2,083 research outputs found

    A Hormone-Activated Central Pattern Generator for Courtship

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    Background: Medicinal leeches (Hirudo spp.) are simultaneous hermaphrodites. Mating occurs after a stereotyped twisting and oral exploration that result in the alignment of the male and/or female gonopores of one leech with the complementary gonopores of a partner. The neural basis of this behavior is presently unknown and currently impossible to study directly because electrophysiological recording techniques disrupt the behavior. Results: Here we report that (Arg^8)-conopressin G and two other members of the oxytocin/vasopressin family of peptide hormones induce in Hirudo verbana a sequence of behaviors that closely mimic elements of spontaneous reproductive behavior. Through a series of progressively more reduced preparations, we show that one of these behaviors, a stereotyped twisting that is instrumental in aligning gonopores in preparation for copulation, is the product of a central pattern generator that consists of oscillators in ganglia M5 and M6 (the ganglia in the reproductive segments of the leech), and also in ganglion M4, which was not previously known to play a role in reproductive behavior. We find that the behavior is periodic, with a remarkably long cycle period of around five minutes, placing it among the slowest behavioral rhythms (other than diurnal and annual rhythms) yet described. Conclusion: These results establish the leech as a new model system for studying aspects of the neuronal basis of reproductive behavior. Highlights: Oxytocin/vasopressin homologs induce precopulatory movements in a leech. These movements are generated by a central pattern generator. Segmental ganglia M4, M5, and M6 can each generate fictive behavior in isolatio

    Rhythmic swimming activity in neurones of the isolated nerve cord of the leech

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    SUMMARY 1. Repeating bursts of motor neurone impulses have been recorded from the nerves of completely isolated nerve cords of the medicinal leech. The salient features of this burst rhythm are similar to those obtained in the semi-intact preparation during swimming. Hence the basic swimming rhythm is generated by a central oscillator. 2. Quantitative comparisons between the impulse patterns obtained from the isolated nerve cord and those obtained from a semi-intact preparation show that the variation in both dorsal to ventral motor neurone phasing and burst duration with swim cycle period differ in these two preparations. 3. The increase of intersegmental delay with period, which is a prominent feature of swimming behaviour of the intact animal, is not seen in either the semi-intact or isolated cord preparations. 4. In the semi-intact preparation, stretching the body wall or depolarizing an inhibitory motor neurone changes the burst duration of excitatory motor neurones in the same segment. In the isolated nerve cord, these manipulations also change the period of the swim cycle in the entire cord. 5. These comparisons suggest that sensory input stabilizes the centrally generated swimming rhythm, determines the phasing of the bursts of impulses from dorsal and ventral motor neurones, and matches the intersegmental delay to the cycle period so as to maintain a constant body shape at all rates of swimming

    Anatomy and activity patterns in a multifunctional motor neuron and its surrounding circuits

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    Dorsal Excitor motor neuron DE-3 in the medicinal leech plays three very different dynamical roles in three different behaviors. Without rewiring its anatomical connectivity, how can a motor neuron dynamically switch roles to play appropriate roles in various behaviors? We previously used voltage-sensitive dye imaging to record from DE-3 and most other neurons in the leech segmental ganglion during (fictive) swimming, crawling, and local-bend escape (Tomina and Wagenaar, 2017). Here, we repeated that experiment, then re-imaged the same ganglion using serial blockface electron microscopy and traced all of DE-3’s processes. Further, we traced back the processes of all of DE-3’s presynaptic partners to their respective somata. This allowed us to analyze the relationship between circuit anatomy and the activity patterns it sustains. We found that input synapses important for all of the behaviors were widely distributed over DE-3’s branches, yet that functional clusters were different during (fictive) swimming vs. crawling

    Identification of Neural Circuits by Imaging Coherent Electrical Activity with FRET-Based Dyes

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    AbstractWe show that neurons that underlie rhythmic patterns of electrical output may be identified by optical imaging and frequency-domain analysis. Our contrast agent is a two-component dye system in which changes in membrane potential modulate the relative emission between a pair of fluorophores. We demonstrate our methods with the circuit responsible for fictive swimming in the isolated leech nerve cord. The output of a motor neuron provides a reference signal for the phase-sensitive detection of changes in fluorescence from individual neurons in a ganglion. We identify known and possibly novel neurons that participate in the swim rhythm and determine their phases within a cycle. A variant of this approach is used to identify the postsynaptic followers of intracellularly stimulated neurons

    Verifying, Challenging, and Discovering New Synapses Among Fully EM-Reconstructed Neurons in the Leech Ganglion

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    Neural circuits underpin the production of animal behavior, largely based upon the precise pattern of synaptic connectivity among the neurons involved. For large numbers of neurons, determining such “connectomes” by direct physiological means is difficult, as physiological accessibility is ultimately required to verify and characterize the function of synapses. We collected a volume of images spanning an entire ganglion of the juvenile leech nervous system via serial blockface electron microscopy (SBEM). We validated this approach by reconstructing a well-characterized circuit of motor neurons involved in the swimming behavior of the leech by locating the synapses among them. We confirm that there are multiple synaptic contacts between connected pairs of neurons in the leech, and that these synapses are widely distributed across the region of neuropil in which the neurons’ arbors overlap. We verified the anatomical existence of connections that had been described physiologically among longitudinal muscle motor neurons. We also found that some physiological connections were not present anatomically. We then drew upon the SBEM dataset to design additional physiological experiments. We reconstructed an uncharacterized neuron and one of its presynaptic partners identified from the SBEM dataset. We subsequently interrogated this cell pair via intracellular electrophysiology in an adult ganglion and found that the anatomically-discovered synapse was also functional physiologically. Our findings demonstrate the value of combining a connectomics approach with electrophysiology in the leech nervous system

    Species-specific behavioral patterns correlate with differences in synaptic connections between homologous mechanosensory neurons

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    We characterized the behavioral responses of two leech species, Hirudo verbana and Erpobdella obscura, to mechanical skin stimulation and examined the interactions between the pressure mechanosensory neurons (P cells) that innervate the skin. To quantify behavioral responses, we stimulated both intact leeches and isolated body wall preparations from the two species. In response to mechanical stimulation, Hirudo showed local bending behavior, in which the body wall shortened only on the side of the stimulation. Erpobdella, in contrast, contracted both sides of the body in response to touch. To investigate the neuronal basis for this behavioral difference, we studied the interactions between P cells. Each midbody ganglion has four P cells; each cell innervates a different quadrant of the body wall. Consistent with local bending, activating any one P cell in Hirudo elicited polysynaptic inhibitory potentials in the other P cells. In contrast, the P cells in Erpobdella had excitatory polysynaptic connections, consistent with the segment-wide contraction observed in this species. In addition, activating individual P cells caused asymmetrical body wall contractions in Hirudo and symmetrical body wall contractions in Erpobdella. These results suggest that the different behavioral responses in Erpobdella and Hirudo are partly mediated by interactions among mechanosensory cells
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