13 research outputs found

    Example file of one of the three “exception” horses in which the correlation in the fore-aft direction is low.

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    <p>The thick line shows the mean COP path over three trials, while the thinner lines show the mean ± standard deviation. The thick black line shows a partial ellipse drawn based on the hoof dimension of this limb to demonstrate relative position of the COP path in a hoof-bound coordinate system.</p

    Correlation between the mediolateral paths and difference in dorsal wall angle of left and right forelimbs.

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    <p>Mediolateral paths plotted against the absolute value of the difference in dorsal wall angle of the hooves of both forelimbs. Note the large variation in <i>r</i> and the lack of correlation with the asymmetry of the hoof anatomy.</p

    Example files of different COP path shapes.

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    <p>The thick line shows the mean COP path over three trials for one limb of one individual, while the thinner lines show the mean ± standard deviation. The thick black line shows a partial ellipse drawn based on the hoof dimension of this limb to demonstrate relative position of the COP path in a hoof-bound coordinate system. A. 8-shape, B. heart shape, C. L-shape and D. U-shape.</p

    Marker setup of both limbs.

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    <p>Joint centers of the lower limb and 6 markers on each hoof were attached to the horse using sticky tape.</p

    Residual analysis of COP position at lift off and dorsal hoof wall angle.

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    <p>2-D distance of the COP position at lift-off in the dorsopalmar direction to the left equals right equation is correlated to the 2-D distance of the dorsal wall angle of right plotted against left. Note that the more the positions differ in the two forelimbs, the more the COP position also differs.</p

    Mean values per horse per limb.

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    <p>Each horse is represented by one row, age, breed, total mass and shod or unshod are indicated, the shape of the COP path for both left (L) and right (R) limb, relative COP position at footstrike, midstance and lift-off.</p

    Additional file 3: of A longitudinal study on the performance of in vivo methods to determine the osteochondrotic status of young pigs

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    Description: Final data set obtained for all pigs for histology and radiography Table 4a. Radiographic and histological joint assessments for the right side Table 4b. Radiographic and histological joint assessments for the left side. (PDF 186 kb