39 research outputs found
DNS Traffic analysis for botnet detection
Botnets pose a major threat to cyber security. Given that firewalls typically prevent unsolicited incoming traffic from reaching hosts internal to the local area network, it is up to each bot to initiate a connection with its remote Command and Control (C&C) server. To perform this task a bot can use either a hardcoded IP address or perform a DNS lookup for a predefined or algorithmically-generated domain name. Modern malware increasingly utilizes DNS to enhance the overall availability and reliability of the C&C communication channel. In this paper we present a prototype botnet detection system that leverages passive DNS traffic analysis to detect a botnet’s presence in a local area network. A naive Bayes classifier is trained on features extracted from both benign and malicious DNS traffic traces and its performance is evaluated. Since the proposed method relies on DNS traffic, it permits the early detection of bots on the network. In addition, the method does not depend on the number of bots operating in the local network and is effective when only a small number of infected machines are present
Non-thermal Plasma Exposure Rapidly Attenuates Bacterial AHL-Dependent Quorum Sensing and Virulence.
The antimicrobial activity of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma has been exhaustively characterised, however elucidation of the interactions between biomolecules produced and utilised by bacteria and short plasma exposures are required for optimisation and clinical translation of cold plasma technology. This study characterizes the effects of non-thermal plasma exposure on acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent quorum sensing (QS). Plasma exposure of AHLs reduced the ability of such molecules to elicit a QS response in bacterial reporter strains in a dose-dependent manner. Short exposures (30–60 s) produce of a series of secondary compounds capable of eliciting a QS response, followed by the complete loss of AHL-dependent signalling following longer exposures. UPLC-MS analysis confirmed the time-dependent degradation of AHL molecules and their conversion into a series of by-products. FT-IR analysis of plasma-exposed AHLs highlighted the appearance of an OH group. In vivo assessment of the exposure of AHLs to plasma was examined using a standard in vivo model. Lettuce leaves injected with the rhlI/lasI mutant PAO-MW1 alongside plasma treated N-butyryl-homoserine lactone and n-(3-oxo-dodecanoyl)-homoserine lactone, exhibited marked attenuation of virulence. This study highlights the capacity of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma to modify and degrade AHL autoinducers thereby attenuating QS-dependent virulence in P. aeruginosa
Buried Versus Exposed Kirschner Wires Following Fixation of Hand Fractures: l Clinician and Patient Surveys
Background: Fractures of the metacarpals and phalanges are common. Placement of Kirschner wires (K-wires) is the most common form of surgical fixation. After placement, a key decision is whether to bury the end of a K-wire or leave it protruding from the skin (exposed). A recent systematic review found no evidence to support either approach. The aim of study was to investigate current clinical practice, understand the key factors influencing clinician decision-making, and explore patient preferences to inform the design of a randomized clinical trial.
Methods: The steering group developed surveys for hand surgeons, hand therapists, and patients. Following piloting, they were distributed across the United Kingdom hand surgery units using the Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network.
Results: A total of 423 hand surgeons, 187 hand therapists, and 187 patients completed the surveys. Plastic surgeons and junior surgical trainees preferred to leave K-wires not buried. Ease of removal correlated with a decision to leave wires exposed, whereas perceived risk of infection correlated with burying wires. Cost did not affect the decision. Hand therapists were primarily concerned about infection and patient-related outcomes. Patients were most concerned about wire-related problems and pain.
