14 research outputs found

    Phylogeny of rabies virus strains from Artibeus spp. and Desmodus rotundus bats based on the nucleoprotein and glycoprotein genes

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    Morcegos vêm recebendo crescente importância em Saúde Pública, pois são os principais reservatórios para a raiva em diversas partes do mundo. Estudos filogenéticos baseados no gene N demonstraram que os vírus da raiva (RABV) encontrados em morcegos frugívoros Artibeus spp. são próximos àqueles associados ao morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus, mas pouco se conhece sobre a diversidade genética do RABV nestes morcegos. Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a filogenia de linhagens do RABV variante três (AgV3) relacionadas a morcegos Artibeus spp. e D. rotundus, com base em sequências do gene N e do gene G, e a possibilidade de distinção entre isolados de vírus da raiva detectadas em Artibeus spp. e D. rotundus para a epidemiologia molecular da raiva. Vinte amostras do RABV isoladas de Artibeus spp. e 15 obtidas de bovinos e relacionadas ao D. rotundus, todos do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram submetidas a RT -PCRs, e os amplicons gerados submetidos ao sequenciamento de DNA, e as sequências alinhadas com sequências homólogas obtidas do GenBank para a construção de árvores Neighbor-Joining de nucleotídeos (modelo MCL) e aminoácidos (modelo Poisson), utilizando European bat lyssavirus 1 (EBLV1) como outgroup. A árvore filogenética gerada para o gene N demonstrou a formação de três grupos apoiados em bootstraps de no mínimo 60%. Estes grupos foram denominados como grupo D, exclusivamente com isolados relacionadas ao D. rotundus e A1 e A2 principalmente com isolados de Artibeus spp., enquanto que para o gene G, segregaram em duas linhagens, ou seja, relacionadas ao D. rotundus (grupo D) e relacionadas ao Artibeus spp. (grupo A). Para todos os grupos as identidades de aminoácidos foram superiores às de nucleotídeos, uma indicação da predominância de substituições sinônimas. Concluindo, padrões gênero-específicos para isolados do RABV AgV3 foram detectados em D. rotundus e Artibeus spp., com uma topologia concordante para linhagens fixas em cada um destes quirópteros. Estes resultados mostram uma intrincada relação com o hospedeiro na história evolutiva do RABV, sob o ponto de vista básico, como também a determinação das fontes de infecções na epidemiologia molecular da raiva.Bats have been assigned an increasing importance in Public Health as these are the main rabies reservoirs in many parts of the world. Phylogenetic studies based on the N gene have shown that rabies virus (RABV) strains from Artibeus spp. frugivorous bats are closely associated to those from the vampire bat Desmodus rotudus, but little is known about the genetic diversity of RABV in these bats. This study aimed to assess the phylogeny of RABV strains from the antigenic variant 3 (AgV3) from these bats based on N and G sequences and to evaluate the possibility of distinction between RABV lineages of these for the molecular epidemiology of rabies. Twenty RABV strains isolated from Artibeus spp. bats and 15 obtained from cattle and related to D. rotundus, all from Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were submitted to RT-PCRs to the N and G genes amplifications and the amplicons were submitted to cycle sequencing; the sequences were aligned with homologous sequences retrieved from the Genbank for the construction of Neighbor-Joining trees for nucleotides (MCL model) and amino acids (Poisson model) with European bat lyssavirus 1 (EBLV1) as outgroup. N gene tree showed three major clusters with bootstraps 60% and named as clusters D, exclusively with strains related to D. rotundus and A1 and A2, chiefly with Artibeus spp. strains while for the G gene only two lineages, i.e., D. rotundus related (cluster D) and Artibeus-related (cluster A) were formed. For all the groups the amino acids identities were superior to the nucleotides identities, an indication of the predominance of synonymous substitutions. As a conclusion, genus specific lineages of AgV3 RABV have been detected in D. rotundus and Artibeus spp. bats with a concordant topology for fixed strains for each of these two bat genus. These results not only show an intricate host-relationship of RABV evolutionary history on the basic point of view, but have an invaluable application for the determination of sources of infections in rabies molecular epidemiology

