108 research outputs found

    Modelling ice-divide dynamics by perturbation methods

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    Modelling of a marine glacier and ice-sheet-ice-shelf transition zone based on asymptotic analysis

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    All parts of a two-dimensional, isothermal, stationary marine glacier (grounded ice sheet, ice shelf and transition zone) with constant viscosity are analysed by perturbation methods. In so doing, all zones of different flow patterns can be considered separately. Correlations between spatial scales for all parts can be expressed in terms of the typical ice-surface slope distant from the ocean, which reflects exterior conditions of the glacier's existence. In considering the ice-sheet-ice-shelf transition zone, a small parameter characterizing the difference between ice and water densities is used. Such an analysis allows us to find boundary conditions at the grounding line for the grounded ice mass. Glacier-surface profiles are determined by numerical methods. The grounding-line position found by using the boundary conditions derived in this paper differs from that obtained by using Thomas and Bentley's (1978) boundary conditions by about 10% of the grounded ice-stream length

    Modelling ice-divide dynamics by perturbation methods

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    Two-dimensional, isothermal, non-stationary, cold-glacier dynamics are analysed by perturbation methods, when the ice creep is described by Glen's flow law. This approach allows us to model the ice-divide dynamics separately from that of the glacier and to pose a simplified problem for the ice divide. To order of the glacier-aspect ratio, all unknown characteristics near the ice divide can be searched for in an infinite layer with parallel boundaries, whose thickness coincides with that found by the shallow-ice approximation. The problem for the ice divide is stationary and does not depend on the ice and glacier characteristics, such as a flow-law constant, ice thickness and accumulation rate. At the ice divide, the ice upper surface curvature is finite and the shallow-ice approximation is inadequate

    Anisotropic model for granulated sea ice dynamics

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    A continuum model describing sea ice as a layer of granulated thick ice, consisting of many rigid, brittle floes, intersected by long and narrow regions of thinner ice, known as leads, is developed. We consider the evolution of mesoscale leads, formed under extension, whose lengths span many floes, so that the surrounding ice is treated as a granular plastic. The leads are sufficiently small with respect to basin scales of sea ice deformation that they may be modelled using a continuum approach. The model includes evolution equations for the orientational distribution of leads, their thickness and width expressed through second-rank tensors and terms requiring closures. The closing assumptions are constructed for the case of negligibly small lead ice thickness and the canonical deformation types of pure and simple shear, pure divergence and pure convergence. We present a new continuum-scale sea ice rheology that depends upon the isotropic, material rheology of sea ice, the orientational distribution of lead properties and the thick ice thickness. A new model of lead and thick ice interaction is presented that successfully describes a number of effects: (i) because of its brittle nature, thick ice does not thin under extension and (ii) the consideration of the thick sea ice as a granular material determines finite lead opening under pure shear, when granular dilation is unimportant. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Shape-factor effect on melting in an elliptic capsule

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    An approximate mathematical model of contact melting of an unfixed material in an elliptical capsule is developed. The main characteristic scales and non-dimensional parameters which describe the principal features of the melting process are found. Choosing a special heat flux distribution on the wall of the capsule allows us to derive a closed-form evolution equation for the motion of the solid accounting for the energy convection in the liquid, expressed through the non-linearity of the temperature distribution across the molten layer. It is shown that the melting rate of the solid depends on the shape of the capsule. Generally, elliptical capsules show higher rate of melting than circular ones. Elongated capsules provide more effective melting than oblate ones, even though they have the same aspect ratios and vertical cross-sectional areas. This phenomenon is caused by the fact, that the pressure necessary to support the solid is larger for the elongated capsules than that for oblate ones, which leads to thinning of the molten layer along with the increase of the heat flux across it. The time required for complete melting can be achieved by the right choice of the shape of the capsule, which is specified by the value of the aspect ratio. The found influence of the capsule shape on the melting rate can be used for design and optimization of practical latent-heat-thermal-energy systems. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dependence of sea ice yield-curve shape on ice thickness

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    In this note, the authors discuss the contribution that frictional sliding of ice floes (or floe aggregates) past each other and pressure ridging make to the plastic yield curve of sea ice. Using results from a previous study that explicitly modeled the amount of sliding and ridging that occurs for a given global strain rate, it is noted that the relative contribution of sliding and ridging to ice stress depends upon ice thickness. The implication is that the shape and size of the plastic yield curve is dependent upon ice thickness. The yield-curve shape dependence is in addition to plastic hardening/weakening that relates the size of the yield curve to ice thickness. In most sea ice dynamics models the yield-curve shape is taken to be independent of ice thickness. The authors show that the change of the yield curve due to a change in the ice thickness can be taken into account by a weighted sum of two thickness-independent rheologies describing ridging and sliding effects separately. It would be straightforward to implement the thickness-dependent yield-curve shape described here into sea ice models used for global or regional ice prediction. © 2004 American Meteorological Society

