671 research outputs found

    Electrolytically regenerative hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell Patent

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    Electrolytically regenerative hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell

    Infall, Outflow, Rotation, and Turbulent Motions of Dense Gas within NGC 1333 IRAS 4

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    Millimeter wavelength observations are presented of NGC 1333 IRAS 4, a group of highly-embedded young stellar objects in Perseus, that reveal motions of infall, outflow, rotation, and turbulence in the dense gas around its two brightest continuum objects, 4A and 4B. These data have finest angular resolution of approximately 2" (0.0034 pc) and finest velocity resolution of 0.13 km/s. Infall motions are seen from inverse P-Cygni profiles observed in H2CO 3_12-2_11 toward both objects, but also in CS 3-2 and N2H+ 1-0 toward 4A, providing the least ambiguous evidence for such motions toward low-mass protostellar objects. Outflow motions are probed by bright line wings of H2CO 3_12-2_11 and CS 3-2 observed at positions offset from 4A and 4B, likely tracing dense cavity walls. Rotational motions of dense gas are traced by a systematic variation of the N2H+ line velocities, and such variations are found around 4A but not around 4B. Turbulent motions appear reduced with scale, given N2H+ line widths around both 4A and 4B that are narrower by factors of 2 or 3 than those seen from single-dish observations. Minimum observed line widths of approximately 0.2 km/s provide a new low, upper bound to the velocity dispersion of the parent core to IRAS 4, and demonstrate that turbulence within regions of clustered star formation can be reduced significantly. A third continuum object in the region, 4B', shows no detectable line emission in any of the observed molecular species.Comment: LateX, 51 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    Effect of the patient information brochure in communicating the risks associated with crizotinib treatment to patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Europe

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    Crizotinib (XALKORI®) is indicated for anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive and ROS1-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer. This study evaluated the distribution of the crizotinib patient information brochure (PIB) in Europe and patient knowledge of the key messages in the PIB. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 10 European countries among patients who received crizotinib to ascertain whether each patient received and read the PIB, and his/her knowledge of its key messages on hepatotoxicity, interstitial lung disease/pneumonitis, QTc prolongation, bradycardia, and vision disorders. Of the 341 patients contacted, 40 responded (11.7%), and 39 patients were eligible. A total of 77% of respondents acknowledged receiving the PIB, of which, 93% reported reading it. Knowledge of the individual side effects ranged from 36% to 85%, and precautions for use ranged from 56% to 67%. Understanding the reasons for calling a physician ranged from 54% to 85%. Knowledge of each of the 6 key side effects was greater among readers of the PIB compared to non-readers or respondents who did not recall receiving the PIB. Approximately three-quarters of survey respondents recalled receiving the crizotinib PIB and respondents who read the PIB were more knowledgeable of the key side effects of crizotinib than those who did not read or receive. Caution should be taken in generalizing these results because of the potential for selection bias and small sample size. These survey results suggest that the crizotinib PIB may be an effective risk communication tool for crizotinib-treated patients in Europe

    Inner Structure of Protostellar Collapse Candidate B335 Derived from Millimeter-Wave Interferometry

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    We present a study of the density structure of the protostellar collapse candidate B335 using continuum observations from the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer made at wavelengths of 1.2mm and 3.0mm. We analyze these data, which probe spatial scales from 5000 AU to 500 AU, directly in the visibility domain by comparison to synthetic observations constructed from models that assume different physical conditions. This approach allows for much more stringent constraints to be derived from the data than from analysis of images. A single radial power law in density provides a good description of the data, with best fit power law index p=1.65+/-0.05. Through simulations, we quantify the sensitivity of this result to various model uncertainties, including assumptions of temperature distribution, outer boundary, dust opacity spectral index, and an unresolved central component. The largest uncertainty comes from the unknown presence of a centralized point source. A point source with 1.2mm flux of F=12+/-7 mJy reduces the density index to p=1.47+/-0.07. The remaining sources of systematic uncertainty, the most important of which is the temperature distribution, likely contribute a total uncertainty of < 0.2. We therefore find strong evidence that the power law index of the density distribution within 5000 AU is significantly less than the value at larger radii, close to 2.0 from previous studies of dust emission and extinction. These results conform well to the generic paradigm of isolated, low-mass star formation which predicts a power law density index close to p=1.5 for an inner region of gravitational free fall onto the protostar.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal; 27 pages, 3 figure

    Observational evidence that positive and negative AGN feedback depends on galaxy mass and jet power

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ©: 2017 The Author (s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Several studies support the existence of a link between the AGN and star formation activity. Radio jets have been argued to be an ideal mechanism for direct interaction between the AGN and the host galaxy. A drawback of previous surveys of AGN is that they are fundamentally limited by the degeneracy between redshift and luminosity in flux-density limited samples. To overcome this limitation, we present far-infrared Herschel observations of 74 radio-loud quasars (RLQs), 72 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and 27 radio galaxies (RGs), selected at 0.9zPeer reviewedFinal Published versio