m, respectively. NaNO3 was observed as the optimum nitrogen source, with rhamnose concentration, emulsification index, and CMC of 290 mg/L, 30%, and 24 mN/m, respectively. These biosurfactants efficiently reduced surface tension of culture broth from 42 mN/m to 31 mN/m for the glycerol treatment and from 37 mN/m to 24 mN/m for the sodium nitrate treatment. The crude biosurfactants from the glycerol and sodium nitrate treatments also removed 87.5% and 84%, respectively, of crude oil from sand. These rates were higher than those of the chemical surfactants (SDS and Triton X-100). These findings indicate that the biosurfactants produced by the strain from both glycerol and NaNO3 treatments can efficiently decrease the interfacial tension of culture broth dilution and have a high emulsion index, thus hold promise in hydrocarbon bioremediation application


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    Hospital operations have the potential to produce waste, especially wastewater, which can cause environmental pollution. Therefore it is necessary to control the disposal of liquid waste that is discharged into the environment. It is required to reduce the pollution of wastewater management is excellent and appropriate legislation. Research methodology starts from the data observed laboratory test results for samples of hospital wastewater. From these data, it is known that the levels of phosphate and ammonia still do not meet quality standards following the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 58 of 1995 regarding effluent standards for hospitals. Further research is limited only focused on decreased levels of phosphate and ammonia in hospital wastewater.Data research includes a phosphate concentration of outlets as a pilot study. The subsequent wastewater will be divided into seven-bath, three-bath containing wastewater and water hyacinth plants with a density different in each basin ie density of 60 mg/cm2, 90 mg/cm2, and 120 mg/cm2, three baths containing hospital wastewater and Azolla plant density of each tub 60 mg/cm2, 90 mg/cm2, 120 mg/cm2, and the control tanks containing wastewater without a given crop. Based on the results obtained, phosphate levels can meet the fastest quality standards for four days on a tub of hospital wastewater and water hyacinth with a density of 120 mg/cm2 and all of a tub of wastewater hospitals and Azolla. For ammonia takes the fastest four days, this happens in a tub filled with water hospital waste, and water hyacinth with a density of 120 mg/cm2 and the entire tub of wastewater hospitals and Azolla

    The Prediction of Heavy Metals Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) Contents in Soil Using NIRs Technology and PLSR Regression Method

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    The case of soil contamination by heavy metals in environment shows an increasing amount along with the constructions and development period that has been done. The identification of heavy metal content in the field is extremely hard to be done without a laboratory activity. Therefore, it needs a quick and non-destructive approach or method to identify the metal content of the soil in the field. The application of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRs) technology is a method that non-destructively able to detect the heavy metal content in the soil by using Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR). Pretreatment spectrum which is done using the Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) can improve the results of the prediction models of PLSR. The results of MSC pretreatment spectrum can repair and improve the accuracy of the predictions of Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) in the soil. Eight samples were used for analysis of each of Pb and Zn content. The measured data were pre-treated by MSC. It was obtained that value of r = 0.98, R2 = 0.97 and RPD = 6.46 for the Pb content measurement. Meanwhile, the measurement for Zn obtained the value of r = 0.98, R2 = 0.97 and RPD = 6.28. Therefore, it can be inferred that the NIRs is one of technologies which is worth reckoned as the right and quick means to predict the content of heavy metals in soil in a non-destructively and environmentally friendly way

    Perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (Plts) Pembasmi Serangga pada Tanaman Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Brebes

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    Indonesia is located on the equator, so Indonesia has a large source of solar energy with an average solar radiation intensity of about 4.8 kWh/m2 per day throughout the region. Solar cells are increasingly popular with the community because of their unlimited energy sources and environmentally friendly. See the current number of fossils used as power plants continue to decrease, if left continuously, then this energy source will be depleted. Therefore scientists are vying for ways to increase renewable energy efficiency as a source of electrical energy generation One of them is solar panels. Brebes County is located between 6044 '-7021 ' south latitude and 108041 '-109011 ' east longitude. The cultivation of red onion plants is an flagship product with a production of 272,598.8 (Ton) in the year 2017. Farmers in eradicating insect pests that do not damage the environment is to use lamps at night as an insect trap media or planthopper. Alternative sources of electrical energy to light the lamp from solar energy by utilizing the solar panels will store the electrical energy on the battery of the day and at night can be used to light the lights. The research aims to determine the feasibility of a PLTS in the red onion farm, this method is focused on the first approach of estimation of electrical needs through secondary data, LED lights on for 12 hours of 1 watt lamp load with 3 watt PV module, 6 Volt Use 3.7 volt lithium battery with 3.4 Ah old capacity charging 3.46 hours and long the illumination of the Matahri on a 4-hour PV. From these results, the PLTS are said to be worthy of alternative energy

    Perancangan Energi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro di Kawasan Perkebunan Teh PT. Pagilaran Batang, Jawa Tengah

