380 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Motivasi Kader Kesehatan dengan Aktivitasnya dalam Pengendalian Kasus Tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Keberadaan kader kesehatan di masyarakat dalam pengendalian kasus tuberkulosis sangat strategis. Di kabupaten Buleleng aktivitas kader kesehatan ini dalam pengendalian kasus tuberkulosis masih sangat rendah. Aktivitas kader tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada kader kesehatan di Kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Randomisasi dilakukan untuk mendapat-kan sampel penelitian. Variabel penelitian diukur menggunakan kuesioner dan analisis hubungan antar variabel menggunakan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang secara statistik signifikan antara variabel pengetahuan dengan aktivitas kader kesehatan (OR=18.44; CI 95%=1,89-179,91; p=0,012), antara sikap dengan aktivitas kader kesehatan(OR=8.08; CI 95%=1,60-40,71; p=0,011), dan antara motivasi dengan aktivitas kader kesehatan (OR=15.01; CI 95%=1,59-141,65; p=0,018). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Terdapat hubungan yang secara statistik signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan motivasi dengan aktivitas kader kesehatan; 2) Kader kesehatan dengan pengetahuan tinggi memiliki kemungkinan untuk aktif 18 kali lebih besar dari pada pengetahuan rendah; 3) Kader kesehatan dengan sikap baik memiliki kemungkinan untuk aktif 8 kali lebih besar dari pada sikap kurang; 4) Kader kesehatan dengan motivasi tinggi memiliki kemungkinan untuk aktif 15 kali lebih besar dari pada motivasi rendah Kata kunci: pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi, kader kesehata

    Penerapan Desentralisasi Fiskal Di Negara Cina Dan Negara Indonesia

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    These days economic and financial sector is to determine the progress of a country around the world, in the country of China began to implement the concept of fiscal decentralization to improve the economy and its financial sector after the economic reforms in the 2000s. In Indonesia itself, fiscal decentralization began attending since the fall of the New Order era, namely the beginning of the reform era, with the exclusion of some Act to reinforce the concept of fiscal decentralization in the country of Indonesia. Fiscal decentralization is part of the reform measures around the world, the concept of fiscal decentralization is devolution from central government to local government in the conduct of economic and financial management

    Ergonomic Redesign of Computer Laboratory to Improve Electric Power Performance and Working Efficiency

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    The current problems in the Computer Laboratory of Udayana UniversityTechnical Engineering Faculty include non-standard room temperature of 28 0 C, nonstandardlight intensity average in the room of 110 lux, seat height of 43 cm and tableheight of 74,50 cm being not adapted to the workers' anthropometric measurements, anddazzling white-colored curtains. Baseline data on six students after 3-hour workingrevealed the following findings: eye fatigue 81%' and general fatigue 88%;musculoskeletal complaints 51%; average learning achievement 59.5%, performance16.25%, and efficiency 10.09%. In an effort to improve the working conditions, a totalexperimental ergonomic intervention in the form of redesigning the Computer Laboratorywas introduced.In this study 30 subjects were recruited. The data collected were analyzed by usingdesriptive statistics, normality test, comparability test, and paired-simple t-test with asignificant level of 5%.Total ergonomic intervention has resulted in a decrease of room temperature from280 C to 25.830 C (p<0.05), increase in light intensity from 110 lux to 136.67 lux, decreasein eye fatigue from 81% to 23% (p<0.05), decrease in general fatique 88% to 41%,decrease in musculoskeletal complaints from 51% to 11% (p<0.05), increase in learningachievement score from 59.5% to 89.5% (p<0.05), increase in performance from 16.25%to 41.25%, and increase in efficiency from 10.09% to 75.09% (p<.05).The results of this study revealed that appropriate total ergonomic intervention in acomputer laboratory had succeeded in improving the quality of working and performanceof the workers

    Risk Mitigation for Rice Production Through Agricultural Insurance: Farmer's Perspectives

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    Rice farming is susceptible to failure due to several risks including natural disasters of flood and drought as well as pest and disease attacks. Risk mitigation such as agricultural insurance is required to cope with the risks. This study aims to portray rice production risks to failure and farmer's perception on the implementation of agricultural insurance in Bali province. Three regencies were selected purposively based on the area insured. A survey was conducted to 180 respondents who paid for the agricultural insurance (AUTP). Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis and chi-square test. Results of the research show that most rice farming risks to failure in Bali were blast and rat attacks. In terms of agricultural insurance implementation, all farmers accept the program as a mitigation risk to bridge rice farming failure. However, most farmers (85 %) asked for fully support of premium subsidy from the government while the rest agreed to pay for a-20 % of the premium. The result from the Chi-square test shows insignificant, implying that the distribution of farmers' perception towards full subsidy of agricultural insurance is indifferent across locations. Implication of the study noted that the government and insurer need to socialize the agricultural insurance program more intensively covering premium payment, coverage and claiming

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transaksional dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transactional leadership and job stress on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali. This study used quantitative research by using surveys and questionnaires to 48 respondents. Obtained findings that simultaneous variable transactional leadership and job stress influence on job satisfaction of employees at PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali. Other results found that partially can be seen that the variable transactional leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction of employees at PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali. Furthermore, it is known that partially variable job stress negatively affects job satisfaction of employees at PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali. Finally, transactional leadership variables (X1) is the variable that has the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees at PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar, Bali

    The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Training on the Absorptive Cells, Absorption of Carbohydrate and Protein in Small Intestine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphofunctional response of a total number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorption capability in the small intestine of Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar (RNSW) that has been subjected to aerobic and anaerobic physical training based on the morphofunctional physiological paradigm. This study was based on the separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, using a t-test, and multivariate SPSS ten program, with five percent level of significance. The sample consisted of one hundred and twenty, male RNSW, with average age of five months, and body weight of 246-278 grams. They were divided into twelve groups at random, i.e. four pretest groups, two control groups, and six treated groups where different diets were given thirty minutes before undergoing posttest. The experimental animals underwent four weeks physical training (twelve times), three groups were given aerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, the others three groups received anaerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of nine percent fasting body weight. The experiment was conducted at night, between 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM, in a water with a temperature of    28°C to 30°C. Result of the study revealed: (1) Aerobic and anaerobic physical training, increased the number of absorptive cells (t = -73,281, p = 0,000), and increased the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein (Hotelling\u27s Trace = 0,244, p = 0,000). (2) There was a difference in the increased absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein among groups (Hotelling\u27s Trace = 0,404a, p = 0,000). Aerobic physical training had less influence than anaerobic physical training on the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine. In conclusion: (1) Aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, and anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight correlate with the increase the number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorptive capacity of the small intestine. (2) Anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight has better correlation than aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight with the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine

    The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Training on the Absorptive Cells, Absorption of Carbohydrate and Protein in Small Intestine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphofunctional response of a total number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorption capability in the small intestine of Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar (RNSW) that has been subjected to aerobic and anaerobic physical training based on the morphofunctional physiological paradigm. This study was based on the separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, using a t-test, and multivariate SPSS ten program, with five percent level of significance. The sample consisted of one hundred and twenty, male RNSW, with average age of five months, and body weight of 246-278 grams. They were divided into twelve groups at random, i.e. four pretest groups, two control groups, and six treated groups where different diets were given thirty minutes before undergoing posttest. The experimental animals underwent four weeks physical training (twelve times), three groups were given aerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, the others three groups received anaerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of nine percent fasting body weight. The experiment was conducted at night, between 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM, in a water with a temperature of    28°C to 30°C. Result of the study revealed: (1) Aerobic and anaerobic physical training, increased the number of absorptive cells (t = -73,281, p = 0,000), and increased the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein (Hotelling's Trace = 0,244, p = 0,000). (2) There was a difference in the increased absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein among groups (Hotelling's Trace = 0,404a, p = 0,000). Aerobic physical training had less influence than anaerobic physical training on the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine. In conclusion: (1) Aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, and anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight correlate with the increase the number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorptive capacity of the small intestine. (2) Anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight has better correlation than aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight with the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine
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