37 research outputs found

    Humoral and Cellular Response of Pheasants Vaccinated against Newcastle Disease and Haemorrhagic Enteritis

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    The purpose of the experiment was to define whether and to what extent can prophylactic vaccinations against Newcastle disease (ND) and haemorrhagic enteritis (HE) affect the humoral and cellular response in pheasants. The evaluation of humoral response was performed on a basis of agglutinin titre after administered antigen and the cellular immunity index was the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction. The pheasants were prophylactically vaccinated against Newcastle Disease (ND) on the 1st, 28th and 56th day of life. Moreover, on the 49th day of life, part of the birds was given in the drinking water a vaccine containing the HEV (Haemorrhagic Enteritis Virus). Fourteen days after the HEV vaccination, the birds were intravenously given 0.5 ml of the 10% SRBC (sheep red blood cells) suspension. Simultaneously with the SRBC administration the delayed hypersensitivity test was performed by intradermal administration of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). It was shown that in pheasants vaccinated with NDV and additionally with HEV, the specific agglutinin anti-SRBC titre was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in birds vaccinated against ND only. It also appeared that, the antibodies resistant to 2-mercaptoethanol were 43% of the total pool of specific anti-SRBC antibodies in the NDV vaccinated birds, whereas in birds vaccinated also with HEV they were 75%. No significant differences were found in the DTH test. Only in the HEV vaccinated pheasants the tendency to increase the wing index value was noted. The results confirm the observations concerning immunosuppressive effects of simultaneous vaccinations. They also indicate that overloading the pheasants with many antigens (ND and HEV vaccination) may weaken the humoral response to administered SRBC

    The Phylogenetic Structure of Reptile, Avian and Uropathogenic Escherichia coli with Particular Reference to Extraintestinal Pathotypes

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    The impact of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) on the microbiomic and pathogenic phenomena occurring in humans and other warm-blooded animals is relatively well-recognized. At the same time, there are scant data concerning the role of E. coli strains in the health and disease of cold-blooded animals. It is presently known that reptiles are common asymptomatic carriers of another human pathogen, Salmonella, which, when transferred to humans, may cause a disease referred to as reptile-associated salmonellosis (RAS). We therefore hypothesized that reptiles may also be carriers of specific E. coli strains (reptilian Escherichia coli, RepEC) which may differ in their genetic composition from the human uropathogenic strain (UPEC) and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). Therefore, we isolated RepECs (n = 24) from reptile feces and compared isolated strains’ pathogenic potentials and phylogenic relations with the aforementioned UPEC (n = 24) and APEC (n = 24) strains. To this end, we conducted an array of molecular analyses, including determination of the phylogenetic groups of E. coli, virulence genotyping, Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis-Restriction Analysis (RA-PFGE) and genetic population structure analysis using Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). The majority of the tested RepEC strains belonged to nonpathogenic phylogroups, with an important exception of one strain, which belonged to the pathogenic group B2, typical of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. This strain was part of the globally disseminated ST131 lineage. Unlike RepEC strains and in line with previous studies, a high percentage of UPEC strains belonged to the phylogroup B2, and the percentage distribution of phylogroups among the tested APEC strains was relatively homogenous, with most coming from the following nonpathogenic groups: C, A and B1. The RA-PFGE displayed a high genetic diversity among all the tested E. coli groups. In the case of RepEC strains, the frequency of occurrence of virulence genes (VGs) was lower than in the UPEC and APEC strains. The presented study is one of the first attempting to compare the phylogenetic structures of E. coli populations isolated from three groups of vertebrates: reptiles, birds and mammals (humans).</jats:p

    Isospin effects studied with the CHIMERA detector at 35 Mev/nucleon

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    The yield of light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments is studied for the neutron-rich, 124Sn+64Ni, and neutron-poor, 112Sn+58Ni, reactions at 35MeV/nucleon as a function of the impact parameter. Our main observations are: (i) The yields of 1H, 3He and 4He particles in the neutron-poor system are enhanced with respect to the neutron-rich system and the yield of 3H is suppressed at all impact parameters, (ii) The ratio of 3H to 3He yield is three times larger for neutron poor system, (iii) The N/Z ratio of the emitted intermediate-mass fragments shows dependence on the isospin of the system, (iv) The neutron richness of detected intermediate mass fragments depends strongly on their rapidity. The gross features of the experimental data are reproduced by quantum molecular dynamics model calculations

    Changing trends in mastitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>The global dairy industry, the predominant pathogens causing mastitis, our understanding of mastitis pathogens and the host response to intramammary infection are changing rapidly. This paper aims to discuss changes in each of these aspects. Globalisation, energy demands, human population growth and climate change all affect the dairy industry. In many western countries, control programs for contagious mastitis have been in place for decades, resulting in a decrease in occurrence of <it>Streptococcus agalactiae </it>and <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>mastitis and an increase in the relative impact of <it>Streptococcus uberis </it>and <it>Escherichia coli </it>mastitis. In some countries, <it>Klebsiella </it>spp. or <it>Streptococcus dysgalactiae </it>are appearing as important causes of mastitis. Differences between countries in legislation, veterinary and laboratory services and farmers' management practices affect the distribution and impact of mastitis pathogens. For pathogens that have traditionally been categorised as contagious, strain adaptation to human and bovine hosts has been recognised. For pathogens that are often categorised as environmental, strains causing transient and chronic infections are distinguished. The genetic basis underlying host adaptation and mechanisms of infection is being unravelled. Genomic information on pathogens and their hosts and improved knowledge of the host's innate and acquired immune responses to intramammary infections provide opportunities to expand our understanding of bovine mastitis. These developments will undoubtedly contribute to novel approaches to mastitis diagnostics and control.</p

    Bariery administracyjne i koszty transakcyjne wspólnej polityki rolnej w Polsce

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    The scale of administrative barriers and transaction costs incurred in running a business in Poland remains an issue poorly understood. In the case of agriculture and agri-food industry, there is insufficient information on the scale of transaction costs involved in the relations between the state and a business entity. Such costs, undoubtedly, result for the most part from the regulations related to the Common Agricultural Policy. The knowledge on transaction costs and administrative barriers concerning CAP is very limited at the EU and Member States levels. Lack of such analyses hinders the identification of least-efficient solutions concerning support instruments and their management. Therefore, this element should be incorporated into the CAP evaluation system as soon as possible

    Are the financial instruments worth being a part of rural development programmes?

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    Chinese agricultural policy after 1978

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    Zmiany w polityce rolnej Chin, które wprowadzono od czasu tzw. wielkiego otwarcia Chin zapoczątkowanego w 1978 r. diametralnie zmieniły uwarunkowania prowadzenia działalności rolniczej. Przekazanie ziemi w indywidualną dzierżawę było pierwszym etapem przemian. Później zlikwidowano opodatkowanie rolnictwa oraz wprowadzono szereg subsydiów. Jednocześnie uzyskanie przez Chiny członkostwa w WTO zwiększyło konkurencję na chińskim rynku i stale wymusza podnoszenie jakości i produktywności krajowego rolnictwa. Mimo blisko 40 lat reform chińskie rolnictwo nadal boryka się z problemem rozdrobnienia i niskiej produktywności. Dalsze zmiany w sektorze będą dodatkowo utrudnione przez problemy wynikające ze zmian klimatycznych i ograniczonej dostępności zasobów naturalnych. W artykule przestawiono najważniejsze zmiany w polityce Chin w latach 1978-2013 oraz wskazano na niezbędne dalsze kroki w reformowaniu chińskiego rolnictwa mające na celu zwiększenie jego długookresowej konkurencyjności.The changes in agricultural policy introduced since the Chinese great opening launched in 1978 transformed the conditions of conducting agricultural activity. The first step was the transfer of land to individual farmers in the form of a lease. Later, taxation of agriculture was abolished and a number of subsidies were introduced. At the same time, China became a WTO member, which increased the competition on the Chinese market and constantly forced increases in quality and productivity of domestic agriculture. Despite almost 40 years of reform, the country still struggles with low productivity and a structural prevalence of small scale farming. Further changes in the sector will be made even more difficult by problems stemming from climate change and limited access to natural resources. The article presents the key changes in Chinese agricultural policy in the years 1978-2013 and identifies the necessary steps for reforming agriculture aimed at increasing its longterm competitiveness

    Who will decide on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013? – The Lisbon Treaty and agriculture

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    Environmental aspects of the agricultural policy in the EU and USA - chosen issues

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    UE i USA pozostają największymi eksporterami produktów rolno-spożywczych. Kwestie ochrony środowiska i zabezpieczenia potencjału produkcyjnego obszarów wykorzystywanych rolniczo są od dawna przedmiotem zainteresowania w UE i USA. Konieczność zapewnienie zdolności produkcyjnej rolnictwa w obliczu zmian klimatycznych powoduje, iż aspekty środowiskowe polityki rolnej nabierają coraz większego znaczenia. W związku z tym należy określić, na ile polityka rolna największych eksporterów produktów tego sektora uwzględnia kwestie środowiskowe i czy odpowiada to potrzebom rolnictwa i środowiska naturalnego. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie różnic i podobieństw dotyczących środowiskowych aspektów polityki rolnej UE i USA oraz ocena wpływu przyjętych rozwiązań na sektor rolny i środowisko naturalne. Artykuł opiera się na analizie instrumentarium oraz danych o skali wsparcia i zakresie wdrożenia poszczególnych instrumentów.The EU and the USA remain the largest exporters of agri-food products. Protection of the environment and production potential of the areas used for agriculture have long been of interest in the EU and the USA. The need to ensure the capacity of agriculture facing climate change increases the importance of the environmental aspects of agricultural policy. Therefore, it must be determined how agricultural policies take into account environmental issues and whether it meets the needs of both the agriculture and the environment. The purpose of this article is to present the differences and similarities concerning the environmental aspects of the EU and US agricultural policies and to assess the impact of the solutions on the agricultural sector and the environment. Article based on an analysis of instruments used and the data on the scale of the support and the implementation of the various instruments

    Planned shape of the CAP 2021-2027 versus globalisation and integration processes

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