7 research outputs found

    Expository Methods of Bundles HAP Affected the Implementation of HAP Prevention of Adult Inpatient Unit

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    Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) incidents in private hospitals in Bandung reached 0.11 % -1.03 %. HAP affects the quality of hospital services related to patient safety. One of the methods used for socializing implementation of HAP prevention was the expository method means learning method that is directly implemented to maintain contact between the speaker and audience. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the expository method of education on HAP bundles on the implementation of HAP prevention in the adult inpatient units. The study was designed by pre-experimental design one group pretest-posttest. A total of 16 associate nurses were part of the research using the purposive sampling technique in the adult inpatient units. The variable in the study was the implementation of HAP prevention which was measured by using an observation sheet. Wilcoxon tests were used to compare the scores between pretest-posttest. The researched result was P-value 0.000 (P-value < α 0.05), meaning the expository method of education on HAP bundle affected the implementation of HAP prevention in the adult inpatient unit. Suggestions derived from this study are to advise the infection prevention and control committee to implement the expository method in socializing bundles to prevent infections categorized as HAIs to health workers and to perform a regular evaluation

    Gambaran Tingkat Kecemasan Remaja Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang Tinggal di Daerah Rawan Banjir

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    Anxiety is a psychological problem often found in children after the flood. Anxiety experienced can interfere with psychological well-being and academic achievement. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of anxiety levels in junior high school students in flood-prone areas. This study uses quantitative methods and descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach Samples were taken using a total sampling technique of 100 junior high school students living in flood-prone areas. Data were collected using the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders. The results showed that the average age of the respondents was 13.43 years, the standard deviation was 0.756, the minimum age was 12 years, and the maximum period was 16 years. A total of 66.0% of respondents are female. Anxiety descriptions of respondents: 73.0% experienced anxiety disorders, with criteria: generalized anxiety disorder 43%, panic or somatic disorders 54%, separation anxiety 81%, social anxiety 48% and school avoidance 19.0%. Junior high school students who live in flood-prone areas with repeated floods experience anxiety. Based on the study's results, the recommendations require cooperation between counselling teachers and primary health care nurses in charge of school health efforts to screen the psychological health of adolescents affected by floods and provide psychological interventions

    REMOVED: Using Team Supports and Gamified Web-Based Approaches to Attain Recommended Levels of Physical Activity Among International Indonesian Students

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    REMOVED: Using Team Supports And Gamified Web-Based Approaches To Attain Recommended Levels Of Physical Activity Among International Indonesian Students.Following a rigorous, carefully concerns and considered review of the article published in INDONESIAN NURSING JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND CLINIC (INJEC) titled “Using Team Supports And Gamified Web-Based Approaches To Attain Recommended Levels Of Physical Activity Among International Indonesian Students”. The paper publication was Volume 3, Issue 2 (2018). This paper has been found to be in violation of the COPE and INJEC principles and has been removed. All authors agreed and requested to do so. Therefore, all reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article

    Unhealthy Lifestyle Among Sufferers Of Gastritis On Young Adult Age

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    GGastritis is generally experienced by young adults caused by unhealthy lifestyle patterns, including diet, sleep patterns, physical activity, and stress. This study aims to identify the description of the lifestyle of young adults with gastritis that includes diet, sleep pattern, physical activity, and stress. This research method used was quantitative with a cross-sectional design, using a lifestyle questionnaire which was distributed using a Google form to 133 students who were selected through total sampling. The results showed that the average age of respondents was 20.9 years and the majority were women. lifestyle profile found, the total healthy lifestyle was 46.6% unhealthy. Lifestyles include diet, sleep patterns, and physical activity indicating nearly the same results by about 51-52% in unhealthy categories. For stress levels, there were 70.7% respondents in the moderate category. The number of male respondents in the category of healthy lifestyles and do not have the same results (12.8%), whereas in women, 33.8% in the unhealthy category. On the male lifestyle profile, unhealthy categories on physical activity, while in women on eating habits. The conclusion of the study for lifestyle among respondents were in the unhealthy category. Young adults with gastritis are recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid the complication of gastritis

    Emerging Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices In Response to The Novel Coronavirus in Nursing Students: An Online-Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: The knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in response to Covid-19 have not been measured previously in nursing institutions, which could be crucial to preventing a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study examined the KAP for Covid-19 among Indonesian nursing students during the rapid increase period. Methods: An online-based cross-sectional design recruited nursing students using the authors’ networks with lecturers and nursing institutions in Indonesia. After obtaining their consent, the participants completed an online survey to assess their socio-demographic details, habits, family history of chronic diseases, and KAP in response to Covid-19. Simple descriptive through to complex analyses and multivariate regression were carried out using SPSS 17. Results: There were a total of 492 participants; 84.4% were female, most had a Bachelor’s degree (71.3%) and the mean age was 23.9 years old. The majority had never smoked (94.3%), drank warm water everyday (61.6%), exercised (50.6%), did not have hypertension (96.3%), had no family history of select conditions (79.9%) and had not been diagnosed with diabetes (99.4%). The majority of participants (79.3%) had good knowledge, where the mean for attitude was 2.05 (SD=0.30) and the result for practices was 2.19 (SD=0.42). Multiple linear regression showed that males who were older were associated with a higher level of knowledge. Conclusion: Our results found that the nursing students had good KAP scores regarding Covid-19. The development of effective health education programs to uphold their optimistic attitude and to maintain their good practices is needed.

    Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik Saat Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Tingkat Nyeri Dismenore Primer

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    This research was triggered by complaints of female students who suffered from dysmenorrhea and had their activities disturbed. Meanwhile, dysmenorrhea symptoms can be overcome by physical exercises, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Lack of exercises is a risk factor of dysmenorrhea pain severity. Moreover during Covid-19 pandemic, exercises became one of the top physical activities for maintaining immunity and physical health. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between physical activities during Covid-19 pandemic and dysmenorrhea pain levels among female students. This study used cross-sectional approach and the data collection technique used International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF) instrument. The sampling method used purposive sampling and the sample size were 194 respondents. The results of Spearman's rank statistical test showed a correlation between physical activities during Covid-19 pandemic and the pain level of primary dysmenorrhea, in which the r value is 0.745 and the p-value is &lt;0.05. The Research results could be disseminated to educational institutions to carry out a program of joint physical activity.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keluhan mahasiswi yang mengalami dismenore dan merasa aktivitasnya terganggu. Padahal gejala dismenore dapat diatasi dengan latihan fisik, terapi farmakologi dan non farmakologi. Kurangnya olahraga merupakan salah satu faktor risiko keparahan nyeri dismenore. Apalagi di masa pandemi COVID-19, olahraga menjadi salah satu aktivitas fisik terpenting untuk menjaga kekebalan dan kesehatan fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara aktivitas fisik pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan derajat nyeri desminore yang dialami mahasiswi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Pengambilan teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 194 responden. Hasil uji statistik rank Spearman menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara tingkat latihan fisik selama pandemi Covid-19 dengan tingkat nyeri disminore primer, dimana nilai r = -0,745 dan P-value &lt;0,05. Hasil studi ini dapat diberikan kepada lembaga pendidikan untuk mengadakan program aktivitas fisik bersama