6 research outputs found

    Implementasi Konsep Sanctuary Pada Perancangan Interior Sanctuary Spa & Relaxation Centre Di Bali

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    Bali is an island which always be a tourist destination, both local tourists and foreign tourists. It makes the property entrepreneur compete to build the functional and aesthetic architecture interior, start from nature tourism, culinary tourism, up to shopping tourism. Many attractions in Bali make the most of Bali\u27s population choose livelihoods related to the world of tourism. For the people of Indonesia and overseas, saturated daily routines at their origin place make them yearn to relax and restore the body\u27s vitality. It makes the fitness center and body treatments like spa is many emerging, such as Sanctuary Spa & Relaxation Centre in Surabaya. In this era, woman spa design development grows rapidly including in Bali. But, in the midst of these developments, there are many spa places encountered by incorporating elements of foreign culture and use imported products. It makes local culture and domestic products are less widely known. Therefore is necessary a new spa design like Sanctuary Spa & Relaxation Centre in Bali so the local culture and domestic products can be applied and be able to compete in the global marketplace

    Evaluasi Penyebab Hasil Invalid Pada Pemeriksaan Rt-pcr Pasien Covid-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in Indonesia since March 2020. An increase in cases requires the involvement of various medical elements from the beginning of the patient's condition to the diagnosis decision. Preparation of pre-analysis, analysis, to good post-analysis in the laboratory greatly supports the results of the diagnosis needed. The purpose of this study was to find out various factors that influence invalid results in a real-time examination – polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in patients at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto general hospital. Data collection from the hospital's biomolecular laboratory in a cross-sectional descriptive observational manner was taken from September to November 2020. A total of 40 data processed with descriptive statistics percentage showed a tendency to invalidity results by 30%. Pre-analytic errors play a big role in the RT-PCR method inspection process. Sample misidentification, poor sample quality, non-standard sample transportation conditions, and sample storage are some of the things that support the invalidity of the results of the COVID-19 RT-PCR examination method. Evaluation during the work process at various stages as well as the use of controls can minimize laboratory results that are not appropriate

    Analisa Bakteri Total pada Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) yang di Steril Menggunakan Metode Autoclave

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    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a plant that can be used as traditional medicine. All part of a papaya from the roots to the tips of the leaves have high medical value. The disadvantages of papaya is that if the ripe papaya fruit does not last long and rots easily. Total Plate Number is a number that shows the number of mesophyll bacteria or bacteria that live at 15°C - 55°C in every 1 ml or 1 gram of food samples examined. This study aims to determine how long the effect of the durability of papaya fruit that has been sterilized using autoclave and to determine the total number of bacteria in papaya fruit that has been sterilized using autoclave. Results of the study of papaya fruit samples that had been sterilized using autoclave on day 3, the ALT value was 0.67 × 102 CFU/ml, so it can be said to meet the requirements according to SNI (30°C, 72 jam) 1 × 102 colony/g. Day 4 to day 10 the value obtained was 1.17 – 25.16 × 102 CFU/ml where the value did not meet the requirements according to SNI

    Kesesuaian Hasil Swab Menggunakan Alat Tcm (Tes Cepat Molekuler) Dengan Rt-pcr Sebagai Gold Standard Diagnostik Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Covid-19

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    Since the WHO announced the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 in February 2020, various steps have been taken to deal with it, one of which is increasing laboratory tests to support the diagnosis. This study aimed to describe the suitability of the COVID-19 swab results using the TCM (Molecular Rapid Test) tool with RT-PCR as the gold standard for diagnostic COVID-19 laboratory examinations at Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital, Mojokerto City, reaching 100% or not. This research is descriptive with a retrospective approach, taking data from the examination results in August 2020, which were carried out at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory and PCR Biomolecular Laboratory, Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital Mojokerto City. The results of the 20 samples examined using the TCM tool obtained postpositive results. In contrast,e results in as many as seven samples and 13 samples with negative results. In comparison, with the RT-PCR tool, 6 samples had positive results and 14 samples with negative results, so that 1 (5%) did not come according to the results, namely in samples with code C the results with the TCM tool showed p those with the RT-PCR tool showed negative results. Then the research results using the TCM if the percentage according to RT-PCR is 95%. Many factors could cause this difference in results. If viewed from pre-analytic factors, it can be caused by improper sampling process, patient cooperation, poor quality of the specimen or containing only very few samples, inaccurate sample delivery and storage conditions, sample contamination, and pipetting errors during sample preparation. At the analytical stage, the presence of cross-contamination, virus mutation, or PCR reaction barriers, the quality of the reagent kit, and the skills of the analyst working on it also affect the results because the more skilled you are, the more precise and correct standard procedures can be performed