542 research outputs found

    Standortwahl und raumplanerische Standortkriterien im Zeitalter der Energiewende : die Nutzung erneuerbarer EnergietrÀger zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit, planungsrechtlichen Anforderungen und Akzeptanz

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    Bereits das bestehende Energiegesetz enthĂ€lt eine ausdrĂŒckliche Zielvorgabe fĂŒr die Erzeugung von ElektrizitĂ€t aus erneuerbaren Energien. Im Rahmen der sog. Energiewende ist ein weiterer Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien geplant. Es ist vorgesehen, den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien, insbesondere an Wasserkraft, Windkraft, Sonnenkraft und ErdwĂ€rme, massiv zu erhöhen, was relativ grosser Anlagen mit entsprechendem Raumbedarf wie beispielsweise Windparks, Wasserkraftwerke oder Solaranlagen bedarf. Derartige Anlagen stehen oft im Interessenkonflikt mit umweltrechtlichen Schutzinteressen, namentlich des GewĂ€sser- oder Natur- und Heimatschutzes.Soll die erneuerbare Energie tatsĂ€chlich derart massiv gefördert werden, gilt es, die verschiedenen, sich teilweise entgegenstehenden Interessen zu berĂŒcksichtigen und die Zielkonflikte transparent und unter gleichberechtigter AbwĂ€gung aller Interessen zu lösen. Das Working Paper legt die geltende Rechtslage dar, welche erheblichen Einfluss auf die Standortwahl der Energieunternehmen hat, und zeigt die kommenden VerĂ€nderungen der Gesetzeslage auf

    Application of interpolation methods for the determination of position-dependent frequency response functions for the simulation of 5-axis milling processes

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    The occurrence of chatter vibrations in 5-axis milling processes is a common problem and can result in part failure, surface defects and increased wear of the cutting tool and the machine tool. In order to prevent process vibrations, machining processes can be optimized by utilizing geometric physically-based simulation systems. Since the modal parameters of the machine tool are dependent on the position of the linear and rotary axes, the dynamic behavior of milling processes can change along the NC path despite constant engagement conditions. In order to model the pose-dependent modal properties at the tool tip, the frequency response functions (FRFs) were measured at different locations of the workspace of the machine tool for various poses of the rotary axis of the spindle. To take the varying compliance within the workspace of a machine tool into account in a geometric physically-based milling process simulation, different interpolation methods for interpolating FRFs or parameter values of oscillator-based compliance models (OPV) were applied. For validation, the resulting models were analyzed and compared to measured data. In OPV interpolation, the individual oscillation modes were interpolated in their respective characteristics based on the oscillator parameters (eigenfrequencies, modal masses and damping values). In FRF interpolation, however, there was no differentiation between the modes, resulting in a wrong interpolation. It can therefore provide good results when only a small shift of the eigenfrequencies is expected, as in case of the analyzed machine tool, with only small movements of the translatory axes

    Functional specialization within a vesicle tethering complex: bypass of a subset of exocyst deletion mutants by Sec1p or Sec4p

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    The exocyst is an octameric protein complex required to tether secretory vesicles to exocytic sites and to retain ER tubules at the apical tip of budded cells. Unlike the other five exocyst genes, SEC3, SEC5, and EXO70 are not essential for growth or secretion when either the upstream activator rab, Sec4p, or the downstream SNARE-binding component, Sec1p, are overproduced. Analysis of the suppressed sec3Δ, sec5Δ, and exo70Δ strains demonstrates that the corresponding proteins confer differential effects on vesicle targeting and ER inheritance. Sec3p and Sec5p are more critical than Exo70p for ER inheritance. Although nonessential under these conditions, Sec3p, Sec5p, and Exo70p are still important for tethering, as in their absence the exocyst is only partially assembled. Sec1p overproduction results in increased SNARE complex levels, indicating a role in assembly or stabilization of SNARE complexes. Furthermore, a fraction of Sec1p can be coprecipitated with the exoycst. Our results suggest that Sec1p couples exocyst-mediated vesicle tethering with SNARE-mediated docking and fusion

    Agonistic behaviour of dairy goats and sheep during feeding – A pilot study on Swiss farms with mixed rations