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    Listrik merupakan suatu yang sangat sulit dipisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat moderen di era saat ini, hampir semua aktifitas manusia memanfaatkan energi listrik. Berdasarkan data yang dimiliki kementerian ESDM, dari potensi nasional. total keseluruhan potensi tenaga air yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia sebesar 75.000 MW dan yang termanfaatkan saat ini hanya 10.1% atau sebesar 7,572 MW. Di kawasan perkebunan teh PT. Pagilaran kondisi existing transportasi pengangkut daun teh menggunakanan mobil truk, di proses pelayuan, dan proses pengeringan terdapat mesin-mesin yang mengkonsumsi bahan bakar fosil. Dimana hal tesebut tidak ramah lingkungan atau tidak green energy.Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan adanya kajian tentang energi alternatif untuk mensubstitusikan energi bahan fosil ke renewable energy dan untuk memenuhi pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumsi energi listrik. Dari permasalahan tersebut, melakukan kajian mengenai analisis konsumsi energi listrik exsisting, proyeksi demand energi listrik dan potensi pemanfaatan PLTMh.Hasil analisis didapat konsumsi energi existing di kawasan perkebunan teh pagilaran sebesar 3,4 GWh, konsumsi energi yang akan datang di kawasan perkebunan teh PT. Pagilaran sebesar 4,7 GWh dan potensi yang akan dimanfaatkan sebesar 4,25GW. Potensi energi listrik PLTMh dimanfaatkan diantaranya 15% proses pelayuan, 54% menyuplai kawasan afdeling pagilaran, 9% kawasan afdeling andongsili, 4% kawasan afdeling landak dan 18% kereta gantung pengangkut daun teh

    Studi Potensi Pengembangan PLTMH di Kawasan Perkebunan Teh PT. PAGILARAN Kabupaten Batang

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    Mendukung master plan di wilayah perkebunan teh PT. Pagilaran dan adanya sumber energi yang bersih atau green energy di wilayah pabrik PT. Pagilaran, sehingga diperlukan pengembangan pembangunan energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang potensi pengembangan pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga air baik dari sisi teknis dan juga sisi ekonomis. Beberapa hal yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini meliputi potensi debit air, penentuan intake, penentuan ketinggian, potensi daya yang dibangkitkan dan nilai investasi. Dari hasil analisis potensi debit adalah 2 "β€œ 3 m3/dt. Dari debit tersebut akan di tampung ke embung Bismo yang memiliki luas 9356 m2 dan kedalaman 3 meter. Kemudian yang dimanfaatkan untuk PLTMH debit air sebesar 1,1 m3/dt. Ketinggian dari intake penstock adalah 93,87 meter yang menghasilkan potensi daya sebesar 607,15 kW dengan efisiensi keseluruhan 60%. Nilai investasi yang dibutuhkan pembangunan PLTMH di wilayah perkebunan teh Pagilaran dengan sumber daya air dari embung Bismo sebesar Rp 17.622.303.363,72,-. Net Present Value pada proyek PLTMH ini sebesar Rp 16.990.874.247,23,- dengan umur efektifitas pembangkit 20 tahun. BEP yang dicapai pada pembanguna PLTMH ini selama 5,96 tahun dengan suku bunga 6%. Berdasarkan nilai parameter evaluasi proyek di dapatkan nilai NPV dan IRR lebih besar dari 0 (nol), BCR>1 dan BEP di bawah umur ekonomis proyek

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Atap Gedung untuk Plts di Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Perumahan dan Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (Pup-esdm) Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Electricity consumption in Indonesia from year to year has increased. The sales of PLN 2018 electricity in 234,617.88 GWh covering industrial sector, household sector, commercial sector, and public sector. While electrical energy consumption in D. I. Yogyakarta in 2018 of 2,857.06 GWh covering household sector, industrial sector, business sector, social sector, government office building sector and public street lighting. In fulfilling the demand of electrical energy, Yogyakarta installed power plant consists of PLTMH, PLTBm, PLTS and PLTHybrid with an installed capacity of 4.84 MW so that electricity in Yogyakarta is supplied from the interconnection network of Java-Madura-Bali. Energy resources used by interconnection networks generally use fossil energy (coal). Therefore we need a substitute for future fossil fuels. Utilization of renewable energy is one of the solar energy optimizations that can be applied to urban areas. The building sector consumes up to 40% of total annual energy. One of the buildings that can apply the utilization of renewable energy is the office building PUP-ESDM D. I. Yogyakarta. This research aims to know the potential power generated from the PLTS roofing if it is built on the office building Public Works, housing and Energy Mineral resources (PUP-ESDM) D. I. Yogyakarta. Research is conducted by conducting energy simulations using the HelioScope software. Simulated results show the east side of Building 1, the east side of Building 2, the east side of Building 3, the west side of Building 2 and the north side of Building 2 is the optimal location of photovoltaics. The Total energy potential generated from these five roofs is 73,484.5 kWh/year and is able to supply the energy needs of the PUP-ESDM office by 74.42%