14 research outputs found

    The Physical and Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Fresh Wet Foams Based on Egg White Proteins and Selected Hydrocolloids

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of fresh foams based on egg white proteins, xanthan gum and gum Arabic. The distributions of the size of gas bubbles suspended in liquid were determined, as well as density and volume fraction of gas phase of the generated foams. Additionally, the viscoelastic properties in the linear range were measured, and the results were analyzed with the use of the fractional Zener model. It was shown, that foam supplementation with hydrocolloids considerably decreased their volume fraction of gas phase in comparison to pure egg white protein-based foams. Application of gum Arabic did not cause an increase in the size of foam bubbles when compared to pure white egg foam, whereas application of xanthan gum significantly decreased the size of the bubbles. Application of the fractional Zener model allowed to determine the relaxation times, their intensity in analyzed suspensions and also equilibrium module (G(e)). The increase in the concentration of xanthan gum resulted in the prolongation of the relaxation time and increased its intensity. Gum Arabic, when added, weakened the viscoelastic properties of the mixture as a viscoelastic solid

    Characteristics of starch breads enriched with red potatoes

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    Starch breads may often be low in nutritional value, in comparison to traditional products, as they contain less dietary fibre, protein and micro and macro elements. As an effect a risk of mineral deficiencies and digestive problems caused by lack of dietary fibre could be expected in persons adhering to gluten free diet. To eliminate such problems, a continuous research on gluten-free bread nutritional enrichment, has been done in recent years. Raw material used to enrich gluten free products should include: inulin, lupine, radish, soy, lucerne sprouts, oilseeds, different type of dried fruits. Among the most commonly used raw materials, there are flours from gluten free cereals and pseudocereals such as buckwheat, amaranth and maize are very popular. It seem that valuable alternative could be considered a red, purple or pink potatoes as starch breads additives. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect addition of freeze-dried color potatoes on crude fiber, polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids and nutritional value of gluten free breads. It could be concluded, that freeze-dried color (red, purple, pink) potatoes enriched the gluten free breads (starch breads) with health promoting bioactive components, like polyphenols, and highly valuable protein. The most promising additive was Magenta Love red potato variety lyophilisates, because gluten free breads enriched with this component were characterized by high protein content and the highest content of free and bound polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins. The presence of all these components increased the nutritional and pro-health value of gluten free product as starch bread

    Developing lactic acid bacteria starter cultures for wholemeal rye flour bread with improved functionality, nutritional value, taste, appearance and safety

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    Starter cultures composed of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were developed based on the genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of isolates belonging to dominant groups of bacteria in spontaneous rye wholemeal sourdoughs. Combinations of strains have been evaluated on an industrial scale in the sourdough fermentation process. Wholemeal rye bread was prepared using sourdoughs obtained with 3 new starter cultures, and compared to bread made using the commercial culture (LV2). All newly developed cultures used for the preparation of wholemeal rye bread allowed to obtain better quality products as compared to the LV2 based bread. The best results were obtained when the culture containing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 2MI8 and exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing Weissella confusa/cibaria 6PI3 strains was applied. The addition of yeast during sourdough breads production, especially the one prepared from mentioned above starter culture, significantly improved their organoleptic properties, their volume and crumb moisture was increased, and also the crumb acidity and hardness was reduced. Fermentation of rye wholemeal dough, especially without the yeast addition, resulted in a significant reduction in the content of higher inositol phosphates as compared to the applied flour, which is associated with improved bioavailability of minerals. The results of this study prove that the investigated new starter cultures can be successfully applied in wholemeal rye bread production

    The Polyphenol Profile and Antioxidant Potential of Irradiated Rye Grains

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    The irradiation process extends the cereal grain storage period, but also affects their chemical composition and antioxidants properties. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of gamma irradiation on the content of total polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins as well as the quantitative and qualitative profile of polyphenols in rye grains. The potential antioxidant capacity was also evaluated. The irradiation process resulted in an average increase of 10% of the total phenolic content as compared to the raw material, with each of the analyzed varieties reacting in different manners. The amount of tannins increased after irradiation at a constant level regardless of the applied gamma ray doses in the all analyzed rye grain varieties. The antiradical and antioxidant activity of rye grains after the irradiation process did not change or was reduced

    The content of selected micro and trace elements in oat flakes

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    W pracy oznaczono zawartość wybranych mikroelementów i pierwiastków śladowych w płatkach owsianych. Materiał do badań stanowiło 14 rodzajów płatków owsianych produkcji krajowej, jak i zagranicznych, określanych jako błyskawiczne i zwykłe, oraz tzw. ekologiczne i normalne. W materiale oznaczono zawartość: żelaza, manganu, cynku, miedzi oraz tzw. metali ciężkich (chrom, kadm, nikiel, ołów). Dopuszczalny poziom ołowiu został przekroczony w jednej próbce, która również charakteryzowała się zwiększoną zawartością miedzi. Nie zaobserwowano istotnej różnicy w zawartości miedzi i kadmu pomiędzy płatkami normalnymi a ekologicznymi. Płatki produkcji krajowej charakteryzowały się istotnie mniejszą zawartością żelaza, cynku oraz niklu, w porównaniu do płatków zagranicznych, z kolei poziom ołowiu był w nich istotnie wyższy. Pochodzenie płatków nie miało wpływu na zawartość manganu, miedzi oraz kadmu.The content of selected micro- and trace elements in oat flakes was investigated in 14 samples (8 domestic, 6 foreign) including regular, instant and so called „ecological” ones. Iron, manganese, zinc, copper and so called heavy metals (chromium, cadmium, nickel and lead) content was analyzed. Lead content was exceeded in one sample, which was also characterized by elevated level of copper. There was no significant difference in cadmium and copper content between normal and “ecological” flakes. Domestic flakes were characterized by lower level of iron, zinc and nickel as compared to foreign ones, but on the other hand lead level was higher. Content of manganese, copper and cadmium was not influenced by the origin of the flakes

