46 research outputs found

    Effect of Strand Damage in Nb<sub>3</sub>Sn Rutherford Cables on the Quench Propagation in Accelerator Magnets

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    Accelerator magnets employing Nb3_3Sn Rutherford cables are more susceptible to conductor degradation than Nb-Ti magnets. Recent measurements on a Nb3_3Sn accelerator magnet have revealed unexpected behaviour such as decaying voltages at constant current plateaus of V-I measurements, inverse ramp rate and temperature dependence of quench currents, and anomalous quench propagation measured by so-called quench antennas. Numerical modelling has shown that these anomalies can be explained by an inhomogeneous degradation in the Rutherford cable, in which a subset of strands is fully or partially degraded. In this paper, we study how this type of degradation can affect the early stages of quench propagation. With the aid of a network model, we show how quench antenna signals can be used to diagnose inhomogeneous conductor degradation in the Rutherford cable

    Analysis of Defective Interconnections of the 13 kA LHC Superconducting Bus Bars

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    The interconnections between Large Hadron Collider (LHC) main dipole and quadrupole magnets are made of soldered joints of two superconducting cables stabilized by a copper bus bar. The 2008 incident revealed the possible presence of defects in the interconnections of the 13 kA circuits that could lead to unprotected resistive transitions. Since then thorough experimental and numerical investigations were undertaken to determine the safe operating conditions for the LHC. This paper reports the analysis of experimental tests reproducing defective interconnections between main quadrupole magnets. A thermo-electromagnetic model was developed taking into account the complicated sample geometry. Close attention was paid to the physical description of the heat transfer towards helium, one of the main unknown parameters. The simulation results are reported in comparison with the measurements in case of static He I cooling bath. The outcome of this study constitutes a useful input to improve the stability assessment of the 13 kA bus bars interconnections

    Analytical method for the prediction of quench initiation and development in accelerator magnets

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    The optimal design of the next generation of accelerator magnets calls for a high current density in the superconducting coil, which makes the magnet protection a challenge. Quenches in the high-field magnets for the High Luminosity LHC Upgrade typically develop within tens of ms, and the reaction time needs to be comparable, requiring active firing of heaters or other heat deposition techniques to increase the quench propagation velocity in the magnet. It is important to have a very good understanding of the behavior of a magnet during a quench. Practical scaling laws, and simplified methods, allow quick scans of design and operation parameters, and swift feedback based on experimental results once the magnet is in test. In this paper we describe simplified methods to predict the quench initiation and development in accelerator magnets using active quench protection. We use data from the recent Nb3_3Sn model magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC as a benchmark for the method, discussing expected accuracy and the reasons for deviations

    Magnetic measurements and analysis of the first 11-T Nb3_3 Sn 2-in-1 model for HL-LHC

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    In the framework of the High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, the design and development of new magnets, relying on Nb3_{3}Sn superconducting cables, is progressing. In particular, a double-aperture dipole, with a bore diameter of 60 mm and a central field of 11 T, is required for the replacement of some Nb-Ti dipoles in the dispersion suppressor areas. The new magnets must comply with the specifications of the machine in terms of reliability and field quality. An intense short-model campaign was launched in order to validate the design choices. Various single-aperture models have been built and tested. Recently, the first 2-in-1 model has been produced by assembling the collared coils already tested in the single-aperture configuration. This paper presents the analysis of the magnetic measurements on the first 2-m-long, double-aperture demonstrator built and tested at CERN. The geometrical field multipoles, the iron saturation effects, the magnetic cross-talk as well as the effects of persistent currents are presented. The experimental data are compared with the magnetic calculations using the CERN field computation program ROXIE and are discussed in view of the construction of the full-length magnets

    Simulated Versus Experimentally Observed Quench Behavior of the HL-LHC Twin Aperture Orbit Corrector Prototype

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    This paper discusses the simulated and experimentally observed quench behavior of the first HL-LHC Twin Aperture Orbit Corrector Prototype, also known as the MCBRDp1 magnet. This superconducting magnet features two independently powered apertures. Each aperture comprises two concentric canted-cosine-theta-type Nb-Ti/Cu coils that together generate a dipolar magnetic field over the bore. These coils are held in place by conductive aluminum-alloy formers. The circuit is protected by a combination of energy extraction and quench-back in the coils. When the coils are discharged over an energy extractor, eddy currents are generated in the formers, and the resulting heat quickly and efficiently brings the Nb-Ti/Cu strands above their current sharing temperature, provided that the resistive voltage over the energy extractor is sufficiently large. This paper compares simulations and experimental observations. It is shown that with the BBQ tool, the initial voltage development after a training quench is correctly reproduced. The ProteCCT simulation tool is shown to be consistent with experimentally observed discharges of the MCBRDp1 prototype for different bath temperatures, energy extractor types, and initial operating currents. The baseline energy extractor resistor value of 1.5 Ω and the non-linear varistor option both give worst-case hotspot temperatures below the 200 K hotspot temperature limit. At ultimate current, the resulting hotspot temperatures are 143 and 167 K, and the peak voltages-to-ground are 590 and 440 V, respectively

    Modelling V-I Measurements of Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets with Conductor Degradation

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    In the framework of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project, 11 T dipole and MQXF quadrupole magnets employing Nb3Sn technology have been tested in short and long test configurations. Nb3Sn magnets are more sensitive than Nb-Ti magnets to a potential degradation of their conductors during production, testing, and cycling operation. At CERN, new diagnostic tools and measurement procedures have been developed to investigate, in detail, the performance of Nb3Sn accelerator type magnets. This is accomplished by V-I measurements extracted from voltage taps on conductor sections as well as entire coils. A leading hypothesis for the cause of decaying voltages on current plateaus of the V-I measurements is the presence of an inhomogeneous defect in the Rutherford cable. Current redistribution for bypassing such defects takes place through a current diffusion process, which leads to a decaying voltage over the affected cable sections. Using the simulation software THEA, the general behavior of this phenomenon has been studied. Good qualitative agreement is found between simulation and magnet test results

    Overview of the Performance of Quench Heaters for High-Current LHC Superconducting Magnets

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    Abstract: Quench heaters are an essential part of the protection of all high-current large hadron collider (LHC) superconducting circuits. About 2000 dipole and quadrupole magnets are equipped with quench heaters in order to protect them against development of excessive voltage and overheating after a resistive transition. The quench heaters are made of stainless steel foil partially plated with copper and connected to 900 V capacitor bank discharge power supplies. During Hardware Commissioning campaigns and machine operation every quench heater discharge event is carefully analysed to detect a possible failure or a precursor of a failure, which could lead to damage of the heater or to the superconducting coils in subsequent discharges. This paper will briefly describe two different ways of quench heater data analysis and will present the heaters performance during the years 2008-2015. A summary of the quench heater fatigue test performed on a spare LHC main dipole magnet will also be given

    Nb 3 Sn 11 T Dipole for the High Luminosity LHC (CERN)

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    This chapter describes the design of, and parameters for, the 11 T dipole developed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project. The results for testing the short models as well as the first 5 m long magnet are also presented. Finally, the production process for the six units, of which four are to be installed in the HL-LHC, is described, with a description of the process for planning the installation. In 2020, these dipoles should be the first Nb3Sn magnets working in an accelerator