14 research outputs found

    Input-Support-Output Model Evaluation Using Clustering Analysis on Indonesia High School Dataset

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    Input-output model has been widely used in many research areas even in educational research. A previous research has proposed an adjusted input-support-output model to evaluate the quality of education development performance in Indonesia. Even though the previous research has found that the proposed model could explain 88% relation of input, support and output on each province when it was implemented on elementary school dataset, it is important to implement the model in other education level dataset to verify its performance. In this research, clustering analysis was used to cluster each group of the datasets of junior high school and senior high school prior to be mapped and simulated using the model. The results of the analysis of the model performance showed a decrease to 60.6% and 57.58% when it is implemented to junior high school and senior high school datasets respectively

    Aplikasi Sistem Penjadwalan Praktikum dengan Metode Bipartite Graphs (Studi Kasus : Laboratorium Terpadu Teknik Informatika UII)

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    Penjadwalan merupakan permasalahan yang selalu dihadapi sebelum kegiatan belajar-mengajar dimulai. Untuk memperoleh jadwal yang optimal, setiap kelas diampu oleh sejumlah asisten sesuai kebutuhannya dan setiap asisten mengajar sesuai kuota mengjar yang dimiliki masing-masing asisten. Di penelitian kali ini kami mengambil metode bipartite graph untuk memilih asisten dan kelas yang sesuai. Metode ini mengubah permasalah kali ini menjadi sebuah graph yang dapat dibagi dua subset. Subset pertama, mempunyai node kelas yang tersedia. Dan subset kedua, mempunyai node kelompok asisten dalam setiap kelas. Dengan menerapkan metode ini, kedua subset akan saling dicocokkan. Sehingga permasalahan penjadawalan dapat diselesaikan ketika bipartite graph memenuhi kondisi complete matching

    Potential mechanisms of the fatigue-reducing effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy in cancer survivors:Three randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: Fatigue is a common symptom among cancer survivors that can be successfully treated with cognitiveā€behavioral therapy (CBT). Insights into the working mechanisms of CBT are currently limited. The aim of this study was to investigate whether improvements in targeted cognitiveā€behavioral variables and reduced depressive symptoms mediate the fatigueā€reducing effect of CBT. METHODS: We pooled data from three randomized controlled trials that tested the efficacy of CBT to reduce severe fatigue. In all three trials, fatigue severity (checklist individual strength) decreased significantly following CBT. Assessments were conducted preā€treatment and 6 months later. Classical mediation analysis testing a preā€specified model was conducted and its results compared to those of causal discovery, an explorative dataā€driven approach testing all possible causal associations and retaining the most likely model. RESULTS: Data from 250 cancer survivors (nĀ =Ā 129 CBT, nĀ =Ā 121 waitlist) were analyzed. Classical mediation analysis suggests that increased selfā€efficacy and decreased fatigue catastrophizing, focusing on symptoms, perceived problems with activity and depressive symptoms mediate the reduction of fatigue brought by CBT. Conversely, causal discovery and postā€hoc analyses indicate that fatigue acts as mediator, not outcome, of changes in cognitions, sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitions, sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms improve during CBT. When assessed preā€ and postā€treatment, fatigue acts as a mediator, not outcome, of these improvements. It seems likely that the working mechanism of CBT is not a oneā€way causal effect but a dynamic reciprocal process. Trials integrating intermittent assessments are needed to shed light on these mechanisms and inform optimization of CBT

    Sistem Manajemen Kegiatan Asisten Laboratorium Sirkel (Simatori)

