25 research outputs found

    Holographic confinement in inhomogenous backgrounds

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    As noted by Witten, compactifying a dd-dimensional holographic CFT on an S1S^1 gives a class of (dβˆ’1)(d-1)-dimensional confining theories with gravity duals. The prototypical bulk solution dual to the ground state is a double Wick rotation of the AdSd+1_{d+1} Schwarzschild black hole known as the AdS soliton. We generalize such examples by allowing slow variations in the size of the S1S^1, and thus in the confinement scale. Coefficients governing the second order response of the system are computed for 3≀d≀83 \le d \le 8 using a derivative expansion closely related to the fluid-gravity correspondence. The primary physical results are that i) gauge-theory flux tubes tend to align orthogonal to gradients and along the eigenvector of the Hessian with the lowest eigenvalue, ii) flux tubes aligned orthogonal to gradients are attracted to gradients for d≀6d \le 6 but repelled by gradients for dβ‰₯7d \ge 7, iii) flux tubes are repelled by regions where the second derivative along the tube is large and positive but are attracted to regions where the eigenvalues of the Hessian are large and positive in directions orthogonal to the tube, and iv) for d>3d > 3, inhomogeneities act to raise the total energy of the confining vacuum above its zeroth order value.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, typos correcte

    The Torus Operator in Holography

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    We consider the non-local operator T{\mathcal T} defined in 2-dimensional CFTs by the path integral over a torus with two punctures. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study the spectrum and ground state of this operator in holographic such CFTs in the limit of large central charge cc. In one region of moduli space, we argue that the operator retains a finite gap and has a ground state that differs from the CFT vacuum only by order one corrections. In this region the torus operator is much like the cylinder operator. But in another region of moduli space we find a puzzle. Although our T{\mathcal T} is of the manifestly positive form A†AA^\dagger A, studying the most tractable phases of Tr(Tn)\text{Tr}( {\mathcal T}^n) suggests that T{\mathcal T} has negative eigenvalues. It seems clear that additional phases must become relevant at large nn, perhaps leading to novel behavior associated with a radically different ground state or a much higher density of states. By studying the action of two such torus operators on the CFT ground state, we also provide evidence that, even at large nn, the relevant bulk saddles have t=0t=0 surfaces with small genus.Comment: 42 pages, 24 figures, introduction rewritten for clarity, appendix adde

    Adiabatic corrections to holographic entanglement in thermofield doubles and confining ground states

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    We study entanglement in states of holographic CFTs defined by Euclidean path integrals over geometries with slowly varying metrics. In particular, our CFT spacetimes have S1S^1 fibers whose size bb varies along one direction (xx) of an Rdβˆ’1{\mathbb R}^{d-1} base. Such examples respect an Rdβˆ’2{\mathbb R}^{d-2} Euclidean symmetry. Treating the S1S^1 direction as time leads to a thermofield double state on a spacetime with adiabatically varying redshift, while treating another direction as time leads to a confining ground state with slowly varying confinement scale. In both contexts the entropy of slab-shaped regions defined by ∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£β‰€L|x - x_0| \le L exhibits well-known phase transitions at length scales L=LcritL= L_{crit} characterizing the CFT entanglements. For the thermofield double, the numerical coefficients governing the effect of variations in b(x)b(x) on the transition are surprisingly small and exhibit an interesting change of sign: gradients reduce LcritL_{crit} for d≀3d \le 3 but increase LcritL_{crit} for dβ‰₯4d\ge4. This means that, while for general L>LcritL > L_{crit} they significantly increase the mutual information of opposing slabs as one would expect, for dβ‰₯4d\ge 4 gradients cause a small decrease near the phase transition. In contrast, for the confining ground states gradients always decrease LcritL_{crit}, with the effect becoming more pronounced in higher dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, typos fixed and reg. procedure refine

    Handlebody phases and the polyhedrality of the holographic entropy cone

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    The notion of a holographic entropy cone has recently been introduced and it has been proven that this cone is polyhedral. However, the original definition was fully geometric and did not strictly require a holographic duality. We introduce a new definition of the cone, insisting that the geometries used for its construction should be dual to states of a CFT. As a result, the polyhedrality of this holographic cone does not immediately follow. A numerical evaluation of the Euclidean action for the geometries that realize extremal rays of the original cone indicates that these are subdominant bulk phases of natural path integrals. The result challenges the expectation that such geometries are in fact dual to CFT states.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, minor change, added ref, published versio

    Holographic Holes and Differential Entropy

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    Recently, it has been shown by Balasubramanian et al. and Myers et al. that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula evaluated on certain closed surfaces in the bulk of a holographic spacetime has an interpretation as the differential entropy of a particular family of intervals (or strips) in the boundary theory. We first extend this construction to bulk surfaces which vary in time. We then give a general proof of the equality between the gravitational entropy and the differential entropy. This proof applies to a broad class of holographic backgrounds possessing a generalized planar symmetry and to certain classes of higher-curvature theories of gravity. To apply this theorem, one can begin with a bulk surface and determine the appropriate family of boundary intervals by considering extremal surfaces tangent to the given surface in the bulk. Alternatively, one can begin with a family of boundary intervals; as we show, the differential entropy then equals the gravitational entropy of a bulk surface that emerges from the intersection of the neighboring entanglement wedges, in a continuum limit.Comment: 62 pages; v2: minor improvements to presentation, references adde

    Living on the Edge: A Toy Model for Holographic Reconstruction of Algebras with Centers

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    We generalize the Pastawski-Yoshida-Harlow-Preskill (HaPPY) holographic quantum error-correcting code to provide a toy model for bulk gauge fields or linearized gravitons. The key new elements are the introduction of degrees of freedom on the links (edges) of the associated tensor network and their connection to further copies of the HaPPY code by an appropriate isometry. The result is a model in which boundary regions allow the reconstruction of bulk algebras with central elements living on the interior edges of the (greedy) entanglement wedge, and where these central elements can also be reconstructed from complementary boundary regions. In addition, the entropy of boundary regions receives both Ryu-Takayanagi-like contributions and further corrections that model the Ξ΄Area4GN\frac{\delta \text{Area}}{4G_N} term of Faulkner, Lewkowycz, and Maldacena. Comparison with Yang-Mills theory then suggests that this Ξ΄Area4GN\frac{\delta \text{Area}}{4G_N} term can be reinterpreted as a part of the bulk entropy of gravitons under an appropriate extension of the physical bulk Hilbert space.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure