22,676 research outputs found

    NICMOS and VLBA observations of the gravitational lens system B1933+503

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    NICMOS observations of the complex gravitational lens system B1933+503 reveal infrared counterparts to two of the inverted spectrum radio images. The infrared images have arc-like structures. The corresponding radio images are also detected in a VLBA map made at 1.7 GHz with a resolution of 6 mas. We fail to detect two of the four inverted radio spectrum components with the VLBA even though they are clearly visible in a MERLIN map at the same frequency at a different epoch. The absence of these two components could be due to rapid variability on a time-scale less than the time delay, or to broadening of the images during propagation of the radio waves through the ISM of the lensing galaxy to an extent that they fall below the surface brightness detectability threshold of the VLBA observations. The failure to detect the same two images with NICMOS is probably due to extinction in the ISM of the lensing galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Super-diffusion in optical realizations of Anderson localization

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    We discuss the dynamics of particles in one dimension in potentials that are random both in space and in time. The results are applied to recent optics experiments on Anderson localization, in which the transverse spreading of a beam is suppressed by random fluctuations in the refractive index. If the refractive index fluctuates along the direction of the paraxial propagation of the beam, the localization is destroyed. We analyze this broken localization, in terms of the spectral decomposition of the potential. When the potential has a discrete spectrum, the spread is controlled by the overlap of Chirikov resonances in phase space. As the number of Fourier components is increased, the resonances merge into a continuum, which is described by a Fokker-Planck equation. We express the diffusion coefficient in terms of the spectral intensity of the potential. For a general class of potentials that are commonly used in optics, the solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation exhibit anomalous diffusion in phase space, implying that when Anderson localization is broken by temporal fluctuations of the potential, the result is transport at a rate similar to a ballistic one or even faster. For a class of potentials which arise in some existing realizations of Anderson localization atypical behavior is found.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    The N-steps Invasion Percolation Model

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    A new kind of invasion percolation is introduced in order to take into account the inertia of the invader fluid. The inertia strength is controlled by the number N of pores (or steps) invaded after the perimeter rupture. The new model belongs to a different class of universality with the fractal dimensions of the percolating clusters depending on N. A blocking phenomenon takes place in two dimensions. It imposes an upper bound value on N. For pore sizes larger than the critical threshold, the acceptance profile exhibits a permanent tail.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages, 5 ps figures, to appear in Physica

    ARCS, The Arcminute Radio Cluster-lens Search - I. Selection Criteria and Initial Results

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    We present the results of an unbiased radio search for gravitational lensing events with image separations between 15 and 60 arcsec, which would be associated with clusters of galaxies with masses >10^{13-14}M_{\sun}. A parent population of 1023 extended radio sources stronger than 35 mJy with stellar optical identifications was selected using the FIRST radio catalogue at 1.4 GHz and the APM optical catalogue. The FIRST catalogue was then searched for companions to the parent sources stronger than 7 mJy and with separation in the range 15 to 60 arcsec. Higher resolution observations of the resulting 38 lens candidates were made with the VLA at 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz, and with MERLIN at 5 GHz in order to test the lens hypothesis in each case. None of our targets was found to be a gravitational lens system. These results provide the best current constraint on the lensing rate for this angular scale, but improved calculations of lensing rates from realistic simulations of the clustering of matter on the relevant scales are required before cosmologically significant constraints can be derived from this null result. We now have an efficient, tested observational strategy with which it will be possible to make an order-of-magnitude larger unbiased search in the near future.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 12 pages, 29 included PostScript figure

    Energy absorption by "sparse" systems: beyond linear response theory

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    The analysis of the response to driving in the case of weakly chaotic or weakly interacting systems should go beyond linear response theory. Due to the "sparsity" of the perturbation matrix, a resistor network picture of transitions between energy levels is essential. The Kubo formula is modified, replacing the "algebraic" average over the squared matrix elements by a "resistor network" average. Consequently the response becomes semi-linear rather than linear. Some novel results have been obtained in the context of two prototype problems: the heating rate of particles in Billiards with vibrating walls; and the Ohmic Joule conductance of mesoscopic rings driven by electromotive force. Respectively, the obtained results are contrasted with the "Wall formula" and the "Drude formula".Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, short pedagogical review. Proceedings of FQMT conference (Prague, 2011). Ref correcte

    A survey of polarization in the JVAS/CLASS flat-spectrum radio source surveys: I. The data and catalogue production

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    We have used the very large JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz surveys of flat-spectrum radio sources to obtain a large, uniformly observed and calibrated, sample of radio source polarizations. These are useful for many investigations of the properties of radio sources and the interstellar medium. We discuss comparisons with polarization measurements from this survey and from other large-scale surveys of polarization in flat-spectrum sources.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 8 pages, 5 figures. Full version of Table 2 available at http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~njj/classqu_po

    Magnetic Dipole Absorption of Radiation in Small Conducting Particles

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    We give a theoretical treatment of magnetic dipole absorption of electromagnetic radiation in small conducting particles, at photon energies which are large compared to the single particle level spacing, and small compared to the plasma frequency. We discuss both diffusive and ballistic electron dynamics for particles of arbitrary shape. The conductivity becomes non-local when the frequency is smaller than the frequency \omega_c characterising the transit of electrons from one side of the particle to the other, but in the diffusive case \omega_c plays no role in determining the absorption coefficient. In the ballistic case, the absorption coefficient is proportional to \omega^2 for \omega << \omega_c, but is a decreasing function of \omega for \omega >> \omega_c.Comment: 25 pages of plain TeX, 2 postscipt figure

    A model for alignment between microscopic rods and vorticity

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    Numerical simulations show that microscopic rod-like bodies suspended in a turbulent flow tend to align with the vorticity vector, rather than with the dominant eignevector of the strain-rate tensor. This paper investigates an analytically solvable limit of a model for alignment in a random velocity field with isotropic statistics. The vorticity varies very slowly and the isotropic random flow is equivalent to a pure strain with statistics which are axisymmetric about the direction of the vorticity. We analyse the alignment in a weakly fluctuating uniaxial strain field, as a function of the product of the strain relaxation time τs\tau_{\rm s} and the angular velocity ω\omega about the vorticity axis. We find that when ωτs≫1\omega\tau_{\rm s}\gg 1, the rods are predominantly either perpendicular or parallel to the vorticity
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