13 research outputs found

    Charged exciton kinetics in monolayer MoSe2_2 near ferroelectric domain walls in periodically poled LiNbO3_3

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    Monolayers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are a strongly emergent platform for exploring quantum phenomena in condensed matter, building novel opto-electronic devices with enhanced functionalities. Due to their atomic thickness, their excitonic optical response is highly sensitive to their dielectric environment. In this work, we explore the optical properties of monolayer thick MoSe2_2 straddling domain wall boundaries in periodically poled LiNbO3_3. Spatially-resolved photoluminescence experiments reveal spatial sorting of charge and photo-generated neutral and charged excitons across the boundary. Our results reveal evidence for extremely large in-plane electric fields of 3000\,kV/cm at the domain wall whose effect is manifested in exciton dissociation and routing of free charges and trions toward oppositely poled domains and a non-intuitive spatial intensity dependence. By modeling our result using drift-diffusion and continuity equations, we obtain excellent qualitative agreement with our observations and have explained the observed spatial luminescence modulation using realistic material parameters.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, submetted materia

    Electrical control of orbital and vibrational interlayer coupling in bi- and trilayer 2H-MoS2_2

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    Manipulating electronic interlayer coupling in layered van der Waals (vdW) materials is essential for designing opto-electronic devices. Here, we control vibrational and electronic interlayer coupling in bi- and trilayer 2H-MoS2_2 using large external electric fields in a micro-capacitor device. The electric field lifts Raman selection rules and activates phonon modes in excellent agreement with ab-initio calculations. Through polarization resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the same device, we observe a strongly tunable valley dichroism with maximum circular polarization degree of ∼60%\sim 60\% in bilayer and ∼35%\sim 35\% in trilayer MoS2_2 that are fully consistent with a rate equation model which includes input from electronic band structure calculations. We identify the highly delocalized electron wave function between the layers close to the high symmetry QQ points as the origin of the tunable circular dichroism. Our results demonstrate the possibility of electric field tunable interlayer coupling for controlling emergent spin-valley physics and hybridization driven effects in vdW materials and their heterostructures.Comment: Main manuscript: 10 pages, 4 figures ; Supplemental material: 14 pages, 9 figure

    GaN Nanowire Arrays for Efficient Optical Read-Out and Optoelectronic Control of NV Centers in Diamond

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    Solid-state quantum emitters embedded in a semiconductor crystal environment are potentially scalable platforms for quantum optical networks operated at room temperature. Prominent representatives are nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond showing coherent entanglement and interference with each other. However, these emitters suffer from inefficient optical outcoupling from the diamond and from fluctuations of their charge state. Here, we demonstrate the implementation of regular n-type gallium nitride nanowire arrays on diamond as photonic waveguides to tailor the emission direction of surface-near NV centers and to electrically control their charge state in a p-i-n nanodiode. We show that the electrical excitation of single NV centers in such a diode can efficiently replace optical pumping. By the engineering of the array parameters, we find an optical read-out efficiency enhanced by a factor of 10 and predict a lateral NV–NV coupling 3 orders of magnitude stronger through evanescently coupled nanowire antennas compared to planar diamond not covered by nanowires, which opens up new possibilities for large-scale on-chip quantum-computing applications