2 research outputs found

    Adaptive load feedback robustly signals force dynamics in robotic model of Carausius morosus stepping

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    Animals utilize a number of neuronal systems to produce locomotion. One type of sensory organ that contributes in insects is the campaniform sensillum (CS) that measures the load on their legs. Groups of the receptors are found on high stress regions of the leg exoskeleton and they have significant effects in adapting walking behavior. Recording from these sensors in freely moving animals is limited by technical constraints. To better understand the load feedback signaled by CS to the nervous system, we have constructed a dynamically scaled robotic model of the Carausius morosus stick insect middle leg. The leg steps on a treadmill and supports weight during stance to simulate body weight. Strain gauges were mounted in the same positions and orientations as four key CS groups (Groups 3, 4, 6B, and 6A). Continuous data from the strain gauges were processed through a previously published dynamic computational model of CS discharge. Our experiments suggest that under different stepping conditions (e.g., changing “body” weight, phasic load stimuli, slipping foot), the CS sensory discharge robustly signals increases in force, such as at the beginning of stance, and decreases in force, such as at the end of stance or when the foot slips. Such signals would be crucial for an insect or robot to maintain intra- and inter-leg coordination while walking over extreme terrain

    Raw Data for Mechanical Modeling of Mechanosensitive Insect Strain Sensors as a Tool to Investigate Exoskeletal Interfaces

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    Applied forces and measured strains from a 3D printed resin model of the femoral field of companiform sensilla from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. For a full description, please see the abstract of the associated paper:Dinges GF, Zyhowski WP, Lucci A, Friend J, Szczecinski NS (2023) Mechanical modeling of mechanosensitive insect strain sensors as a tool to investigate exoskeletal interfaces. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics