1,489 research outputs found

    Blackbody radiation shift in a 43Ca+ ion optical frequency standard

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    Motivated by the prospect of an optical frequency standard based on 43Ca+, we calculate the blackbody radiation (BBR) shift of the 4s_1/2-3d_5/2 clock transition, which is a major component of the uncertainty budget. The calculations are based on the relativistic all-order single-double method where all single and double excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave function are included to all orders of perturbation theory. Additional calculations are conducted for the dominant contributions in order to evaluate some omitted high-order corrections and estimate the uncertainties of the final results. The BBR shift obtained for this transition is 0.38(1) Hz. The tensor polarizability of the 3d_5/2 level is also calculated and its uncertainty is evaluated as well. Our results are compared with other calculations.Comment: 4 page

    Lattice Fluid Dynamics from Perfect Discretizations of Continuum Flows

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    We use renormalization group methods to derive equations of motion for large scale variables in fluid dynamics. The large scale variables are averages of the underlying continuum variables over cubic volumes, and naturally live on a lattice. The resulting lattice dynamics represents a perfect discretization of continuum physics, i.e. grid artifacts are completely eliminated. Perfect equations of motion are derived for static, slow flows of incompressible, viscous fluids. For Hagen-Poiseuille flow in a channel with square cross section the equations reduce to a perfect discretization of the Poisson equation for the velocity field with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The perfect large scale Poisson equation is used in a numerical simulation, and is shown to represent the continuum flow exactly. For non-square cross sections we use a numerical iterative procedure to derive flow equations that are approximately perfect.Comment: 25 pages, tex., using epsfig, minor changes, refernces adde

    Interacting crumpled manifolds

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    In this article we study the effect of a delta-interaction on a polymerized membrane of arbitrary internal dimension D. Depending on the dimensionality of membrane and embedding space, different physical scenarios are observed. We emphasize on the difference of polymers from membranes. For the latter, non-trivial contributions appear at the 2-loop level. We also exploit a ``massive scheme'' inspired by calculations in fixed dimensions for scalar field theories. Despite the fact that these calculations are only amenable numerically, we found that in the limit of D to 2 each diagram can be evaluated analytically. This property extends in fact to any order in perturbation theory, allowing for a summation of all orders. This is a novel and quite surprising result. Finally, an attempt to go beyond D=2 is presented. Applications to the case of self-avoiding membranes are mentioned

    Spinor Bose Condensates in Optical Traps

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    In an optical trap, the ground state of spin-1 Bosons such as 23^{23}Na, 39^{39}K, and 87^{87}Rb can be either a ferromagnetic or a "polar" state, depending on the scattering lengths in different angular momentum channel. The collective modes of these states have very different spin character and spatial distributions. While ordinary vortices are stable in the polar state, only those with unit circulation are stable in the ferromagnetic state. The ferromagnetic state also has coreless (or Skyrmion) vortices like those of superfluid 3^{3}He-A. Current estimates of scattering lengths suggest that the ground states of 23^{23}Na and 87^{87}Rb condensate are a polar state and a ferromagnetic state respectively.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. email : [email protected]

    Distribution of velocities and acceleration for a particle in Brownian correlated disorder: inertial case

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    We study the motion of an elastic object driven in a disordered environment in presence of both dissipation and inertia. We consider random forces with the statistics of random walks and reduce the problem to a single degree of freedom. It is the extension of the mean field ABBM model in presence of an inertial mass m. While the ABBM model can be solved exactly, its extension to inertia exhibits complicated history dependence due to oscillations and backward motion. The characteristic scales for avalanche motion are studied from numerics and qualitative arguments. To make analytical progress we consider two variants which coincide with the original model whenever the particle moves only forward. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods together with simulations, we characterize the distributions of instantaneous acceleration and velocity, and compare them in these three models. We show that for large driving velocity, all three models share the same large-deviation function for positive velocities, which is obtained analytically for small and large m, as well as for m =6/25. The effect of small additional thermal and quantum fluctuations can be treated within an approximate method.Comment: 42 page