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    Laboratorium Sistem Informasi dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (SIRKEL) merupakan tempat pembelajaranmahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia untuk mempraktekkan teori yang diterima diruang kuliah. SIRKEL mengampu 2 mata praktikum yang kelola oleh kepala laboratorium dibantu oleh asistenpengajar. Beberapa kegiatan yang terlaksana di laboratorium SIRKEL berjalan sesuai agenda kerja yang telahditetapkan pada awal semester. Asisten pengajar dituntut berperan aktif untuk mengasilkan karya implementatifseputar teknologi informasi. Demi mewujudkan hal itu, asisten memiliki kemampuan untuk menuangkan ide dangagasan tertulis agar terdokumentasi dengan baik. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah sistem untuk mengelolakegiatan yang dilakukan asisten, merekam ide kreatif asisten seperti gagasan asisten serta penugasan kegiatan padaasisten. SIMATORI mampu merekam ide dan gagasan personal setiap asisten secara digital untukdiimplementasikan secara utuh kedalam sebuah karya tulis maupun prototype perangkat lunak. Selain itu,SIMATORI juga memiliki manajemen kegiatan untuk memantau penugasan kegiatan yang telah diberikan kepadaasisten. Manajemen kegiatan menyediakan akses untuk kepala laboratorium, manager dan koordinator untukmengelola sumber daya laboratorium dengan memberikan penugasan kepada asisten


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    Dengan adanya sistem informasi ujian ini, proses pengoreksian dan penilaian dapat dilaksanakan secara cepat, tepat, dan mudah. Guru juga tidak perlu lagi direpotkan dengan tumpukan lembar jawaban para siswa. Sesuai dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka penulis mengambil judul: ā€œSistem Try Out UAS Online Dengan Studi Kasus Di SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Yogyakarta ā€. Dan dalam sistem ini soal yang ditampilkan random atau acak untuk setiap siswa dan masing-masing mata pelajaran, dengan masing-masing soal mempunyai 3 kategori mudah,sedang dan sulit . Sedangkan komposisi soal yang ditampilkan dalam sistem ini dihitung berdasarkan jumlah prosentase soal. Dari hasil pengujian sistem ini dapat diketahui bahwa setelah siswa melakukan ujian dapat langsung mengetahui hasilnya berupa nilai . Dan penilaian dalam sistem ini dilakukan secara langsung oleh sistem dengan masing-masing nilai mata pelajaran dan jumlah rata-rata dari seluruh mata pelajaran siswa. Kata kunci : Pendidikan,PHP,UAS,TryOut,We

    The Design of E-Commerce System in the Shrimp Paste Industry using the Method of Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to Increase Marketing

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    The E-Commerce system in the shrimp paste industry is designed to increase the marketing and branding of Payangan shrimp paste. The shrimp paste produced by KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersamaā€”Business Group) and Poklahsar (Kelompok Pengolah Pemasaranā€”Marketing Processing Group) consisting of a number of joint household industries is yet to meet the sales number set. Shrimp paste has several variants, such as the processed one, the raw one and one in the form of powder which constitute the result of the development of maritime research group of Universitas Jember. The target market of the product is both national and international, especially for the powder shrimp paste which is the recent innovation of the maritime research group. It is considered to be a possibility to increase the sales figures and to decrease the marketing costs by optimizing the use of the internet. In order to do so, a system should be design using Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to build an e-commerce application. It is expected that the E-Commerce application can increase the sales of the shrimp paste and reach a wider number of consumers

    The Design of E-Commerce System in the Shrimp Paste Industry using the Method of Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to Increase Marketing

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    The E-Commerce system in the shrimp paste industry is designed to increase the marketing and branding of Payangan shrimp paste. The shrimp paste produced by KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersamaā€”Business Group) and Poklahsar (Kelompok Pengolah Pemasaranā€”Marketing Processing Group) consisting of a number of joint household industries is yet to meet the sales number set. Shrimp paste has several variants, such as the processed one, the raw one and one in the form of powder which constitute the result of the development of maritime research group of Universitas Jember. The target market of the product is both national and international, especially for the powder shrimp paste which is the recent innovation of the maritime research group. It is considered to be a possibility to increase the sales figures and to decrease the marketing costs by optimizing the use of the internet. In order to do so, a system should be design using Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to build an e-commerce application. It is expected that the E-Commerce application can increase the sales of the shrimp paste and reach a wider number of consumers

    Conceptual Design of Inventory Analysis Software to Support the Life Cycle Assessment in Palm Oil Production

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    Life cycle assessment is a quantitative method to analyze the environmental impact that consists of four main activities: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and interpretation. The application of the life cycle in palm oil industry are very important and already conducted by many researchers. However, the most difficult task in life cycle assessment are the life cycle inventory. In this research, this study proposed the software to support the life cycle inventory in palm oil production. The result of the study was the conceptual design of the life cycle inventory software