3,262 research outputs found

    Report of the Commission Appointed by Governor C. C. Young to Investigate the Causes Leading to the Failure of the St. Francis Dam Near Saugus, California

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    This report embodies the conclusions of the commission appointed to investigate the causes for the failure of the St. Francis Dam on March 12, 1928. California deplores the heavy loss of life and property that this disaster entailed. To prevent a recurrence of a like catastrophe, we believe it imperative that whatever lessons the failure of this dam may teach should be made public for the benefit of the people of our state. It was also our thought that the investigation into the causes of the failure of this dam should be made by an agency that was not in any way connected with the preparation of the plans, the construction, or the operation of the dam. Accordingly a commission of engineers and geologists of expert knowledge and eminent reputation was appointed to make this study. The instructions given its members appear in the body of their report. Despite the arduous service that the investigation required, the members of the commission served without personal compensation to them- selves, thus placing their report upon a high plane of unselfish public service. On behalf of the people of California, I extend to them the thanks of the state. As the future of California depends in a large measure upon the storage of water, and the construction of dams, it is gratifying to note that this report finds that such structures can be built with entire safety when due regard is paid to suitability of foundations and correctness of design. This is the great lesson of the disaster. C. C. Young, Governor of California

    Report of the Commission Appointed by Governor C. C. Young to Investigate the Causes Leading to the Failure of the St. Francis Dam Near Saugus, California

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    This report embodies the conclusions of the commission appointed to investigate the causes for the failure of the St. Francis Dam on March 12, 1928. California deplores the heavy loss of life and property that this disaster entailed. To prevent a recurrence of a like catastrophe, we believe it imperative that whatever lessons the failure of this dam may teach should be made public for the benefit of the people of our state. It was also our thought that the investigation into the causes of the failure of this dam should be made by an agency that was not in any way connected with the preparation of the plans, the construction, or the operation of the dam. Accordingly a commission of engineers and geologists of expert knowledge and eminent reputation was appointed to make this study. The instructions given its members appear in the body of their report. Despite the arduous service that the investigation required, the members of the commission served without personal compensation to them- selves, thus placing their report upon a high plane of unselfish public service. On behalf of the people of California, I extend to them the thanks of the state. As the future of California depends in a large measure upon the storage of water, and the construction of dams, it is gratifying to note that this report finds that such structures can be built with entire safety when due regard is paid to suitability of foundations and correctness of design. This is the great lesson of the disaster. C. C. Young, Governor of California

    Treatment of sulfite evaporator condensates for recovery of volatile components

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    "Grant No. S801207, Program Element 1B2037."Project number handwritten on title page.Included in IPC/IPST collection for project 3100.PDF file missing pages, noted 11/15/2001.Estimated date is 1973.Prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agenc

    A Multimetric Assessment of Stream Condition in the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion Using Spatially Explicit Statistical Modeling and Regional Normalization

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    We sampled fish communities, water temperature, water chemistry, physical habitat, and catchment characteristics for 94 stream sites selected randomly throughout the Northern Lakes and Forests ecoregion and used those data to explicitly model reference conditions and assess ecological stream condition at each site via a regional normalization framework. The streams we sampled were first order through fourth order, and the catchments ranged from 0.9 to 458 km2. We developed multiple linear regression (MLR) models that predicted fish community metrics, water chemistry characteristics, and local physical habitat from catchment characteristics; we used these models to compare existing conditions with the conditions that would be expected based on the regression models. Our results indicated that the fish communities were relatively unimpaired because the catchment variables associated with human‐induced land use change were important in only 1 of the 10 fish metric models. Agricultural land use was a significant variable in the MLR equation for species of Lepomis (sunfish). Agricultural land use and urban land use were both significant variables in all of the MLR models predicting water chemistry variables; urban land use was a significant variable in the MLR model predicting the percent coverage of all instream cover types. Regional normalization indicated that none of the sites were impaired based on fish community attributes. However, our analysis based on water chemistry metrics indicated that 22– 35% of the sites were impaired and that, based on physical habitat, 6–14% of the sites were impaired. A comparison with other published studies of the ecoregion suggested that the regional normalization process correctly characterized stream condition.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141590/1/tafs0697.pd

    The role of neutrophils in the upper and lower respiratory tract during influenza virus infection of mice

