35 research outputs found

    A Modern Action at Law

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    The following is a true short story of what occurred in the county a few years ago, taken, for the most part, from the records of the County Clerk, in the Court House, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Corporations and Express Trusts as Business Organizations

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    The advantages of incorporation have long been recognized and frequently referred to in our law ... Upon the other hand the special advantages of Express Trusts have recently been stated .... It is my purpose to compare these two, -- Corporations and Express Trusts, -- in such detail as my time will permit, to discover, if perchance we may, something of the strength and weakness of each, for business purposes, under present day conditions.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1065/thumbnail.jp

    A National Incorporation Law

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    Horace L. Wilgus argues that corporations need to be regulated on the national level.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Cases on the General Principles of the Law of Private Corporations, Volume 2

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    In the first volume, and in the first two titles of the second volume, are considered the doctrines relating to the birth, life, powers, acts, obligations, and death of a corporation, effort being made to get a view of the general principles of the whole. This second volume, with the exception of the first two titles, deals with the Corporation as a Subject and Source of Peculiar Rights and Obligations in its twofold aspect of Corporate Relations and Individual Relations.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1064/thumbnail.jp

    Cases on the Law of Evidence

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    A casebook supporting Evidence course in any Law curriculum. The work is arranged in three sections: Part I: Relevancy; Part II, Proof; and Part III, Production and Effect of Evidence. There is further organization into 113 topical Sections as described in the Table of Contents. The author provides no introductory remarks.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1063/thumbnail.jp

    Book Reviews

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    A collection of book reviews by multiple authors

    Note and Comment

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    Wilgus: Payment of Dividends Out of Capital of Corporations and the Nature of Treasury Stock; Wilgus: Duty of a Managing Director of a Corporation to an Individual Shareholder; Williams: Impairing Obligation of Contract with Foreign Corporations; Dodds: May a Legislature Pass an Act Allowing Actual Expenses to Circuit Judges Whose Salaries are Fixed by the State Constitution?; Sonnenschein: What Constitutes a Waiver by Implication of the Privilege of Confidential Communications Between Attorney and Clien

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Horne: The Mirrour of Justices; Flanders: The Life of John Marshall; Nellis: Street Railroad Accident Law; Gould and Blakemore: The Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and Amendment

    Note and Comment

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    Maritime Liens - Personality of Ship - In Coal Company v. Fisheries Company (Advanced Sheets, Nov. 15, ig2o), the Supreme Court denies a lien for supplies of coal furnished the owner of a fleet of vessels for use thereon and, incidentally, brings into stronger relief the admiralty doctrine of the personality of the ship as distinguished from that of the owner. At the time the arrangement was made, the shipowner was without money or credit and could not enter upon its operations without a supply of coal for its ships and factories. The Coal Company agreed to supply its requirements on the understanding that, while some of the fuel would be used on shore, the greater part would be consumed by the vessels and that it would have a maritime lien therefor. All deliveries were made at the shipowner\u27s factories and. the ships were fueled from its bins in quantities of which accurate accounts were kept. Towards the close of the season of navigation, the vessels were sold under a foreclosure of mortgage and the Coal Company asserted its lien by proceedings in rein against them. In affirming the decree of the Court of Appeals dismissing the libels, the Supreme Court points out that the maritime lien provided by the Act of June 23, 191O, rests upon a furnishing of supplies to the vessel and not to the owner for such appropriation to the vessel as h

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    Including Breach of Contract--Lumley V. Gye; Vote by machine is a Constitutional Ballot; Administration Upon Estates of Absentees; A Labor Union\u27s Right to Declare and Carry Out a Boycot