230 research outputs found

    NDE of Thick and Highly Reinforced Concrete Structures: State of the Art

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    AbstractThe objective of the report is to present the state-of-the art of non-destructive testing methods and technologies for the inspection of thick, heavily-reinforced structures, (e.g. found in nuclear power plants). Wall thicknesses can be in excess of one meter and the structures often have increased steel reinforcement density. The accessibility for any testing method may be limited due to the presence of liners and other components such as cast-in-place items. Testing methods have to provide solutions for tasks such as locating failure (inclusions, corrosion, voids, delaminations) in the structures or the assessment of the condition of the structure in general

    Chromanol compounds for treatment of heart failure

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    The invention relates to certain chromanol, quinone or hydroquinone compounds and derivatives thereof for treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Specifically, the present invention relates to chromanol compounds chosen from S-(6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2yl)(piperazin-1-yl)methanone and S-(6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-yl)(4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1-yl)methanone, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof

    Nondestructive Investigation of Stress-Induced Damage in Concrete

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    The changes in the sonic surface wave velocity of concrete under stress were investigated in this paper. Surface wave velocities at sonic frequency range were measured on a prismatic concrete specimen undergoing several cycles of uniaxial compression. The loading was applied (or removed) gradually in predefined small steps (stress-controlled). The surface wave velocity was measured at every load step during both loading and unloading phases. Acoustic Emission (AE) test was conducted simultaneously to monitor the microcracking activities at different levels of loading. It was found that the sonic surface wave velocity is highly stress dependent and the velocity-stress relationship follows a particular trend. The observed trend could be explained by a combination of acoustoelasticity and microcracking theories, each valid over a certain range of applied stresses. Having measured the velocities while unloading, when the material suffers no further damage, the effect of stress and damage could be differentiated. The slope of the velocity-stress curves over the elastic region was calculated for different load cycles. This quantity was normalized to yield a dimensionless nonlinear parameter. This parameter generally increases with the level of induced damage in concrete

    Stable isotope fractionation of metals and metalloids in plants: a review

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    This work critically reviews stable isotope fractionation of essential (B, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo), beneficial (Si), and non-essential (Cd, Tl) metals and metalloids in plants. The review (i) provides basic principles and methodologies for non-traditional isotope analyses, (ii) compiles isotope fractionation for uptake and translocation for each element and connects them to physiological processes, and (iii) interlinks knowledge from different elements to identify common and contrasting drivers of isotope fractionation. Different biological and physico-chemical processes drive isotope fractionation in plants. During uptake, Ca and Mg fractionate through root apoplast adsorption, Si through diffusion during membrane passage, Fe and Cu through reduction prior to membrane transport in strategy I plants, and Zn, Cu, and Cd through membrane transport. During translocation and utilization, isotopes fractionate through precipitation into insoluble forms, such as phytoliths (Si) or oxalate (Ca), structural binding to cell walls (Ca), and membrane transport and binding to soluble organic ligands (Zn, Cd). These processes can lead to similar (Cu, Fe) and opposing (Ca vs. Mg, Zn vs. Cd) isotope fractionation patterns of chemically similar elements in plants. Isotope fractionation in plants is influenced by biotic factors, such as phenological stages and plant genetics, as well as abiotic factors. Different nutrient supply induced shifts in isotope fractionation patterns for Mg, Cu, and Zn, suggesting that isotope process tracing can be used as a tool to detect and quantify different uptake pathways in response to abiotic stresses. However, the interpretation of isotope fractionation in plants is challenging because many isotope fractionation factors associated with specific processes are unknown and experiments are often exploratory. To overcome these limitations, fundamental geochemical research should expand the database of isotope fractionation factors and disentangle kinetic and equilibrium fractionation. In addition, plant growth studies should further shift toward hypothesis-driven experiments, for example, by integrating contrasting nutrient supplies, using established model plants, genetic approaches, and by combining isotope analyses with complementary speciation techniques. To fully exploit the potential of isotope process tracing in plants, the interdisciplinary expertise of plant and isotope geochemical scientists is required

    Artificial decellularized extracellular matrix improves the regenerative capacity of adipose tissue derived stem cells on 3D printed polycaprolactone scaffolds

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    Ideal tissue engineering frameworks should be both an optimal biological microenvironment and a shape and stability providing framework. In this study we tried to combine the advantages of cell-derived artificial extracellular matrix (ECM) with those of 3D printed polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds. In Part A, both chondrogenic and osteogenic ECMs were produced by human adipose derived stem cells (hASCs) on 3D-printed PCL scaffolds and then decellularized to create cell free functionalized PCL scaffolds, named acPCL and aoPCL respectively. The decellularization resulted in a significant reduction of the DNA content as well as the removal of nuclei while the ECM was largely preserved. In Part B the bioactivation and the effect of the ac/aoPCL scaffolds on the proliferation, differentiation, and gene expression of hASCs was investigated. The ac/aoPCL scaffolds were found to be non-toxic and allow good adhesion, but do not affect proliferation. In the in vitro investigation of cartilage regeneration, biochemical analysis showed that acPCL scaffolds have an additional effect on chondrogenic differentiation as gene expression analysis showed markers of cartilage hypertrophy. The aoPCL showed a large influence on the differentiation of hASCs. In control medium they were able to stimulate hASCs to produce calcium alone and all genes relevant investigated for osteogenesis were significantly higher expressed on aoPCL than on unmodified PCL. Therefore, we believe that ac/aoPCL scaffolds have a high potential to improve regenerative capacity of unmodified PCL scaffolds and should be further investigated