    A continuum anisotropic model of sea-ice dynamics

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    We develop the essential ingredients of a new, continuum and anisotropic model of sea-ice dynamics designed for eventual use in climate simulation. These ingredients are a constitutive law for sea-ice stress, relating stress to the material properties of sea ice and to internal variables describing the sea-ice state, and equations describing the evolution of these variables. The sea-ice cover is treated as a densely flawed two-dimensional continuum consisting of a uniform field of thick ice that is uniformly permeated with narrow linear regions of thinner ice called leads. Lead orientation, thickness and width distributions are described by second-rank tensor internal variables: the structure, thickness and width tensors, whose dynamics are governed by corresponding evolution equations accounting for processes such as new lead generation and rotation as the ice cover deforms. These evolution equations contain contractions of higher-order tensor expressions that require closures. We develop a sea-ice stress constitutive law that relates sea-ice stress to the structure tensor, thickness tensor and strain rate. For the special case of empty leads (containing no ice), linear closures are adopted and we present calculations for simple shear, convergence and divergence

    Stability of an ice sheet on an elastic bed

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    The stability of stationary flow of a two-dimensional ice sheet is studied when the ice obeys a power flow law (Glen's flow law). The mass accumulation rate at the top is assumed to depend on elevation and span and the bed supporting the ice sheet consists of an elastic layer lying on a rigid surface. The normal perturbation of the free surface of the ice sheet is a singular eigenvalue problem. The singularity of the perturbation at the front of the ice sheet is considered using matched asymptotic expansions, and the eigenvalue problem is seen to reduce to that with fixed ice front. Numerical solution of the perturbation eigenvalue problem shows that the dependence of accumulation rate on elevation permits the existence of unstable solutions when the equilibrium line is higher than the bed at the ice divide. Alternatively, when the equilibrium line is lower than the bed, there are only stable solutions. Softening of the bed, expressed through a decrease of its elastic modulus, has a stabilising effect on the ice sheet. © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    On thermodynamic consistency of turbulent closures

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    The problem of the implementation of the second law of thermodynamics for the determination of the thermodynamic consistency of solutions determined by turbulent closures is considered for incompressible fluids. The possibility of the application of the methods of thermodynamics to constraining constitutive laws describing turbulent flow features, but not material behaviour, is discussed. It is shown that the ordinary realizability conditions requiring non-negative values of the averaged squared fluctuations are necessary and sufficient conditions determining the thermodynamic consistency of a process governed by a closure model. Because turbulent closures are not universal, using the second law of thermodynamics to constrain them can impose unnecessary restrictions on the models, when the turbulent entropy is considered as a constitutive quantity. The notion and validity of different forms of the turbulent entropy is discussed. It is found that the form of the turbulent entropy originating from the analogy between the turbulent kinetic energy and absolute temperature contradicts the principle of irreversibility. In a particular case of small temperature fluctuations, the second law yields correct constraints, if the turbulent entropy is assumed not to be a constitutive quantity, but a variable governed by an evolution equation of special form generated by the balance equation for internal energy

    Modelling the rheology of sea ice as a collection of diamond-shaped floes

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    In polar oceans, seawater freezes to form a layer of sea ice of several metres thickness that can cover up to 8% of the Earth's surface. The modelled sea ice cover state is described by thickness and orientational distribution of interlocking, anisotropic diamond-shaped ice floes delineated by slip lines, as supported by observation. The purpose of this study is to develop a set of equations describing the mean-field sea ice stresses that result from interactions between the ice floes and the evolution of the ice floe orientation, which are simple enough to be incorporated into a climate model. The sea ice stress caused by a deformation of the ice cover is determined by employing an existing kinematic model of ice floe motion, which enables us to calculate the forces acting on the ice floes due to crushing into and sliding past each other, and then by averaging over all possible floe orientations. We describe the orientational floe distribution with a structure tensor and propose an evolution equation for this tensor that accounts for rigid body rotation of the floes, their apparent re-orientation due to new slip line formation, and change of shape of the floes due to freezing and melting. The form of the evolution equation proposed is motivated by laboratory observations of sea ice failure under controlled conditions. Finally, we present simulations of the evolution of sea ice stress and floe orientation for several imposed flow types. Although evidence to test the simulations against is lacking, the simulations seem physically reasonable. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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