397 research outputs found

    On the failure of subadditivity of the Wigner-Yanase entropy

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    It was recently shown by Hansen that the Wigner-Yanase entropy is, for general states of quantum systems, not subadditive with respect to decomposition into two subsystems, although this property is known to hold for pure states. We investigate the question whether the weaker property of subadditivity for pure states with respect to decomposition into more than two subsystems holds. This property would have interesting applications in quantum chemistry. We show, however, that it does not hold in general, and provide a counterexample.Comment: LaTeX2e, 4 page

    Scaling of Level Statistics at the Disorder-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition

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    The distribution of energy level separations for lattices of sizes up to 28×\times28×\times28 sites is numerically calculated for the Anderson model. The results show one-parameter scaling. The size-independent universality of the critical level spacing distribution allows to detect with high precision the critical disorder Wc=16.35W_{c}=16.35. The scaling properties yield the critical exponent, ν=1.45±0.08\nu =1.45 \pm 0.08, and the disorder dependence of the correlation length.Comment: 11 pages (RevTex), 3 figures included (tar-compressed and uuencoded using UUFILES), to appear in Phys.Rev. B 51 (Rapid Commun.

    Spectral Correlations from the Metal to the Mobility Edge

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    We have studied numerically the spectral correlations in a metallic phase and at the metal-insulator transition. We have calculated directly the two-point correlation function of the density of states R(s,s)R(s,s'). In the metallic phase, it is well described by the Random Matrix Theory (RMT). For the first time, we also find numerically the diffusive corrections for the number variance predicted by Al'tshuler and Shklovski\u{\i}. At the transition, at small energy scales, R(ss)R(s-s') starts linearly, with a slope larger than in a metal. At large separations ss1|s - s'| \gg 1, it is found to decrease as a power law R(s,s)c/ss2γR(s,s') \sim - c / |s -s'|^{2-\gamma} with c0.041c \sim 0.041 and γ0.83\gamma \sim 0.83, in good agreement with recent microscopic predictions. At the transition, we have also calculated the form factor K~(t)\tilde K(t), Fourier transform of R(ss)R(s-s'). At large ss, the number variance contains two terms =Bγ+2πK~(0)where= B ^\gamma + 2 \pi \tilde K(0) where \tilde{K}(0)isthelimitoftheformfactorfor is the limit of the form factor for t \to 0$.Comment: 7 RevTex-pages, 10 figures. Submitted to PR

    Spin and Rotation in General Relativity

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    Rapporteur's Introduction to the GT8 session of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Rome, 2000); to appear in the Proceedings.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 15 page

    Infinite spin particles

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    We show that Wigner's infinite spin particle classically is described by a reparametrization invariant higher order geometrical Lagrangian. The model exhibit unconventional features like tachyonic behaviour and momenta proportional to light-like accelerations. A simple higher order superversion for half-odd integer particles is also derived. Interaction with external vector fields and curved spacetimes are analyzed with negative results except for (anti)de Sitter spacetimes. We quantize the free theories covariantly and show that the resulting wave functions are fields containing arbitrary large spins. Closely related infinite spin particle models are also analyzed.Comment: 43 pages, Late

    Universal Cubic Eigenvalue Repulsion for Random Normal Matrices

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    Random matrix models consisting of normal matrices, defined by the sole constraint [N,N]=0[N^{\dag},N]=0, will be explored. It is shown that cubic eigenvalue repulsion in the complex plane is universal with respect to the probability distribution of matrices. The density of eigenvalues, all correlation functions, and level spacing statistics are calculated. Normal matrix models offer more probability distributions amenable to analytical analysis than complex matrix models where only a model wth a Gaussian distribution are solvable. The statistics of numerically generated eigenvalues from gaussian distributed normal matrices are compared to the analytical results obtained and agreement is seen.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures. to appar in Physical Review

    Quantum coherence in the presence of unobservable quantities

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    State representations summarize our knowledge about a system. When unobservable quantities are introduced the state representation is typically no longer unique. However, this non-uniqueness does not affect subsequent inferences based on any observable data. We demonstrate that the inference-free subspace may be extracted whenever the quantity's unobservability is guaranteed by a global conservation law. This result can generalize even without such a guarantee. In particular, we examine the coherent-state representation of a laser where the absolute phase of the electromagnetic field is believed to be unobservable. We show that experimental coherent states may be separated from the inference-free subspaces induced by this unobservable phase. These physical states may then be approximated by coherent states in a relative-phase Hilbert space

    On a pair of difference equations for the 4F3_4F_3 type orthogonal polynomials and related exactly-solvable quantum systems

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    We introduce a pair of novel difference equations, whose solutions are expressed in terms of Racah or Wilson polynomials depending on the nature of the finite-difference step. A number of special cases and limit relations are also examined, which allow to introduce similar difference equations for the orthogonal polynomials of the 3F2 _3 F_2 and 2F1 _2 F_1 types. It is shown that the introduced equations allow to construct new models of exactly-solvable quantum dynamical systems, such as spin chains with a nearest-neighbour interaction and fermionic quantum oscillator models.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistic

    Wigner Functions on a Lattice

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    The Wigner functions on the one dimensional lattice are studied. Contrary to the previous claim in literature, Wigner functions exist on the lattice with any number of sites, whether it is even or odd. There are infinitely many solutions satisfying the conditions which reasonable Wigner functions should respect. After presenting a heuristic method to obtain Wigner functions, we give the general form of the solutions. Quantum mechanical expectation values in terms of Wigner functions are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, REVTE

    Spectra of "Real-World" Graphs: Beyond the Semi-Circle Law

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    Many natural and social systems develop complex networks, that are usually modelled as random graphs. The eigenvalue spectrum of these graphs provides information about their structural properties. While the semi-circle law is known to describe the spectral density of uncorrelated random graphs, much less is known about the eigenvalues of real-world graphs, describing such complex systems as the Internet, metabolic pathways, networks of power stations, scientific collaborations or movie actors, which are inherently correlated and usually very sparse. An important limitation in addressing the spectra of these systems is that the numerical determination of the spectra for systems with more than a few thousand nodes is prohibitively time and memory consuming. Making use of recent advances in algorithms for spectral characterization, here we develop new methods to determine the eigenvalues of networks comparable in size to real systems, obtaining several surprising results on the spectra of adjacency matrices corresponding to models of real-world graphs. We find that when the number of links grows as the number of nodes, the spectral density of uncorrelated random graphs does not converge to the semi-circle law. Furthermore, the spectral densities of real-world graphs have specific features depending on the details of the corresponding models. In particular, scale-free graphs develop a triangle-like spectral density with a power law tail, while small-world graphs have a complex spectral density function consisting of several sharp peaks. These and further results indicate that the spectra of correlated graphs represent a practical tool for graph classification and can provide useful insight into the relevant structural properties of real networks.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures (corrected typos, added references) accepted for Phys. Rev.