2 research outputs found

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Kelmpahan Ikan Karang Di Perairan Pulau Parang Kepulauan Karimunjawa Jepara

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    Parang island is the most northwest island in the Karimunjawa islands, It has unique characteristic, namelyleeward and windwardwaters. It is suspected to be the factors that can affect the existence of coral reef ecosystem diversity and reef fish\u27s habitat.This study aims to determine the species composition and abundance of reef fish in the waters of Parang island, Karimunjawa.Data were collected by using abelttransectmethod(belt transect) along 75meter coastline. The results showed that the research location have a totally 1069 individuals. There were differences in the composition and abundance of reef fish in the waters in the east, south, west and north. The highest abundance of reef fish was found in the north side the island, there were 462 fish which composed of 20 species and 9 families. Family which has the highest species composition was Pomacentridae and Labridae. The lowest abundance of reef fish was found in the waters in the west side with 146 fish which was composed of 11 species of 5 family of reef fish, and species of fish that hasthe highest constituent of abundance was Family Pomacentridae and Labridae. There were 203 reef fish found on the south side of theParangisland thatborders directly with Kumbang Island, which was composed of 16 species, 8 family, and species of fish that has the highest constituent wereFamily Pomacentridae and Caesionidae. While in the waters of the eastern side the dominance fish was found Family Apogonidae fairly high as 144 individu, from the total 258 individu reef fish consisting of 15 species and 6 families.Differences incompositionandabundance species ofreef fishin the waters ofParang islandis presumably becauseof differences inthe life form condition ofcoral reef habitatfrom effect leeward and windward of Parangisland, Karimunjawa Islands


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    Sebanyak 62 titik penyelaman dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran mengenai ikan karang yang terdapat di wilayah perbatasan Propinsi NTT dan Maluku di Indonesia. Tutupan karang hidup menunjukan umumnya kondisi tutupan karang berada pada kategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata 62,51%. Ikan karang yang ditemukan dalam survei ini terdiri dari 468 spesies dalam 47 Famili ikan karang dimana biomassa ikan karang tertinggi terdapat Kab. MBD (Rata-rata 12.476,32 Kg/Ha) sedangkan yang terendah terdapat di Kab. Flores Timur (rata-rata 652,83 Kg/Ha). Nilai Kelimpahan ikan karang tertinggi terdapat di Kab. MBD (rata-rata 13.308 Ind/Ha) dan yang terendah terdapat di Kab. Flores Timur (rata-rata 1.502.23 Ind/Ha). Struktur komunitas ikan karang berdasarkan indeks shanon-weinner (H’) berada kategori sedang, nilai indeks keseragaman (E) masuk kategori labil dan nilai dominansi (C) masuk dominansi rendah sehingga ekosistem masih dalam kondisi baik. Kesamaan spesies ikan karang menggunakan hasil cluster analysis pada taraf penskalaan 66,37 % dan MDS (Multi Dimensional Scalling) mengelompokkan ikan karang kedalam 2 grup yaitu ikan karang di wilayah Kab. Alor dan Flores Timur dan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya di kolompok lainnya. Hasil dari analisis klatser dan MDS memperlihatkan Kab. Alor dan Flores timur di Provinsi NTT yang masuk wilayah geografis Lesser Sunda memiliki perbedaan ikan karang dengan Kab. Maluku Barat Daya di Provinsi Maluku yang secara geografis masuk area Banda seascapes. Secara keseluruhan ikan karang di Kab. MBD memiliki potensi yang sangat tinggi dilihat dari kelimpahan, biomasa dan nilai ekologi lainnya. Lokasi ini bisa dikembangkan menjadi sumber protein hewani yang potensial bagi masyarakat disana maupun tingkat nasional.Kata kunci: Ikan karang, Biomassa, kelimpahan, Lesser sunda, Flores Timur, Alor, Maluku Barat Daya. REEF FISHES BIODIVERSITY OF LESSER SUNDA-BANDA SEASCAPE (EAST FLORES, ALOR AND SOUTH WEST MALUKU DISTRICT) IN INDONESIAABSTRACT A total of 62 dive sites were made to provide an overview of reef fish found in the border region of the Province of NTT and Maluku in Indonesia. Live coral cover shows the general condition of the coral cover is in good category with an average value of 62.51%. Reef fish found in this survey consists of 468 species in 47 Famili reef fish reef where fish biomass is highest Kab. MBD (average 12.476,32 kg.ha-1), while the lowest was in the district. East Flores (an average of 652,83 kg.ha-1). The value of reef fish abundance is highest in the district MBD (average 13.308 ind.ha-1) and the lowest was in the district East Flores (average 1.502,23 ind.ha-1). Reef fish community structure based-weinner Shannon index (H') was the medium category, evenness indice value (E) in the category volatile and the value of dominance (C) enters a low dominance so that the ecosystem is still in good condition. The similarity of species of reef fish using cluster analysis results at the level of scaling 66.37% and MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) breaks down into two groups of reef fish that reef fish in the district Alor and East Florest and district of Southwest Maluku in other group. Results of the cluster analysis and MDS showed Alor and East Flores regency in NTT Prvince incoming Lesser Sunda seascapes have different reef fish by the District of Southwest Maluku in Maluku Province incoming Sunda Banda seascapes. Overall reef fish in the district. MBD has a very high potential views of abundance, biomass and other ecological values. This location can be developed into a potential source of animal protein for the people there as well as national level. Keywords: Reef fishes, biomass, abundance, Lesser Sunda, sunda banda seascap