    Pathogenesis of Bovine Herpesviruses in vitro

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    Bovine herpesviruses cause acute disease in cattle. Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1 or IBR) is a respiratory virus, while bovine herpesvirus 5 (BHV-5) affects the brain and causes a viral encephalitis. Studies in the laboratory showed no difference in the growth rate of BHV-1 or BHV-5 in blood vessel, brain, or kidney cells. The ability of BHV-1 to cause cells to die is not caused by apoptosis (programmed cell death). Further studies on the pathogenesis of bovine herpesviruses need to be conducted to improve control and prevention measures

    Loop Model with Generalized Fugacity in Three Dimensions

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    A statistical model of loops on the three-dimensional lattice is proposed and is investigated. It is O(n)-type but has loop fugacity that depends on global three-dimensional shapes of loops in a particular fashion. It is shown that, despite this non-locality and the dimensionality, a layer-to-layer transfer matrix can be constructed as a product of local vertex weights for infinitely many points in the parameter space. Using this transfer matrix, the site entropy is estimated numerically in the fully packed limit.Comment: 16pages, 4 eps figures, (v2) typos and Table 3 corrected. Refs added, (v3) an error in an explanation of fig.2 corrected. Refs added. (v4) Changes in the presentatio

    Direct observation of domain wall structures in curved permalloy wires containing an antinotch

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    The formation and field response of head-to-head domain walls in curved permalloy wires, fabricated to contain a single antinotch, have been investigated using Lorentz microscopy. High spatial resolution maps of the vector induction distribution in domain walls close to the antinotch have been derived and compared with micromagnetic simulations. In wires of 10 nm thickness the walls are typically of a modified asymmetric transverse wall type. Their response to applied fields tangential to the wire at the antinotch location was studied. The way the wall structure changes depends on whether the field moves the wall away from or further into the notch. Higher fields are needed and much more distorted wall structures are observed in the latter case, indicating that the antinotch acts as an energy barrier for the domain wal

    Stresses in lipid membranes

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    The stresses in a closed lipid membrane described by the Helfrich hamiltonian, quadratic in the extrinsic curvature, are identified using Noether's theorem. Three equations describe the conservation of the stress tensor: the normal projection is identified as the shape equation describing equilibrium configurations; the tangential projections are consistency conditions on the stresses which capture the fluid character of such membranes. The corresponding torque tensor is also identified. The use of the stress tensor as a basis for perturbation theory is discussed. The conservation laws are cast in terms of the forces and torques on closed curves. As an application, the first integral of the shape equation for axially symmetric configurations is derived by examining the forces which are balanced along circles of constant latitude.Comment: 16 pages, introduction rewritten, other minor changes, new references added, version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Precision study of 6p 2Pj - 8s 2S1/2 relative transition matrix elements in atomic Cs

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    A combined experimental and theoretical study of transition matrix elements of the 6p 2Pj - 8s 2S1/2 transition in atomic Cs is reported. Measurements of the polarization-dependent two-photon excitation spectrum associated with the transition were made in an approximately 200 cm-1 range on the low frequency side of the 6s 2S1/2 - 6p 2P3/2 resonance. The measurements depend parametrically on the relative transition matrix elements, but also are sensitive to far-off-resonance 6s 2S1/2 - np 2Pj - 8s 2S1/2 transitions. In the past, this dependence has yielded a generalized sum rule, the value of which is dependent on sums of relative two-photon transition matrix elements. In the present case, best available determinations from other experiments are combined with theoretical matrix elements to extract the ratio of transition matrix elements for the 6p 2Pj - 8s 2S1/2 (j = 1/2,3/2) transition. The resulting experimental value of 1.423(2) is in excellent agreement with the theoretical value, calculated using a relativistic all-order method, of 1.425(2)
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