38 research outputs found

    Appendix C. A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate means in five study populations.

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    A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate means in five study populations

    Appendix A. A description of the methods used to estimate vital rates and compute bootstrap confidence intervals for sensitivities and elasticities.

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    A description of the methods used to estimate vital rates and compute bootstrap confidence intervals for sensitivities and elasticities

    Appendix F. A table of absolute values of stochastic sensitivities and elasticities to the vital rate means and standard deviations summed over vital rate types in five study populations.

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    A table of absolute values of stochastic sensitivities and elasticities to the vital rate means and standard deviations summed over vital rate types in five study populations

    Appendix B. A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate means in five populations.

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    A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate means in five populations

    Appendix D. A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations.

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    A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations

    Appendix E. A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations.

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    A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations

    Supplement 1. Vital rates and projection matrices.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><a href="survival rates.txt">survival rates.txt</a><br> <a href="survival variances.txt">survival variances.txt</a><br> <a href="growth rates.txt">growth rates.txt</a><br> <a href="growth variances.txt">growth variances.txt</a><br> <a href="reversion rates.txt">reversion rates.txt</a><br> <a href="reversion variances.txt">reversion variances.txt</a><br> <a href="fruit production rates.txt">fruit production rates.txt</a><br> <a href="sigma mu gamma.txt">sigma mu gamma.txt</a><br> <a href="h1.txt">h1.txt</a><br> <a href="h2.txt">h2.txt</a><br> <a href="h3.txt">h3.txt</a><br> <a href="k1.txt">k1.txt</a><br> <a href="k2.txt">k2.txt</a><br> <a href="k3.txt">k3.txt</a><br> <a href="k4.txt">k4.txt</a><br> <a href="k6.txt">k6.txt</a><br> <a href="CC95.txt">CC95.txt</a><br> <a href="CC96.txt">CC96.txt</a><br> <a href="CC97.txt">CC97.txt</a><br> <a href="CC98.txt">CC98.txt</a><br> <a href="CC99.txt">CC99.txt</a><br> <a href="GU95.txt">GU95.txt</a><br> <a href="GU96.txt">GU96.txt</a><br> <a href="GU97.txt">GU97.txt</a><br> <a href="GU98.txt">GU98.txt</a><br> <a href="GU99.txt">GU99.txt</a><br> <a href="PA95.txt">PA95.txt</a><br> <a href="PA96.txt">PA96.txt</a><br> <a href="PA97.txt">PA97.txt</a><br> <a href="PA98.txt">PA98.txt</a><br> <a href="PA99.txt">PA99.txt</a><br> <a href="RG95.txt">RG95.txt</a><br> <a href="RG96.txt">RG96.txt</a><br> <a href="RG97.txt">RG97.txt</a><br> <a href="RG98.txt">RG98.txt</a><br> <a href="RG99.txt">RG99.txt</a><br> <a href="RI95.txt">RI95.txt</a><br> <a href="RI96.txt">RI96.txt</a><br> <a href="RI97.txt">RI97.txt</a><br> <a href="RI98.txt">RI98.txt</a><br> <a href="RI99.txt">RI99.txt</a><br> <a href="silene.m">silene.m</a><br> </p><p> </p> <p> <a href="allfiles.zip">All files at once</a></p> <p> </p></blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>This supplement contains the estimates for all vital rates, the sampling-variation-corrected variances of the survival, growth, and reversion probabilities (i.e., <i>s</i><sub>0</sub> through <i>s</i><sub>12</sub>, <i>g</i><sub>3 </sub>through <i>g</i><sub>11</sub>, and <i>r</i><sub>4 </sub>through <i>r</i><sub>12 </sub>[see text]), and the compiled projection matrices for all sites and years. These can be downloaded as ASCII files or as MATLAB code, as described below.</p> <p></p> <p>The following comma-delimited ASCII files contain vital rate estimates. Each has 25 rows, corresponding to the 5 sites in alphabetical order (CC, GU, PA, RG, and RI) and the 5 years nested within site (1995 through 1999):</p> -- TABLE: Please see in attached file. -- <p>Note: all other <i>h </i>and <i>k</i> values are zero. </p> <p> </p> <p>The following ASCII files contain sampling-variation-corrected variances for survival, growth, and reversion probabilities. Each file has 5 rows, corresponding to the 5 sites in alphabetical order. "-1" indicates that estimates of a rate could not be obtained for each year, so the variance could not be computed. No correction for sampling variation was made for the other vital rates (see text); hence their variances can be computed directly from the raw values.</p> -- TABLE: Please see in attached file. -- <p> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>The compiled projection matrices are stored in 25 comma-delimited ASCII files, the names of which correspond to the site and year. For example, "CC95.txt" contains the single projection matrix for the CC population in 1995. </p> <p></p> <p>The file "silene.m" contains MATLAB code that will produce arrays containing the vital rate estimates for each site by year combination, the vital rate means, the vital rate variances (corrected for sampling variation for survival, growth, and reversion probabilities), the annual projection matrices for each site by year combination, and the mean projection matrices for each site. Comments in the MATLAB code describe the structure of each variable created.</p> </blockquote> <p> </p

    Appendix A. A description of problems with estimating and using correlations in vital rates.

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    A description of problems with estimating and using correlations in vital rates