511 research outputs found

    Science (Natuur en Techniek) werkplekopdracht (WPO)

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    Studentenbereideneen NW&T les vooraan de hand van het 5-stappenplan voornatuuronderwijs (didactisering van eenonderzoekscylus) enzettendaarbij de werkvorm ‘observatie- endemonstratiekring’ in. Daarbijmoetenzijtervoorbereidingaangevenwelke(leerlinggerichte) vragenzij de leerlingenwillenstellen(afhankelijk van de fase in de les / stappenplan) en wat voorantwoordenzij van llnverwachtenn.a.v. die vragen. Na afloopwordt de coach op de werkplek (=observant) o.a. gevraagdaantegeven in hoeverredit is gelukt

    WPO Science jaar 1 – de observatie- of demonstratiekring

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    Studenten bereiden een NW&T les voor aan de hand van het 5-stappenplan voor natuuronderwijs (didactisering van een onderzoekscylus) en zetten daarbij de werkvorm ‘observatie- en demonstratiekring’ in. Daarbij moeten zij ter voorbereiding aangeven welke (leerlinggerichte) vragen zij de leerlingen willen stellen (afhankelijk van de fase in de les / stappenplan) en wat voor antwoorden zij van lln verwachten n.a.v. die vragen. Na afloop wordt de coach op de werkplek (=observant) o.a. gevraagd aan te geven in hoeverre dit is gelukt

    Het profileringsportfolio

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    In de eerste opdracht binnen dit portfolio werken studenten een leerlijn mbt een specifiek vakinhoudelijk onderwerp uit op drie verschillende niveaus. Voor ieder niveau ontwerpen zij een les, waarbij zij beargumenteren hoe de ontworpen les ruimte geeft, structuur biedt en de ontwikkeling van leerlingen flexibel ondersteunt. Daarvoor is inzicht nodig in deze drie pijlers, hun betekenis en welke verschijningsvormen deze kunnen hebben in de les. In de tweede opdracht binnen dit portfolio bezoeken leerlingen een W&T instelling naar keuze, waarna zij in promotiemateriaal voor leerkrachten (o.a.) moeten duidelijk maken op welke wijze deze instelling de (science/W&T) talenten van leerlingen ondersteunt. Daarbij bieden de drie didactische pijlers een handvat

    Exploring Continuity of Care in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders Using Time-Variant Measures

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    Background/Aims: We used time-variant measures of continuity of care to study fluctuations in long-term treatment use by patients with alcohol-related disorders. Methods: Data on service use were extracted from the Psychiatric Case Register for the Rotterdam Region, The Netherlands. Continuity measures were calculated for each day over a 2-year observation period. Repeated measures analysis was used to identify factors that influence continuity of care over time. Results: Continuity of care was higher for patients with more severe disorders. Though quantity of care was high for patients with long problem history during the first year of treatment, it decreased strongly in the second year. The intervals between treatment contacts were shorter for women, especially young ones, than for men. Conclusion: Time-variant measures showed differences in continuity of care that would not have been revealed if more aggregated measures of service use had been used. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    Does mental health service integration affect compulsory admissions?

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    Background: Over recent years, the number of compulsory admissions in many countries has increased, probably as a result of the shift from inpatient to outpatient mental health care. This might be mitigated by formal or collaborative relationships between services. <br><br> Methods: In a retrospective record linkage study, we compared two neighboring districts, varying in level of service integration. Two periods were combined: 1991–1993 and 2001–2003. We included patients aged 18–60, who had a first emergency compulsory admission (n=830). Their psychiatric history was assessed, and service-use after admission was monitored over a 12-month follow-up. <br><br> Results: Over a 10-year period, compulsory admission rates increased by 47%. Difference in relative increase between the integrated and non-integrated services was 14%. Patient characteristics showed different profiles in the two districts. Length of stay was >10 days shorter in the integrated district, where the proportion of involuntary readmissions decreased more, and where aftercare was swift and provided to about 10% more patients than in the non-integrated district. <br><br> Conclusions: Services outcomes showed better results where mental healthcare was more integrated. However, limited effects were found and other factors than integration of services may be more important in preventing compulsory admissions

    Does mental health service integration affect compulsory admissions?

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    Abstract. BACKGROUND: Over recent years, the number of compulsory admissions in many countries has increased, probably as a result of the shift from inpatient to outpatient mental health care. This might be mitigated by formal or collaborative relationships between services. METHODS: In a retrospective record linkage study, we compared two neighboring districts, varying in level of service integration. Two periods were combined: 1991-1993 and 2001-2003. We included patients aged 18-60, who had a first emergency compulsory admission (n=830). Their psychiatric history was assessed, and service-use after admission was monitored over a 12-month follow-up. RESULTS: Over a 10-year period, compulsory admission rates increased by 47%. Difference in relative increase between the integrated and non-integrated services was 14%. Patient characteristics showed different profiles in the two districts. Length of stay was >10 days shorter in the integrated district, where the proportion of involuntary readmissions decreased more, and where aftercare was swift and provided to about 10% more patients than in the non-integrated district. CONCLUSIONS: Services outcomes showed better results where mental healthcare was more integrated. However, limited effects were found and other factors than integration of services may be more important in preventing compulsory admissions

    Exploring Continuity of Care in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders Using Time-Variant Measures

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    Background/Aims: We used time-variant measures of continuity of care to study fluctuations in long-term treatment use by patients with alcohol-related disorders. Methods: Data on service use were extracted from the Psychiatric Case Register for the Rotterdam Region, The Netherlands. Continuity measures were calculated for each day over a 2-year observation period. Repeated measures analysis was used to identify factors that influence continuity of care over time. Results: Continuity of care was higher for patients with more severe disorders. Though quantity of care was high for patients with long problem history during the first year of treatment, it decreased strongly in the second year. The intervals between treatment contacts were shorter for women, especially young ones, than for men. Conclusion: Timevariant measures showed differences in continuity of care that would not have been revealed if more aggregated measures of service use had been used

    WPO Science jaar 1 – de observatie- of demonstratiekring

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