20 research outputs found

    De VZZ-werkgroep Boommarter Nederland 1992-1999: wat werd bereikt

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    During the 90's the VZZ-Pine Marten Study Group (WBN-VZZ) has tried to contribute to a better knowledge of habitat use and distribution in The Netherlands. A survey has been carried out to locate pine marten nests in hollow trees, resulting in the location of 18 nests in 1999. The WBN gave support to the study of maternal behaviour of the female in the nests and, together with the Dutch Institute for Forestry and Nature Research (IBN), now Alterra , conducted an investigation of habitat use and use resting-places by two males, for one of these for two years long. By organizing seminars and compiling the newsletter Marterpassen the pine marten and the necessity to a better protective measures has been given more publicity

    Lacunes in de kennis over de boommarter met betrekking tot beheer en beleid

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    Onderzoek aan de boommarter heeft het afgelopen decennium veel gegevens opgeleverd over verspreiding, nestplaatskeuze, voortplanting, terreingebruik en verzorging van jongen. De vraag is wat er nu verder nog aan kennis nodig is om effectieve maatregelen te kunnen treffen voor het in stand houden van levenskrachtige boommarterpopulatie