572 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Tari Kreasi Baru di Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja YOGYAKARTA

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    This article is based on a research conducted to reveal the model, characteristic, and method of the teaching of newly-created dances at Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja (or PSBK, for short).Employing a naturalistic approach, the research focussed on the teaching of newly-created dances and especially the teaching model used. The data were obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation conducted on the management, teachers, students, and administration staff at PSBK. The instruments for data collection were observation guides, interview guides, and documents. The collection of data involved the use of a tape recorder, writing implements, notebooks,cassette tapes, and a camera for taking photographs. A purposive sample of 14 informants was obtained, consisting of 1 member of the management, 2 members of the administration staff, 7 of the teachers, and 4 of the students. The data obtained were analyzed by means of a descriptive-qualitative method while data validation was done through a triangulation technique.The research result indicates that the teaching of newly-created dances at PSBK is carried out by using a specific system called padepokanand a specific model called pencantrikan. The padepokan system integrates into one the educational system of pesantren (traditional Islamic educational institution in Indonesia), Javanese culture, and the santiniketan model from India. The pencantrikan model integrates into one the characteristics of the social interaction, personal, informationprocessing, and behaviorist models of teaching. The ideas of the specific system and model of teaching are all derived from Javanese cultural concepts identifiable through such terms as padepokan, cantrik, mentrik, wirapertiwi, bhayangkari, gadjah mada, kuda-kuda, yapong, layang-layang, and diponegoro

    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan dalam Seni Tutur Begalan Dibanyumas

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    Banyumas, as a region in Central JavaProvince~ is geographically locatedbetween two different ethnic groups, namely the Javaneseand the Sundanese. Thismakes Banyumas receive influences from two different culturesand have specificand unique characteristics. Banyumas has a variety ofarts such as, among others,lengger calung, ebeg, baritan, buncisan, angguk, wayang kulit gagrag Banyumas,aksimuda, cowongan, laisan, ·aplang/dhaeng, karawitan, ujungan dan Seni tutur Begalan.Seni Tutur Begalan is one religious or ritual art because it is performed in a specifictraditional wedding ·ceremony in Banyumas. The marriage is specific when it isbetweenthe eldest daughter and the eldest son, the youngest daughter and theyoungest son, the eldest daughter·and the youngest son, and the youngestdaughterand the eldest son. Educational values ·in seni tutur Begalan include,among others, the following;(1) religious values can be found in a variety ofcomponents in the offering .preparedfor the Begalan ceremony, reflecting therelationship between people and good, people and the nature, and people andpeople (habluminallah-habluminannas); (2). social values can be found in the advice orsayings throughpikulan (Brenong Kepang), suggesting a value that serious or trivialproblems canbe solved together; (3) moral values are presented through the lyricsof tembang eling-eling, reflecting three important points, namely tata krama(politeness), temen (seriousness), and .tepa selira.(tolerance), which are important insocial lif

    Kondisi Bawah Permukaan di Sekitar Tebing Watukosek

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    Salah satu penyebab munculnya semburan lumpur Sidoarjo yang masih diperdebatkan hingga saat ini yaitu mengenai reaktivasi patahan watukosek. Studi yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya manifestasi di permukaan akibat patahan watukosek, contohnya Tebing Watukosek dan pembelokan geomorfologi Kali Porong. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode tahanan jenis dilakukan untuk memetakan patahan yang berada di daerah Kali Porong dan Patahan Watukosek. Lintasan yang digunakan memiliki bentangan 400m dengan arah Barat – Timur untuk memotong patahan yang berarah Barat Daya – Timur Laut dari Gunung Penanggungan menuju semburan lumpur Sidoarjo. Kedalaman pengukuran mencapai ±74.8m dengan anomali tahanan jenis terendah 1.05 Ohm.m hingga yang tertinggi 33.3 Ohm.m

    Profil Pengobat Tradisional Ramuan dan Ramuan Obat Herbal yang Digunakan di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Kalimantan Selatan dan Lampung

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    Traditional healers ingredients to take part in increased of public health. Therefore to find traditional healers ingredients base data to used for to treat, carry out cross-sectional design survey at three provinces those Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan and Lampung with totally sample 48 every province. The results survey of traditional healers profile showed capacity sources of man in Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan and Lampung yet low an education level and much traditional helers no practice yet. Showed ingredients to used for to treat public disorders there are ingredient's to treat for cancer, diabetes mellitus, haemoroid, rheumatic, tuberculosis, stone blader, hight blood pressure, malaria and cough. Many plants for ingredients there are Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb, Andrographis paniculata Ness, Orthosiphon grandiflora Bold, Curcuma domestica Val, Zingiber officinale Roxb, Phaleria macrocarpa Boerl, Carica papaya L and Loranthus sp

    Carnot cycle for an oscillator

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    Carnot established in 1824 that the efficiency of cyclic engines operating between a hot bath at absolute temperature ThotT_{hot} and a bath at a lower temperature TcoldT_{cold} cannot exceed 1−Tcold/Thot1-T_{cold}/T_{hot}. We show that linear oscillators alternately in contact with hot and cold baths obey this principle in the quantum as well as in the classical regime. The expression of the work performed is derived from a simple prescription. Reversible and non-reversible cycles are illustrated. The paper begins with historical considerations and is essentially self-contained.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, sumitted to European Journal of Physics Changed content: Fluctuations are considere
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