50 research outputs found
The summed model weight and direction of influence for each occupancy covariate in Table 1.
<p>Summed model weights are calculated as the sum of Akaike model weights for all models including the covariate of interest.</p><p>Asterisks indicate weights >0.5.</p
Mean and standard error of estimated occupancy in hunting vs. non-hunting areas for the 3 species for which hunting was present in the top models and received >0.5 Akaike weight.
<p>Asterisks represent level of significance based on two sample t-test assuming unequal variance (***β=βp<0.001).</p
Mean and standard error of estimated occupancy in low vs. high trail use areas for the 2 species for which trail use was present in the top models and received >0.5 Akaike weight.
<p>Asterisks represent level of significance based on two sample t-test assuming unequal variance (***β=βp<0.001).</p
Estimated occupancy as a function of distance from road for white-tailed deer, the 2 species for which distance from road was present in the top models and received >0.5 Akaike weight.
<p>Estimated occupancy as a function of distance from road for white-tailed deer, the 2 species for which distance from road was present in the top models and received >0.5 Akaike weight.</p
Appendix A. A map showing the study area location on the George Washington National Forest (inset) and kriged fire frequency raster layer for the study area, created from 158 wildfire occurrences during the period of 1983β2000, used in the classification tree and GIS-based predictive habitat modeling.
A map showing the study area location on the George Washington National Forest (inset) and kriged fire frequency raster layer for the study area, created from 158 wildfire occurrences during the period of 1983β2000, used in the classification tree and GIS-based predictive habitat modeling
Detection rates for 8 most common species detected in this study.
<p>Detection rates were calculated as the proportion of camera locations at which each species was detected ((total sites occupied)/(total sites)).</p
Appendix C. A table showing condensed soil classes based on SSURGO data (NRCS 2003) used in the habitat modeling effort and their descriptive rankings for the six relative county soil survey grouping criteria.
A table showing condensed soil classes based on SSURGO data (NRCS 2003) used in the habitat modeling effort and their descriptive rankings for the six relative county soil survey grouping criteria
Map of study area and distribution of survey sites along the Appalachian Trail.
<p>The 2006 National Land Cover Data is used to indicate forest (green), agricultural (yellow), and urban (red/gray) land use.</p
Top logistic models for predicting the occupancy of eight mammal species within the Appalachian Trail corridor in 2007β2009.
<p>The models are composed of both occupancy (psi) and detection (p) covariates. We list all models with a delta Akaike Information Criterion (ΞAIC)<2.00. Twice the likelihood (β2LL), number of parameters (No.par.), estimated occupancy (est. psi), and estimated detection probability (est. p) is presented for each model.</p