14 research outputs found

    Het Beter Leven-kenmerk : de beleving van biologische consumenten

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    The aim of this qualitative study is to gain an insight into how and to what extent the Animal Protection Society’s Beter Leven (Better Life) mark contributes to the attractiveness of organic animal products in the opinion of light users. In order to investigate this, LEI conducted a qualitative study among 14 light users in 200

    Leven om te eten : Surinaamse en Antilliaanse vrouwen over eten, bewegen en overgewicht

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    In dit onderzoek is op basis van literatuurstudie en kwalitatief onderzoek meer inzicht verkregen in verklaringen voor het meer vóórkomen van overgewicht en obesitas bij vrouwen met een Surinaamse en Antilliaanse afkomst. Op basis van deze inzichten wordt een aantal aanbevelingen afgeleid voor overheidscommunicatie over overgewicht en obesitas richting vrouwen met deze afkomst

    Mogelijkheden en effectiviteit van apps voor communicatie met consumenten; De Veggipedia-case

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    LEI Wageningen UR was commissioned by Tuinbouw Digitaal to carry out a review of the literature on apps as a medium of consumer communication. Around the same time, we also conducted a qualitative consumer survey to determine the strengths of and the scope for improvement in Veggipedia, an app developed by the fruit and vegetable sector. The research findings resulted in recommendations to continue to develop Veggipedia into a reliable and versatile app that will encourage people to eat healthier, tastier, safer, seasonal, and more varied food

    De kracht van tweezijdige communicatie over voedselveiligheid; Experimenteel onderzoek naar impact tweezijdige versus eenzijdige overheidscommunicatie

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    In dit project is middels een survey en een experiment onderzocht: 1. Welke vorm van overheidscommunicatie (eenzijdige versus tweezijdige boodschappen) voor een voedselincident het meest effectief is om de (over)reactie na afloop van het incident te verkleinen. 2. Of er verschillen tussen consumentengroepen bestaan in de (over)reactie op voedselincidenten en communicatie daarover

    Hoe is verduurzaming van de champignonteelt te vermarkten?

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    In het kader van onderzoek van Wageningen UR dat zich richt op verduurzaming van bedekte teelten, is het LEI gevraagd om te onderzoeken hoe verduurzaming van de champignonteelt te vermarkten is richting de consument

    Diversity in horse enthusiasts with respect to horse welfare: An explorative study

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    A reduced level of welfare of horses is related to management factors such as low forage feeding, short feeding time, social isolation, and lack of unrestrained exercise. It has been assumed that welfare problems can be reduced and/or partly prevented by improving the knowledge and skills of horse enthusiasts. It has also been assumed that to improve the provision of information to horse enthusiasts, it is important to explore and gain more insight into horse enthusiasts’ motives, knowl- edge, and behavior. The aim of this exploratory study was to identify the diversity of horse enthusiasts in the Netherlands, with respect to the way they search and find out information, their emotional in- volvement with horses, and their attitude, their knowledge, and daily practices with regard to equine welfare. A Web-based survey using a 30-item questionnaire resulted in 4,267 respondents. Most re- spondents (84.6%) were female; the average age of the respondents was 34.2 (613.5) years. More than half of the respondents (64.5%) believed that there were welfare problems throughout the whole horse industry. The most important reported source for information was the personal contact with other horse enthusiasts (82.8%), with veterinarians (74.5%), and with farriers (69.5%). It is, therefore, recom- mended that to disseminate relevant knowledge on equine welfare, particular attention should be paid to the acquisition and dissemination skills within the education programs of veterinarians and farriers. Although most respondents were aware of the issues that can compromise welfare, their knowledge did not always result in appropriate practices. Furthermore, a cluster analysis showed that horse enthusiasts can be categorized into 4 clusters from the way they search and find out information, their emotional involvement with horses, and their attitude, their knowledge, and daily practices with regard to the welfare of horses. To improve the provision of information to horse enthusiasts, it is recommended that the information provision to horse enthusiasts is organized around these 4 clusters of horse enthusiasts

    Diversity in horse enthusiasts with respect to horse welfare: An explorative study

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    A reduced level of welfare of horses is related to management factors such as low forage feeding, short feeding time, social isolation, and lack of unrestrained exercise. It has been assumed that welfare problems can be reduced and/or partly prevented by improving the knowledge and skills of horse enthusiasts. It has also been assumed that to improve the provision of information to horse enthusiasts, it is important to explore and gain more insight into horse enthusiasts’ motives, knowl- edge, and behavior. The aim of this exploratory study was to identify the diversity of horse enthusiasts in the Netherlands, with respect to the way they search and find out information, their emotional in- volvement with horses, and their attitude, their knowledge, and daily practices with regard to equine welfare. A Web-based survey using a 30-item questionnaire resulted in 4,267 respondents. Most re- spondents (84.6%) were female; the average age of the respondents was 34.2 (613.5) years. More than half of the respondents (64.5%) believed that there were welfare problems throughout the whole horse industry. The most important reported source for information was the personal contact with other horse enthusiasts (82.8%), with veterinarians (74.5%), and with farriers (69.5%). It is, therefore, recom- mended that to disseminate relevant knowledge on equine welfare, particular attention should be paid to the acquisition and dissemination skills within the education programs of veterinarians and farriers. Although most respondents were aware of the issues that can compromise welfare, their knowledge did not always result in appropriate practices. Furthermore, a cluster analysis showed that horse enthusiasts can be categorized into 4 clusters from the way they search and find out information, their emotional involvement with horses, and their attitude, their knowledge, and daily practices with regard to the welfare of horses. To improve the provision of information to horse enthusiasts, it is recommended that the information provision to horse enthusiasts is organized around these 4 clusters of horse enthusiasts

    Het Beter Leven-kenmerk : de beleving van biologische consumenten

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    The aim of this qualitative study is to gain an insight into how and to what extent the Animal Protection Society’s Beter Leven (Better Life) mark contributes to the attractiveness of organic animal products in the opinion of light users. In order to investigate this, LEI conducted a qualitative study among 14 light users in 200

    Vee in zicht; Boeren en burgers over transparantie in de veehouderij

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    Het ministerie van EL&I gaf het LEI opdracht om te onderzoeken wat er nodig is om veehouders ertoe te bewegen aan de burgers te tonen hoe zij hun dieren houden. Ook is onderzocht wat de burger drijft, of ervan weerhoudt, om te gaan kijken hoe de dieren leven. Het LEI heeft hiertoe in 2010 9 branche-organisaties telefonisch geïnterviewd, een online enquête laten invullen door 1.015 mensen en gesproken met 23 mensen, die nooit gebruik hadden gemaakt van de mogelijkheid om te gaan kijken bij een veehouder om te zien hoe de dieren worden gehouden

    Leven om te eten : Surinaamse en Antilliaanse vrouwen over eten, bewegen en overgewicht

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    In dit onderzoek is op basis van literatuurstudie en kwalitatief onderzoek meer inzicht verkregen in verklaringen voor het meer vóórkomen van overgewicht en obesitas bij vrouwen met een Surinaamse en Antilliaanse afkomst. Op basis van deze inzichten wordt een aantal aanbevelingen afgeleid voor overheidscommunicatie over overgewicht en obesitas richting vrouwen met deze afkomst