13 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Respon Sosial Pada Lansia Di Desa Sokaraja Lor Kecamatan Sokaraja

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    Generally, the physical condition after entering elderly period is experienced decreasing. Changes in elderly generally directed to physical and psychics healthy decreasing and finally will influence on their economic and social activity. Support from elderly family is highly influenced on social relationship of elderly. The objective of the research was to know the correlation between family support with social responses in elderly at Sokaraja Lor Village of Sokaraja Subdistrict. This research used cross sectional method. The samples in this research were 75 peoples. Data analysis method used frequency distribution and Chi Square. The result of this research showed that most of elderly who is accomplished as research sample were in age of 60-65 and 71-75, were 21 people (28,0%), junior high school and its same level were 42 peoples (56,0%), javaness and jobless, women were 44 peoples (58,7%) and widowers were 40 peoples (53,3%). All of respondents were Moslem. Family support that were categorized as non effective were 37 respondents (49,3%) while family support that were categorized as effective were 38 respondents (50,7%). The level of elderly evidence who were getting social active responses were 36 peoples (48,0%), while elderly who were getting passive social responses were 39 peoples (52,0%). The result of family support variable with social responses showed significant correlation, there were family support through communication (p=0,000), family emotional support (p=0,000), social interaction support (p=0,000), financial support (p=0,002), support in supplying transportation (p=0,001), support through the effort of maintaining physical activity which could still done by elderly (p=0,002). For the analysis result of family support variable with social response which was showed no significant correlation was family support in supplying food (p=0,219). There was significant correlation between family support with social responses in elderly at Sokaraja Lor Village of Sokaraja Subdistrict (p=0,000)

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Remaja Pada Siswa SMA Di Kecamatan Baturraden Dan Purwokerto

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    The adolescent's reproduction health is a trend issue in their community and it becomes one of primary project of “BKKBN”. If Adolescence doesn't get right and proper information, they will fall on into negative side from it, such as: free sex, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and suffer from HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to know the relation between knowledge of adolescent's reproduction health toward adolescent's sexual behavior in student of senior high school around sub district Purwokerto and Baturaden. The population's research was students of six senior high school in sub district Purwokerto and Baturaden. The sample's research was taken from 367 students according inclusive criteria. Data analysis method uses the distribution frequency and Perason Correlation's Statistic test. Result of research: Respondents who have good knowledge category about adolescent's reproduction health is 86, 7%, Respondents who have enough knowledge category is 12%, and Respondents who have least knowledge category 0, 8%. While, the result of grade sexual behavior: Respondents who have good sexual behavior category is 72, 8%, Respondents who have enough sexual behavior category is 24, 2% and Respondents who have least sexual behavior category is 2, 7%. The obtained result of statistic test using Pearson Correlation is r=0,179, p=0,001. It's indicated that there is a meaningful relation between knowledge of adolescent's reproduction health and adolescent's sexual behavio

    Pencegahan IMS, HIV/AIDS Dengan Modul Role Play Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Wanita Pekerja Seksual Langsung

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    The objective of the research is to evaluate the implementation of Role Play module in the prevention of ISD towards the knowledge and attitude of the female sex workers in Banyumas. The findings show that the numbers of knowledge and attitude consecutively increase in the intervention group: 2,88 and 2,38. Whereas, in control group it is consecutively increase: 1, 75 and 1, 88. There is a significant improvement of knowledge and attitude after the implementation of the manual role play module in the prevention of ISD among female sex workers (p=0,089 & p=0,433, p<0,05). In conclusion, the Role Play module can be used by health workers to increase the knowledge and attitude of female sex workers in the prevention of ISD

    Efektivitas Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Stimulasi Persepsi Halusinasi Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Klien Halusinasi Pendengaran Di Ruang Sakuran RSUD Banyumas

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    Schizophrenia is a common health problem in around the world, around 70% of people suffering from schizophrenia experience hallucination. Auditory hallucination\u27s client feel that they can hear the voices without source of sound. That situation will cause toward anxiety level patient. One of the nursing interventions that nurses do to the auditory hallucination\u27s client is that making group activity therapy of perception stimulation of hallucination. The aim of study was to find out the affectivity group activity therapy of perception stimulation of hallucination in decrease auditory hallucination\u27s client at Sakura ward RSUD Banyumas. This research used comparative with quasi experimental design: non equivalent control group design. The samples used purposive sampling with 30 auditory hallucination\u27s client as respondents. Data analyzed was using distribution of frequency and paired t test. Based on paired t test show that t value at: 6,859 with p value 0,000 which was smaller than alpha: 0,05 which mean that the research hypothesis was received. Group activity therapy of perception stimulation of hallucination was influenced with decrease of auditory hallucination\u27s client anxiety at RSUD Banyumas

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Pegawai Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Dalam Menghadapi Menopause

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    Latar Belakang. Masa menopause bagi sebagian perempuan merupakan hal yang menakutkan karena fungsi untuk menghasilkan keturunan terhenti dan terjadi banyak Perubahan baik fisik maupun emosi.Dari survey pendahuluan terhadap pegawai UMM bahwa 33% 20% memiliki sikap negatif terhadap menopause dan 60% belum melakukan tindakan-tindakan untuk mempersiapkan menopause. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis ada tidaknya hubungan antara sikap dan perilaku pegawai terhadap kesiapan dalam menghadapi menopause padapegawai Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Metode Penelitian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai wanita di Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang sebanyak 100 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara sikap menghadapi menopause dengan p value 0.001. Terdapat hubungan antara perilaku terhadap menopause dengan kesiapan menghadapi menopause dengan p value 0.02. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sikap dan perilaku yang positif  terhadap menopause akan berdampak pada kesiapan wanita dalam menghadapi menopause dengan segala permasalahannya.Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar dilakukan peningkatan dalam mendapatkan informasi dari pihak institusi dengan cara diskusi-diskusi yang dapat dilakukan pada saat kegiatan rutin serta pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan untuk sarana konsultasi masalah kesehatan wanita,termasuk diantaranya mengenai menopaus