20 research outputs found

    The EU "PARTNER" Project - European standard tests to prevent alkali reactions in aggregates: Final results and recommendations

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    This paper presents the main findings in the EU PARTNER Project (2002–2006) providing the basis for a unified European test approach for evaluating the potential alkali-reactivity of aggregates. The project evaluated the tests developed by RILEM and some regional tests for their suitability for use with the wide variety of aggregates and geological types found across Europe. The project had 24 partners from 14 countries, covering most of Europe, from Iceland to Greece. 22 different types of aggregates from 10 different European countries were evaluated. It was found that in most cases the RILEM tests could successfully identify the reactivity of the aggregates tested. They were most successful with normally reactive and non-reactive aggregates, but with aggregates that react very slowly an extended test period may be necessary for some of the RILEM methods. Overall, the accelerated mortar bar test and the accelerated concrete prism test seemed most effective and to have the best precision.acceptedVersio

    Produksjon og bruk av overskuddsmasser - Beste praksis og vegen videre

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    Kortreist Stein har hatt en arbeidspakke konsentrert mot Produksjon og anvendelse. Som et utgangspunkt for forskningsaktivitetene, er det det laget detaljerte oversikter over de mest relevante anvendelsesområdene for kortreist stein og hvilke tekniske egnethetskrav som må tilfredsstilles ut fra dagens regelverk. Prosjekter i Norge og andre land hvor overskuddsmasser har blitt nyttiggjort, er presentert. Prosjektet har sett nærmere på hvordan man kan optimalisere knuseprosessen i mobile anlegg ut fra utgangsmateriale og med mål om mest mulig høyverdig anvendelse av kortreist stein. I Arbeidspakken Produksjon og anvendelse er det gjort detaljerte studier i laboratorium og felt rettet inn mot bruk av tunnelmasser i veg, asfalt og betong, og hvor effekt av knusing og annen prosessering også har vært fokusert. Forskningsarbeidene har inkludert Master- og PhD-arbeid. Flere studier har spesielt vært rettet mot utnyttelse av svake steinmaterialer i ulike anvendelser. Flere arbeider utfordrer dagens metodikk for kvalitetsvurdering av tilslagsmaterialer, og der mange funn demonstrerer nytteverdien av funksjonstesting for bedre konklusjon om egnethet og bruksoppførsel og slik sett bedre utnyttelse av kortreist stein. Arbeidet har resultert i forslag til forbedringer og videre forskning, som både er relevant for utnyttelse av overskuddsmasser fra infrastrukturprosjekter og bergverk, generelt for forhold rundt tilslagsproduksjon og tunnel- og anleggsdrift. Foreliggende rapport oppsummerer arbeider, resultater og anbefalinger. I teksten gis referanser til hvilke publikasjoner funn er hentet fra, og en egen referanseliste følger til slutt i rapporten. Hovedbudskapet fra arbeidspakken Produksjon og anvendelse er som følger: • Etabler en helhetlig produksjons- og bruksstrategi som tar utgangspunkt i hvilke lokale og kortreiste steinmasser man kan nyttiggjøre i eller fra et infrastrukturprosjekt. Dette vil føre til en bedre massebalanse, og en mer kortreist, høyverdig bruk av overskuddsmasser fra infrastrukturprosjekter. • Det ligger flere optimaliseringsmuligheter for å få til dette, både når det gjelder • Utgangsmaterialet og kunnskap om dette • Driveteknikk • Prosessering og mobile anlegg • Materialteknologi og anvendelser Riktig og tidlig fokus kan gi forbedret ressursforvaltning og -utnyttelse, miljø og bærekraft og økonomi.publishedVersio

    Proceedings of the XXIII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Aalborg, Denmark 21-23 August, 2017

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    Development and assessments of test methods, to avoid deleterious AAR in concrete, have been the focus of three previous RILEM Technical Committees (TC) in the period 1989 to 2014. The 4th RILEM TC on AAR, TC 258-AAA, was established in 2014, and will until 2019 focus on the following Work Packages: WP1- Performance based testing concepts; WP2 - Relationship between results from laboratory and field and the establishment of field exposure sites; WP3 - Testing of potential alkalis released from certain types of aggregates and measurement of internal concrete alkali content; WP4 - Verification of alkalis released from aggregatespublishedVersio

    Three decades of international RILEM activities to combat deleterious Alkali-Silica Reactions (ASR) in concrete

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    Since 1988, the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM) Technical Committees (TCs) have been seeking to establish universally applicable test methods for assessing the alkali-reactivity potential of aggregates, and from later on, for concrete mixes. TC 106 (1988 – 2001) focused on accelerated aggregate tests. The successor committee TC 191-ARP (2001 – 2006) also included work on diagnosis/appraisal & specification. TC 219-ACS (2006 – 2014) introduced work on performance testing & modelling. The major recommendations were published as a RILEM State-of-the-art Report in 2016. In 2014, TC 258-AAA was established, scheduling to finish the work on performance-based assessment in 2019. This current TC is focusing on the following Work Packages; WP1Performance based testing concepts, WP2 Relationship between results from laboratory and field and the establishment of field exposure sites, WP3 Testing of potential alkalis released from certain types of aggregates and measurement of internal concrete alkali content, and eventually; WP4 Verification of alkalis released from aggregates

    Three decades of international RILEM activities to combat deleterious Alkali-Silica Reactions (ASR) in concrete

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    Since 1988, the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM) Technical Committees (TCs) have been seeking to establish universally applicable test methods for assessing the alkali-reactivity potential of aggregates, and from later on, for concrete mixes. TC 106 (1988 – 2001) focused on accelerated aggregate tests. The successor committee TC 191-ARP (2001 – 2006) also included work on diagnosis/appraisal & specification. TC 219-ACS (2006 – 2014) introduced work on performance testing & modelling. The major recommendations were published as a RILEM State-of-the-art Report in 2016. In 2014, TC 258-AAA was established, scheduling to finish the work on performance-based assessment in 2019. This current TC is focusing on the following Work Packages; WP1Performance based testing concepts, WP2 Relationship between results from laboratory and field and the establishment of field exposure sites, WP3 Testing of potential alkalis released from certain types of aggregates and measurement of internal concrete alkali content, and eventually; WP4 Verification of alkalis released from aggregates.publishedVersion© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction Materials

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    Since 1988, the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (Rilem) technical committees (TCs) have been seeking to establish universally applicable test methods for assessing the alkali-reactivity potential of aggregates, and from later on, for concrete mixes. TC 106, in the years 1988 to 2001 focused on accelerated aggregate tests, and presented the findings at the International Conferences on Alkali Aggregate Reactions (ICAAR) in Kyoto in 1989, London in 1992, Melbourne in 1996 and Quebec in 2000. The successor committee TC 191-ARP in the years 2001 to 2006 also included work on diagnosis/appraisal and specification, and presented the findings at the ICAAR in Beijing in 2004. TC 219-ACS in the years 2006 to 2014 introduced work on performance testing and modelling, and presented its findings at the ICAARs in Trondheim in 2008 and in Austin in 2012. The major recommendations were published as a Rilem state-of-the-art report in 2015. In 2014, the TC 258-AAA was established, and it scheduled the completion of work on performance-based assessment for 2019. The preliminary findings will be published at the ICAAR in SĂŁo Paolo in 2016