26 research outputs found

    Selected Policy Measures Against the Debt Distress in Mongolia

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    The objective of this report is to examine the public external debt sustainability of Mongolia, and to propose appropriate regulatory actions for ongoing debates about economic reform. Following sharp external shocks that include a drop in foreign direct investment and a depreciation of the national currency, the country is at a critical moment of determining whether to default on its external debts or correct structural policy failures. Therefore, it is important that Mongolia identify its level of debt distress and determine which structural reforms should take place

    The viewMultiTCW interface.

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    <p>This shows the table of orthoMCL inflation 4.0 clusters where there is at least one sequence from each species. The H-ID and H-Desc columns are the annotation hit that the majority of the sequences have, e.g. for cluster OM4_0001010, 100% have the hit PXM16_ARATH where the best of them has an e-value of 0.0. The columns can be changed by selecting the “Select Columns” at the bottom, which will immediately change the table (i.e. a new search of the database is not required).</p

    Timing results for building a singleTCW database.

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    1<p>The plantTFDB database, the SwissProt and TrEMBL taxonomic databases for plants, invertebrates, fungi, viruses, vertebrate and a subset of the complete UniProt (i.e. minus the sequences from the bacteria and these 5 taxonomic databases). This is based on the April 2012 UniProt, where this set of databases (plus bacteria) take about 45G disk space.</p

    Timing results for building a multiTCW database from 4 singleTCW databases.

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    1<p>ESTscan does not produce protein sequences for all transcripts.</p

    The viewSingleTCW interface.

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    <p>This shows the main table, where the filter was set to show all sequences where tip is differentially expressed compared to root and stem using a 1E-10 cutoff. The columns are: Root, Stem and Tip are the RPKM values; TiRo and TiSt are DE p-values between tip-root and tip-stem, respectively; BestAnno (AN) is the best annotation for the sequence (i.e. not containing phrases such as “uncharacterized protein”); and the last four columns are the BestAnno description, BLAST e-value, the DB type (‘tr’ = TrEMBL, ‘sp’ = Swiss-Prot, ‘TF’ = plantTFDB), and the taxonomic type (all these best hits are from plants).</p

    The runDE interface.

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    <p>This shows the setup to compute the differential expression (DE) between tip and root using the edgeR method with default normalization. The results will be written into a database column called “TiRo”. Once all DE values are computed, the “All Pval Columns” can be selected followed by “Execute GOSeq” to compute the corresponding GO differential expression p-values.</p

    The runMultiTCW interface.

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    <p>This shows the configuration for building a comparison multiTCW database of 4 rhizome singleTCW databases. Three cluster methods were performed: orthoMCL with inflation 1.5, orthoMCL with inflation 4, and transitive with 80% similarity and 80% overlap. The italicized methods indicate they have been added to the database; new clusters can be added and will not be italicized until processed.</p

    Additional file 1: of Fitness consequences of altered feeding behavior in immune-challenged mosquitoes

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    Additional details of model development, simplification, parameterization, and analysis. (PDF 374 kb

    Additional file 2: of Fitness consequences of altered feeding behavior in immune-challenged mosquitoes

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    Tables S1-S7. This file contains additional data on feeding treatment complience and details of model outputs. (DOCX 503 kb