    The Influence of Chemically Modified Potato Maltodextrins on Stability and Rheological Properties of Model Oil-in-Water Emulsions

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the maltodextrins prepared from chemically modified starches (crosslinked, stabilized, crosslinked and stabilized) on the stability and rheological properties of model oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that emulsion stability depended on hydrolysates dextrose equivalent (DE) value. Maltodextrin with the lowest degree of depolymerization effectively stabilized the dispersed system, and the effectiveness of this action depended on the maltodextrin type and concentration. Addition of distarch phosphate-based maltodextrin stabilized emulsion at the lowest applied concentration, and the least effective was maltodextrin prepared from acetylated starch. Emulsions stabilized by maltodextrins (DE 6) prepared from distarch phosphate and acetylated distarch adipate showed the predominance of the elastic properties over the viscous ones. Only emulsion stabilized by maltodextrin prepared from distarch phosphate (E1412) revealed the properties of strong gel. Additionally, the decrease in emulsions G′ and G″ moduli values, combined with an increase in the value of DE maltodextrins, was observed

    Technological Properties of Tritordeum Starch

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    Tritordeum is a new promising cereal derived from wild barley and cultivated durum wheat; such a combination allowed for the transfer of some useful barley traits to the resulting hybrid. In the future, the importance of this cereal can increase, becoming a raw material for the production of various products, including starch. So far, tritordeum starch has attracted little interest from researchers, and therefore, an attempt was undertaken to investigate its properties. Its morphological features, chemical composition, thermal and pasting properties, particle size, and retrogradation kinetics were investigated. These properties were compared to other cereal starches. Tritordeum starch granules resembled wheat starch in shape, and they were characterized by a relatively small size and the highest lipid and non-starch material content among the investigated starches. Tritordeum starch’s pasting profile showed a unique character, resulting in high pasting temperature and low, but stable, hot paste viscosity. Also, its rate of retrogradation was the lowest, probably due to the high lipid content, and the retrogradation extent was restricted

    The influence of hydroponic potato plant cultivation on selected properties of starch isolated from its tubers

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    Starch is a natural polysaccharide for which the technological quality depends on the genetic basis of the plant and the environmental conditions of the cultivation. Growing plants under cover without soil has many advantages for controlling the above-mentioned conditions. The present research focuses on determining the effect of under cover hydroponic potato cultivation on the physicochemical properties of accumulated potato starch (PS). The plants were grown in the hydroponic system, with (greenhouse, GH) and without recirculation nutrient solution (foil tunnel, FT). The reference sample was PS isolated from plants grown in a tunnel in containers filled with mineral soil (SO). The influence of the cultivation method on the elemental composition of the starch molecules was noted. The cultivation method also influenced the protein and amylose content of the PS. Considering the chromatic parameters, PS-GH and PS-FT were brighter and whiter, with a tinge of blue, than PS-SO. PS-SO was also characterized by the largest average diameters of granules, while PS-GH had the lowest crystallinity. PS-SO showed a better resistance to the combined action of elevated temperature and shear force. There was a slight variation in the gelatinization temperature values. Additionally, significant differences for enthalpy and the retrogradation ratio were observed. The cultivation method did not influence the glass transition and melting

    The chemical composition and pasting characteristics /of oat flakes of different origin

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    W pracy oznaczono podstawowy skład chemiczny oraz charakterystykę kleikowania 14 rodzajów płatków owsianych (8 polskich i 6 zagranicznych, 4 błyskawicznych i 10 normalnych, 4 ekologicznych i 10 tradycyjnych). Skład chemiczny badanych płatków zależał od kraju pochodzenia próbek. Płatki wyprodukowane z ziarna owsa z uprawy ekologicznej wyróżniały się większą zawartością tłuszczu i skrobi, niż płatki z owsa z uprawy tradycyjnej. Ponadto płatki błyskawiczne odznaczały się niższą temperatura kleikowania, w porównaniu ze zwykłymi. Lepkość maksymalna badanych wodnych zawiesin zmielonych płatków zależała od sposobu produkcji (większa w przypadku płatków błyskawicznych). Odporność skleikowanych zawiesin na działanie sił ścinających w wysokiej temperaturze zależała od sposobu produkcji płatków i była największa w przypadku płatków błyskawicznych.The chemical composition and pasting characteristics of 14 commercially available oat flakes (8 domestic and 6 of foreign origin, 4 instant type and 10 normal, 4 ecological and 10 traditional) were investigated. The chemical composition depended on flakes origin. So called “ecological” flakes were characterized by substantially higher content of starch and lipids than in flakes from traditionally cultivated oats. Instant flakes were characterized by lower pasting temperature than regular ones. Also maximum paste viscosity depended on flakes production method – it was higher for instant flakes. Pastes resistance towards high temperature and shear force action was higher for instant flakes