    Comparative analysis of rabies virus isolates from Brazilian canids and bats based on the G gene and G-L intergenic region

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    Rabies virus (RABV) isolates from two species of canids and three species of bats were analyzed by comparing the C-terminal region of the G gene and the G-L intergenic region of the virus genome. Intercluster identities for the genetic sequences of the isolates showed both regions to be poorly conserved. Phylogenetic trees were generated by the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods, and the results were found to agree between the two methods for both regions. Putative amino acid sequences obtained from the G gene were also analyzed, and genetic markers were identified. Our results suggest that different genetic lineages of RABV are adapted to different animal species in Brazil

    Species determination of Brazilian mammals implicated in the epidemiology of rabies based on the control region of mitochondrial DNA

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    Identification of animals that are decomposing or have been run over or burnt and cannot be visually identified is a problem in the surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Many of these animals are wild and represent a valuable source of information for epidemiologic research as they may be carriers of an infectious agent. This article discusses the results obtained using a method for identifying mammals genetically by sequencing their mitochondrial DNA control region. Fourteen species were analyzed and identified. These included the main reservoirs and transmitters of rabies virus, namely, canids, chiroptera and primates. The results prove that this method of genetic identification is both efficient and simple and that it can be used in the surveillance of infectious diseases which includes mammals in their epidemiologic cycle, such as rabies

    A coronavirus detected in the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus

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    This article reports on the identification of a group 2 coronavirus (BatCoV DR/2007) in a Desmodus rotundus vampire bat in Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis of ORF1b revealed that BatCoV DR/2007 originates from a unique lineage in the archetypical group 2 coronaviruses, as described for bat species elsewhere with putative importance in Public Health

    Murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios de la rabia

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    La rabia continua siendo un desafío para las autoridades de salud pública y una limitante para la industria ganadera en América Latina. Caninos silvestres y domésticos, así como murciélagos hematófagos son las principales especies transmisoras y reservorios de la enfermedad. Actualmente, se observa variaciones en el perfil epidemiológico de la rabia, donde la especie de murciélago hematófago Desmodus rotundus se constituye en la principal especie transmisora. A lo largo del tiempo se ha acumulado conocimiento sobre la ecología, biología y comportamiento de esta especie y sobre la historia natural de la rabia, lo cual debe conducir a una continua evolución de los métodos de control poblacional de D. rotundus, prevención y técnicas de diagnóstico. Aún se desconoce la relación ecológica de esta especie con otras hematófagas y no hematófagas, y queda mucho por mejorar en los sistemas de notificación y vigilancia epidemiológica, así como crear una mayor conciencia entre los ganaderos ante el tema. La comprensión del impacto que las modificaciones ambientales inducidas por el hombre ejercen sobre la dinámica de infección del virus de la rabia en los murciélagos debe ser motivo de investigaciones posteriores. Esto requerirá la combinación de estudios de campo con modelos matemáticos y nuevas herramientas diagnósticas. La presente revisión pretende presentar los aspectos más relevantes sobre el rol de los murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios y transmisores del virus de la rabi

    Diphylla ecaudata y Diaemus youngi, biología y comportamiento. Diphylla ecaudata and Diaemus youngi, Biology and behavior

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    RESUMEN. En la presente revisión se presentan algunos aspectos de la biología y comportamiento de las especies de quirópteros hematófagos Diphylla ecaudata y Diaemus youngi. Y se analizan las principales características anatómicas que permiten hacer la diferenciación de estas especies con Desmodus rotundus. Es notable la falta de información sobre las dos primeras especies y la necesidad de capacitación para la correcta identificación de las mismas, lo que redundará en un direccionamiento más específico para controlar las poblaciones de Desmodus rotundus.ABSTRACT. This review presents some aspects about the biology and behavior of the hematophagous bats Diphylla ecaudata and Diaemus youngi. It is notable the lack of information regarding both species, and the need of training in order to identify them properly from Desmodus rotundus. We analyze the main anatomical features that allow  differentiation of these species. This will result in a more specific control of Desmodus rotundus populations