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils have been shown to play a role in host defence against highly virulent and mouse-adapted strains of influenza virus, however it is not clear if an effective neutrophil response is an important factor moderating disease severity during infection with other virus strains. In this study, we have examined the role of neutrophils during infection of mice with influenza virus strain HKx31, a virus strain of the H3N2 subtype and of moderate virulence for mice, to determine the role of neutrophils in the early phase of infection and in clearance of influenza virus from the respiratory tract during the later phase of infection. METHODS: The anti-Gr-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) RB6-8C5 was used to (i) identify neutrophils in the upper (nasal tissues) and lower (lung) respiratory tract of uninfected and influenza virus-infected mice, and (ii) deplete neutrophils prior to and during influenza virus infection of mice. RESULTS: Neutrophils were rapidly recruited to the upper and lower airways following influenza virus infection. We demonstrated that use of mAb RB6-8C5 to deplete C57BL/6 (B6) mice of neutrophils is complicated by the ability of this mAb to bind directly to virus-specific CD8+ T cells. Thus, we investigated the role of neutrophils in both the early and later phases of infection using CD8+ T cell-deficient B6.TAP-/- mice. Infection of B6.TAP-/- mice with a low dose of influenza virus did not induce clinical disease in control animals, however RB6-8C5 treatment led to profound weight loss, severe clinical disease and enhanced virus replication throughout the respiratory tract. CONCLUSION: Neutrophils play a critical role in limiting influenza virus replication during the early and later phases of infection. Furthermore, a virus strain of moderate virulence can induce severe clinical disease in the absence of an effective neutrophil response

    Ecological Condition of Coastal Ocean Waters within Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary: 2008

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    In June 2008, the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), in conjunction with the EPA National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory (NHEERL), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters within the boundaries of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS). The sanctuary lies approximately 20 nautical miles east of Boston, MA in the southwest Gulf of Maine between Cape Ann and Cape Cod and encompassing 638 square nautical miles (2,181 km2). A total of 30 stations were targeted for sampling using standard methods and indicators applied in prior NOAA coastal studies and EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). A key feature adopted from these studies was the incorporation of a random probabilistic sampling design. Such a design provides a basis for making unbiased statistical estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition relative to various measured indicators and corresponding thresholds of concern. Indicators included multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition (benthic fauna, fish tissue contaminant levels). Depths ranged from 31 – 137 m throughout the study area. About 76 % of the area had sediments composed of sands ( 80 % siltclay). About 70 % of the area (represented by 21 sites) had sediment total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations 50 mg/g). Surface salinities ranged from 30.6 – 31.5 psu, with the majority of the study region (approximately 80 % of the area) having surface salinities between 30.8 and 31.4 psu. Bottom salinities varied between 32.1 and 32.5 psu, with bottom salinities at all sites having values above the range of surface salinities. Surface-water temperatures varied between 12.1 and 16.8 ºC, while near-bottom waters ranged in temperature from 4.4 – 6.2 ºC. An index of density stratification (Δσt) indicated that the waters of SBNMS were stratified at the time of sampling. Values of Δσt at 29 of the 30 sites sampled in this study (96.7 % of the study area) varied from 2.1 – 3.2, which is within the range considered to be indicative of strong vertical stratification (Δσt > 2) and typical of the western Gulf of Maine in summer. Levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) were confined to a fairly narrow range in surface (8.8 – 10.4 mg/L) and bottom (8.5 – 9.6 mg/L) waters throughout the survey area. These levels are within the range considered indicative of good water quality (> 5 mg/L) with respect to DO. None of these waters had DO at low levels (< 2 mg/L) potentially harmful to benthic fauna and fish

    Probing Real Sensory Worlds of Receivers with Unsupervised Clustering

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    The task of an organism to extract information about the external environment from sensory signals is based entirely on the analysis of ongoing afferent spike activity provided by the sense organs. We investigate the processing of auditory stimuli by an acoustic interneuron of insects. In contrast to most previous work we do this by using stimuli and neurophysiological recordings directly in the nocturnal tropical rainforest, where the insect communicates. Different from typical recordings in sound proof laboratories, strong environmental noise from multiple sound sources interferes with the perception of acoustic signals in these realistic scenarios. We apply a recently developed unsupervised machine learning algorithm based on probabilistic inference to find frequently occurring firing patterns in the response of the acoustic interneuron. We can thus ask how much information the central nervous system of the receiver can extract from bursts without ever being told which type and which variants of bursts are characteristic for particular stimuli. Our results show that the reliability of burst coding in the time domain is so high that identical stimuli lead to extremely similar spike pattern responses, even for different preparations on different dates, and even if one of the preparations is recorded outdoors and the other one in the sound proof lab. Simultaneous recordings in two preparations exposed to the same acoustic environment reveal that characteristics of burst patterns are largely preserved among individuals of the same species. Our study shows that burst coding can provide a reliable mechanism for acoustic insects to classify and discriminate signals under very noisy real-world conditions. This gives new insights into the neural mechanisms potentially used by bushcrickets to discriminate conspecific songs from sounds of predators in similar carrier frequency bands

    Electromigration studies in amorphous and polycrystalline alloys

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