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    Feeding mixed rations is a widely used practice for cattle to ensure the intake of a balanced diet and to reduce competition for food. It is unknown, whether mixed rations have the same advantages for small ruminants because they differ from cattle in their feeding and social behaviour. In this observational pilot study, an array of feeding and social behaviour of dairy goats and sheep fed ad libitum with mixed rations on Swiss farms was investigated. Twelve dairy goat and 12 dairy sheep farms feeding mixed rations were visited once during the winter feeding period. Data on the feeding management, feeding place design and the composition of the mixed rations were collected. The number of animals feeding simultaneously and the number and type of agonistic interactions during feeding were assessed by direct observations for 6 hours after the morning feed-distribution. The feeding management and the composition of the mixed rations were very heterogeneous among farms. The feed rations were mostly well balanced in relation to energy and protein and covered the requirements for the daily production of about 2,5 kg of milk. In terms of feeding simultaneously, sheep were more synchronous than goats. The mean number of agonistic interactions per feeding place within 6 hours were 3,8 in goats and 1,8 in sheep; thus, the probability to observe agonistic behaviour is higher in goats than in sheep. Goats and sheep also differed in the frequency of types of agonistic interactions. Overall, the occurrence of agonistic interactions between animals during feeding decreased with higher numbers of feeding places per animal and longer periods of time since the feed distribution. To conclude, when feeding mixed rations, agonistic interactions related to feeding are more frequent in goats but also occur in sheep to a considerable extent. They can be decreased by offering more feeding places

    Differential Metabolism of Medium-Chain Fatty Acids in Differentiated Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Astrocytes.

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    Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) ketogenic diets increase ketone bodies, which are believed to act as alternative energy substrates in the injured brain. Octanoic (C8:0) and decanoic (C10:0) acids, which produce ketone bodies through ÎČ-oxidation, are used as part of MCT ketogenic diets. Although the ketogenic role of MCT is well-established, it remains unclear how the network metabolism underlying ÎČ-oxidation of these medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) differ. We aim to elucidate basal ÎČ-oxidation of these commonly used MCFA at the cellular level. Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (iPSC) astrocytes were incubated with [U-13C]-C8:0 or [U-13C]-C10:0, and the fractional enrichments (FE) of the derivatives were used for metabolic flux analysis. Data indicate higher extracellular concentrations and faster secretion rates of ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate (ÎČHB) and acetoacetate (AcAc) with C8:0 than C10:0, and an important contribution from unlabeled substrates. Flux analysis indicates opposite direction of metabolic flux between the MCFA intermediates C6:0 and C8:0, with an important contribution of unlabeled sources to the elongation in the C10:0 condition, suggesting different ÎČ-oxidation pathways. Finally, larger intracellular glutathione concentrations and secretions of 3-OH-C10:0 and C6:0 were measured in C10:0-treated astrocytes. These findings reveal MCFA-specific ketogenic properties. Our results provide insights into designing different MCT-based ketogenic diets to target specific health benefits

    Gut-derived short-chain fatty acids modulate skin barrier integrity by promoting keratinocyte metabolism and differentiation

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    Barrier integrity is central to the maintenance of healthy immunological homeostasis. Impaired skin barrier function is linked with enhanced allergen sensitization and the development of diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD), which can precede the development of other allergic disorders, for example, food allergies and asthma. Epidemiological evidence indicates that children suffering from allergies have lower levels of dietary fibre-derived short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Using an experimental model of AD-like skin inflammation, we report that a fermentable fibre-rich diet alleviates systemic allergen sensitization and disease severity. The gut-skin axis underpins this phenomenon through SCFA production, particularly butyrate, which strengthens skin barrier function by altering mitochondrial metabolism of epidermal keratinocytes and the production of key structural components. Our results demonstrate that dietary fibre and SCFA improve epidermal barrier integrity, ultimately limiting early allergen sensitization and disease development. The Graphical Abstract was designed using Servier Medical Art images (https://smart.servier.com). [Image: see text

    Umsetzung der Energiestrategie 2050: Herausforderungen und Chancen fĂŒr Staat und Wirtschaft

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    Sammelband der Reihe "Energy Governance Working Paper" Nr. 1 bis 7Die Energiestrategie 2050 des Bundes definiert anspruchsvolle Ziele. FĂŒr deren Erreichung hat der Bundesrat daher unter anderem den Aktionsplan Energieforschung ins Leben gerufen. Dazu wurden acht sogenannte SCCERs, Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research, initiiert, in denen hochschulĂŒbergreifend angewandte Energie-Forschung betrieben wird. Die ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) ist an vier dieser acht SCCERs aktiv beteiligt. Die ZHAW hat diese Aufgabe zum Anlass genommen, Energieforschung zum strategischen Schwerpunkt der gesamten Fachhochschule zu erklĂ€ren und in allen Departementen Kompetenzaufbauprojekte zu starten. Der vorliegende Sammelband prĂ€sentiert die ersten Ergebnisse dieser Kompetenzaufbauprojekte an der School of Management and Law, wobei zwei dieser Projekte in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern aus den Departementen Angewandte Linguistik und School of Engineering erfolgten. Dabei wurden die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die sich fĂŒr Staat und Wirtschaft aus der Umsetzung der Energiestrategie 2050 ableiten, auf verschiedenen Ebenen betrachtet: die Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich, Besonderheiten der FĂŒhrung von EVUs, rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und die Gestaltung der Energie-Zukunft in Schweizer StĂ€dten
