5 research outputs found


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    Berwisata merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang mampu menghilangkan kepenatan serta kejenuhan dalam melakukan aktifitas sehari - hari. Berwisata juga tidak harus mengeluarkan banyak biaya, hal penting dalam berwisata adalah melakukan kegiatan yang membuat seseorang itu bisa bersemangat kembali dalam melakukan aktifitas yang dilakukannya. Akan tetapi jika ingin berwisata menuju ke suatu daerah, terkadang seseorang kurang tahu akan daerah yang akan dikunjunginya, padahal di daerah tersebut banyak sekali tempat wisata, misalnya Kota Jepara. Kota Jepara selain terkenal dengan Kota Ukir, juga mempunyai keindahan alam yang amat elok terutama dengan keindahan alam pantainya. Hal tersebutlah yang melatar belakangi pembuatan aplikasi Pemandu Wisata Kota Jepara Vijato Berbasis Android dengan Fitur Augmented Reality. Vijatomerupakan aplikasi pemandu wisata yang menggunakan teknologi augmented reality pada wisata Kota Jepara yang memiliki fitur pencarian lokasi dengan memadukan fungsi kamera dan GPS based Tracking dan geo tagging yang ada pada smartphone android. Tujuan pembuatan tugas akhir adalah membuat sebuah aplikasi pemandu wisata menggunakan augmented reality pada wisata Kota Jepara berbasis android yang diharapkan mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi pengguna untuk mengetahui informasi wisata Kota Jepara. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall. Pada metode waterfall ini model pengembangan perangkat lunak yang dilakukan secara sekuensial, dimana suatu fase dilakukan apabila fase-fase sebelumnya telah selesai dilaksanakan. Hasil dari kuisoner tingkat kepuasaan pengguna menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pengguna sebesar 89% yang berarti pengguna merasa puas akan aplikasi

    Specific Peak Discharge of Two Catchments Covered by Teak Forest with Different Area Percentages

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    In watershed area, forest has important roles in relation with peak discharge. This  research was conducted to study the impacts of teak forest on peak discharge. On-screen digitizing of IKONOS imagery was done to classify the land cover of the study area. Kejalen and Gagakan catchments covered by old teak forests by 74% and 53% respectively, were chosen as the study area. These catchments are located in Blora Regency. Automatic streamflow recorder was set at the outlet of each catchment and subsequently, peak discharges were examined from the recorded data. During the observation, there were 36 evidences of specific peak discharge. The results showed that a trend of lower peak discharges occurred in Kejalen catchment which has the higher percentage of teak forest area  in compared to Gagakan catchment with lower percentage of teak forest area, except when extreme rainfalls happened. At rainfall of 163 mm/day, specific peak discharge in Kejalen was higher than in Gagakan catchment. Although there is a relationship between specific peak discharge and the percentage of forest cover area, the increase of specific peak discharge is not only affected by forest cover, but also affected by daily rainfall, antecedent soil moisture, and rainfall intensity. Coefficients of determination between specific peak discharge and daily rainfall are 0.64 and 0.61 for Kejalen and Gagakan catchments, respectively

    Baseflow and lowflow of catchments covered by various old teak forest areas

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    Drought has become a severe disaster faced by several regions in Java, Indonesia due to land cover changes including forest conversion and the increase in air temperature. In this regards, the availability of forests related to lowflow has been a controversial debate. Forest in Java is dominated by teak; however, the hydrological teak forest has not been well known. Therefore, a research has been undertaken to know the baseflow and low-flow of teak catchments covered by various old teak forest areas. The research areas were in Blora District, Central Java, Indonesia. Data of2008-2015 from five catchments with areas of 3.38, 13.47, 20.14, 27.79, 64.80, and 69.20 ha and covered by old teak forests of 82, 82, 74, 70, and 53% of the catchment were analyzed. In this study, baseflow is the delayed flow from bank storage, and low-flow is stream flow in the dry season. The results showed that baseflow is affected by the percentage of old teak plantation areas, rainfall and antecedent soil moisture condition. Areas of the old teak plantation and the baseflow show negative and non-linear correlation. High low-flow occurs in the catchments with the percentage of old teak plantation about 74 to 70%

    Mathematical Model of Drying Edamame (Glycine max (L.) Merill) Using Food Dehydrator Technology Based on Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

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    Edamame is included in perishable products or products that have a fairly short shelf life if post-harvest processing is not carried out. One of the post-harvest processing methods commonly used by the community is drying. The purpose of this study was to analyze the drying process of edamame related to the MLRL and ANN models. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three variations of air velocity, namely 1 m/s, 3 m/s, and 5 m/s. Data collection was repeated three times every 30 minutes until 330 minutes. Multiple linear regression (MLR) model training and validation produce accuracy values of 88.03 and 82.23, and the value of R2 of 0.93 and 0.90. While the training and validation of the artificial neural network (ANN) model resulted in accuracy values of 88.34 and 82.15, and R2 values of 0.93 and 0.90

    Spatial Analysis of Land Degradation Susceptibility and Alternative Plants for Its Rehabilitation

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    One of the drawbacks of developing plants for the rehabilitation of degraded land in Indonesia is the relative lack of information about species that are suited to the local conditions. Therefore, spatial information on land degradation and the plants suitable for rehabilitation is crucial. The objectives of this study were to map the susceptibility of land to degradation and to identify some alternative species for its rehabilitation. The research was conducted in Jang Watershed, Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia. A quick assessment of land degradation was carried out to classify the degree of land susceptibility. The land suitability evaluation was conducted manually by matching the existing biophysical condition and plant growth requirements using a geographic information system. This analysis was applied for annual plants, such as Acacia mangium, Durio zibethinus, Artocarpus champeden, Theobroma cacao and Hevea brassiliensis. Furthermore, the maps of land susceptibility to degradation and species suitability were overlaid and the result was used to provide recommendations for rehabilitating the degraded land. This study showed that 22% of the Jang Watershed area can be categorised as highly susceptible to degradation. The suitability analysis illustrated that 59% of the degraded areas were suitable for Acacia mangium. The planting of fast-growing species such as Acacia mangium is expected to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil