3 research outputs found

    Analysis of BTA16 CNC Machine Performance Improvement with Total Productive Maintenance Approach

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    Machinery or production equipment was the most important part of a production system. Machines need effective and efficient maintenance to be able to guarantee and support the production process to operate properly. The gas filter industry is an industry that produces air and gas filters. The gas filter industry has many production machines, one of which is CNC BTA16. This machine often has problems such as downtime that interfere with smooth production. The purpose of this study was to determine the problems in the CNC BTA16 production machine and provide recommendations for improvements to improve machine performance. The approach used is Total Productive Maintenance. Problem analysis was carried out through Focus Group Discussions with experts. The results showed that the cause of the engine is not optimal comes from abnormal heat in the gearbox on the engine spindle component caused by operator error when inputting data. The results of the calculation of the OEE value on the BTA16 CNC machine during the January – December 2021 period, the average OEE value was 73%. Suggested improvements are to make a special schedule for maintenance, check all speeches, and conduct training for employees to improve knowledge and skills

    Penerapan DFMEA pada Perancangan Produk Casing Lampu Berbahan Dasar Bambu

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    This research aims to discover the higest impact of product failures and determine the proper of solution. Design FMEA is a method to anticipate failure during the design stage by identifying all of the possible failures in a design or manufacturing process. This studi conducted in a micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). KIM is a small company that produce handycraft product made from bamboo plants, one of the featured product is lamp casing. Any of customers complain encourage the company to make new product design and look for the cause of the problem and risk. The results of this  research  are obtained 5 components of lamp casing with the highest level of risk. An Improvement was carried out entirely by using a repair priority scale according to the sequence of failure modes with the highest risk of damage

    Usulan Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Sepatu Adidas Continental dengan Metode DMAIC di Industri PCaG

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    Perhatian penuh terhadap kualitas sangatlah penting, agar pelanggan tidak beralih pada produk pesaing. Hal ini selalu dijalankan oleh Industri PCaG yang bergerak dalam bidang penghasil sepatu. Jika perusahaan memproduksi produk dengan kualitas yang tidak bagus, maka akan berpengaruh buruk pada image perusahaan tersebut yang akan semakin turun. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melakukan pengendalian kualitas disetiap proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan strategi perbaikan guna meningkatkan kualitas produk sepatu di Industri PCaG. Metode yang digunakan adalah Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control (DMAIC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk diperlukan strategi perbaikan yaitu mengadakan training untuk peningkatan skill pekerja, meningkatkan pengawasan oleh leader team ke operator yang sedang bekerja, pengawasan setiap hari selama 5 minutes meeting untuk mereview kesalahan yang terjadi pada kondisi abnormal, menegaskan dan sosialiasasi ke operator agar selalu mengikuti SOP, meningkatkan perawatan berkala pada mesin agar performa mesin tetap maksimal dan melakukan pergantian part pada komponen mesin yang kurang maksimal