Conclusion: This national survey provides a new understanding of the use of K-wires to manage hand fractures in the United Kingdom. A number of nonevidence-based factors seem to influence the decision to bury or leave K-wires exposed. The choice has important clinical and health economic implications that justify a randomized controlled trial
DNS Traffic analysis for botnet detection
Botnets pose a major threat to cyber security. Given that firewalls typically prevent unsolicited incoming traffic from reaching hosts internal to the local area network, it is up to each bot to initiate a connection with its remote Command and Control (C&C) server. To perform this task a bot can use either a hardcoded IP address or perform a DNS lookup for a predefined or algorithmically-generated domain name. Modern malware increasingly utilizes DNS to enhance the overall availability and reliability of the C&C communication channel. In this paper we present a prototype botnet detection system that leverages passive DNS traffic analysis to detect a botnet’s presence in a local area network. A naive Bayes classifier is trained on features extracted from both benign and malicious DNS traffic traces and its performance is evaluated. Since the proposed method relies on DNS traffic, it permits the early detection of bots on the network. In addition, the method does not depend on the number of bots operating in the local network and is effective when only a small number of infected machines are present
Wykorzystanie metody analizy składowych głównych do oceny cech pszenicy jarej
In the studies, the analysis of the diversification of spring wheat characteristics
was carried out depending on the growth system. Field experiment was carried out in
years 2004-2006 at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Zawady, which is part of the
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities. The obtained correlation
coefficients prove that the relation between wheat characteristics depends on the growth
system. The applied method of principal component analysis (PCA) allowed a complex
assessment of the relations between the characteristics. It also made it possible to reduce
the original seven characteristics to three new variables, which carried over 75% of the
information of the input data obtained from the direct sowing and almost 80% for the
conventional tillage. The greatest discriminatory power, which diversified the studied
plants, was shown by the mass of 1000 grains and grain yield.W badaniach dokonano analizy zróżnicowania cech pszenicy jarej
w zależności od systemu uprawy. Doświadczenie polowe przeprowadzono w latach 2004-
-2006 w Rolniczej Stacji Doświadczalnej Zawady, należącej do Uniwersytetu
Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach. Uzyskane wartości współczynników
korelacji dowodzą, że współzależność pomiędzy cechami pszenicy zależy od systemu
uprawy. Zastosowana metoda analizy składowych głównych (PCA) pozwoliła na
kompleksową ocenę współzależności cech. Umożliwiła jednocześnie zredukowanie
siedmiu pierwotnych cech do trzech nowych zmiennych, które przenosiły ponad 75%
informacji danych wejściowych uzyskanych dla siewu bezpośredniego i prawie 80% dla
uprawy tradycyjnej. Najsilniejszą moc dyskryminacyjną, różnicującą badane obiekty,
wykazały masa tysiąca ziaren i plon ziarna
On-farm production profitability of winter triticale seeds for sowing
Celem badań była ocena opłacalności produkcji kwalifikowanego materiału siewnego w gospodarstwie
indywidualnym w latach 2012-2014. Dane empiryczne do opracowania uzyskano z gospodarstwa rolnego
współpracującego w ramach wieloletniej umowy licencyjnej z firmą Hodowla Roślin Strzelce. Najwyższy plon
handlowy ziarna pszenżyta ozimego uzyskano w 2012 roku, a wartość produkcji z 1 ha w poszczególnych latach
była zróżnicowana i kształtowała się od 5922 do 7644 zł. Zmienność przychodu w poszczególnych latach była
podyktowana wysokością plonu i różną ceną sprzedaży kwalifikowanego materiału siewnego. O efektywności
ekonomicznej produkcji nasiennej pszenżyta ozimego decydowały również koszty bezpośrednie. Największy udział
w strukturze poniesionych kosztów miały koszty środków ochrony roślin i koszty nawozów. Najwyższą opłacalność
produkcji kwalifikowanego materiału siewnego uzyskano w 2012 roku, natomiast najniższą w 2014 roku.The objective of the study was to assess the on-farm production profitability of seeds for sowing in 2012-
2014. Empirical data was obtained from the owner of an agricultural holding who cooperates with Strzelce
Plant Breeding as a long-term contractor. The highest marketable grain yield of winter triticale was obtained
in 2012. Per 1 ha production value varied in individual study years and ranged from 6002.0 do 10649.6
PLN. The variation in income in individual study years depended on yield level as well as changing prices of
certified seeds for sowing. The economic effectiveness of winter triticale cultivated to obtain certified seeds
for sowing was affected by direct costs. Plant protection agents and fertiliser costs constituted the greatest
share of the costs incurred on winter triticale production. The highest profitability of production of certified
seeds for sowing was obtained in 2012, it being the lowest in 2014