18 research outputs found

    Fractional quantum numbers via complex orbifolds

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    This paper studies both the conductance and charge transport on 2D orbifolds in a strong magnetic field. We consider a family of Landau Hamiltonians on a complex, compact 2D orbifold Y that are parametrised by the Jacobian torus J(Y) of Y. We calculate the degree of the associated stable holomorphic spectral orbibundles when the magnetic field B is large and obtain fractional quantum numbers as the conductance and a refined analysis also gives the charge transport. A key tool studied here is a nontrivial generalisation of the Nahm transform to 2D orbifolds

    The reverse Yang-Mills-Higgs flow in a neighbourhood of a critical point

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    The main result of this paper is a construction of solutions to the reverse Yang-Mills-Higgs flow converging in the smooth topology to a critical point. The construction uses only the complex gauge group action, which leads to an algebraic classification of the isomorphism classes of points in the unstable set of a critical point in terms of a filtration of the underlying Higgs bundle. Analysing the compatibility of this filtration with the Harder-Narasimhan-Seshadri double filtration gives an algebraic criterion for two critical points to be connected by a flow line. As an application, we can use this to construct Hecke modifications of Higgs bundles via the Yang-Mills-Higgs flow. When the Higgs field is zero (corresponding to the Yang-Mills flow), this criterion has a geometric interpretation in terms of secant varieties of the projectivisation of the underlying bundle inside the unstable manifold of a critical point, which gives a precise description of broken and unbroken flow lines connecting two critical points. For non-zero Higgs field, at generic critical points the analogous interpretation involves the secant varieties of the spectral curve of the Higgs bundle

    Equivariant Morse theory for the norm-square of a moment map on a variety

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    We show that the main theorem of Morse theory holds for a large class of functions on singular spaces. The function must satisfy certain conditions extending the usual requirements on a manifold that Condition C holds and the gradient flow around the critical sets is well-behaved, and the singular space must satisfy a local deformation retract condition. We then show that these conditions are satisfied when the function is the norm-square of a moment map on an affine variety, and that the homotopy equivalence from this theorem is equivariant with respect to the associated Hamiltonian group action. An important special case of these results is that the main theorem of Morse theory holds for the norm square of a moment map on the space of representations of a finite quiver with relations

    Morse theory for the space of Higgs bundles

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    The purpose of this paper is to prove the necessary analytic results to construct a Morse theory for the Yang–Mills–Higgs functional on the space of Higgs bundles over a compact Riemann surface.The main result is that the gradient flow converges to a critical point of this functional, the isomorphism class of which is given by the graded object associated to theHarder–Narasimhan–Seshadri filtration of the initial condition. In particular,the results of this paper show that the failure of hyperkahler Kirwan surjectivity for rank 2 fixed determinant Higgs bundles does not occur because of a failure of the existence of a Morse theory


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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a method for computing homotopy groups of the space of α-stable representations of a quiver with fixed dimension vector and stability parameter α. The main result is that the homotopy groups of this space are trivial up to a certain dimension, which depends on the quiver, the choice of dimension vector, and the choice of parameter. As a corollary we also compute low dimensional homotopy groups of the moduli space of α-stable representations of the quiver with fixed dimension vector, and apply the theory to the space of non-degenerate polygons in three-dimensional Euclidean space

    Moment map flows and the Hecke correspondence for quivers

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    In this paper we investigate the convergence properties of the upwards gradient flow of the norm-square of a moment map on the space of representations of a quiver. The first main result gives a necessary and sufficient algebraic criterion for a complex group orbit to intersect the unstable set of a given critical point. Therefore we can classify all of the isomorphism classes which contain an initial condition that flows up to a given critical point. As an application, we then show that Nakajima's Hecke correspondence for quivers has a Morse-theoretic interpretation as pairs of critical points connected by flow lines for the norm-square of a moment map. The results are valid in the general setting of finite quivers with relations

    Action of the mapping class group on character varieties and Higgs bundles

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    We consider the action of a finite subgroup of the mapping class group \Mod(S) of an oriented compact surface SS of genus g≥2g \geq 2 on the moduli space \calR(S,G) of representations of π1(S)\pi_1(S) in a connected semisimple real Lie group GG. Kerckhoff's solution of the Nielsen realization problem ensures the existence of an element JJ in the Teichm\"uller space of SS for which Γ\Gamma can be realised as a subgroup of the group of automorphisms of X=(S,J)X=(S,J) which are holomorphic or antiholomorphic. We identify the fixed points of the action of Γ\Gamma on \calR(S,G) in terms of GG-Higgs bundles on XX equipped with a certain twisted Γ\Gamma-equivariant structure, where the twisting involves abelian and non-abelian group cohomology simultaneously. These, in turn, correspond to certain representations of the orbifold fundamental group. When the kernel of the isotropy representation of the maximal compact subgroup of GG is trivial, the fixed points can be described in terms of familiar objects on Y=X/Γ+Y=X/\Gamma^+, where Γ+⊂Γ\Gamma^+ \subset \Gamma is the maximal subgroup of Γ\Gamma consisting of holomorphic automorphisms of XX. If Γ=Γ+\Gamma=\Gamma^+ one obtains actual Γ\Gamma-equivariant GG-Higgs bundles on XX, which in turn correspond with parabolic Higgs bundles on Y=X/ΓY=X/\Gamma (this generalizes work of Nasatyr \& Steer for G=\SL(2,\R) and Boden, Andersen \& Grove and Furuta \& Steer for G=\SU(n)). If on the other hand Γ\Gamma has antiholomorphic automorphisms, the objects on Y=X/Γ+Y=X/\Gamma^+ correspond with pseudoreal parabolic Higgs bundles. This is a generalization in the parabolic setup of the pseudoreal Higgs bundles studied by the first author in collaboration with Biswas \& Hurtubise

    Conditions of smoothness of moduli spaces of flat connections and of character varieties

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    We use gauge theoretic and algebraic methods to examine sufficient conditions for smooth points on the moduli space of flat connections on a compact manifold and on the character variety of a finitely generated and presented group. We give a complete proof of the slice theorem for the action of the group of gauge transformations on the space of flat connections. Consequently, the slice is smooth if the second cohomology of the manifold with coefficients in the semisimple part of the adjoint bundle vanishes. On the other hand, we find that the smoothness of the slice for the character variety of a finitely generated and presented group depends not only on the second group cohomology but also on the relation module of the presentation. However, when there is a single relator or if there is no relation among the relators in the presentation, our condition reduces to the minimality of the second group cohomology. This is also verified using Fox calculus. Finally, we compare the conditions of smoothness in the two approaches

    Anti-holomorphic involutive isometry of hyper-Kähler manifolds and branes

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    We study complex Lagrangian submanifolds of a compact hyper-Kähler manifold and prove two results: (a) that an involution of a hyper-Kähler manifold which is antiholomorphic with respect to one complex structure and which acts non-trivially on the corresponding symplectic form always has a fixed point locus which is complex Lagrangian with respect to one of the other complex structures, and (b) there exist Lagrangian submanifolds which are complex with respect to one complex structure and are not the fixed point locus of any involution which is anti-holomorphic with respect to one of the other complex structures

    Analytic convergence of harmonic metrics for parabolic Higgs bundles

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    In this paper we investigate the moduli space of parabolic Higgs bundles over a punctured Riemann surface with varying weights at the punctures. We show that the harmonic metric depends analytically on the weights and the stable Higgs bundle. This gives a Higgs bundle generalisation of a theorem of McOwen on the existence of hyperbolic cone metrics on a punctured surface within a given conformal class, and a generalisation of a theorem of Judge on the analytic parametrisation of these metrics