8 research outputs found

    Adoption of Innovation on the Use of New Superior Variety (VUB) Seed on Rice Culture (Oryza Sativa L.) in Cisaat District

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    Population growth continues to increase every year with a percentage increase of 1.19% per year in the 2016-2020 period. This is not in line with the availability of land in Indonesia which continues to decline. One of the efforts that can support the acceleration of increasing rice production is to use new high-yielding varieties (VUB) which have high yields, are resistant to major pests and diseases, or are tolerant to the local environment, and have special characteristics. This study was conducted to determine the level of adoption of the use of new superior varieties seeds in lowland rice cultivation, what factors affect the adoption rate, as well as to develop strategies for implementing the adoption of new superior varieties seeds in lowland rice cultivation. The method used is a descriptive method and multiple linear regression. Respondents were taken as many as 67 people who were determined intentionally (purposive sampling), namely farmers who became members of farmer groups and carried out rice cultivation business. The results showed that the adoption rate was included in the low category with a percentage of 81%. Factors that have a significant effect with a significant value of Conformity 0.026, Complexity 0.000, and Strictness 0.019. The strategy used in this research is to increase the adoption of innovation in the use of superior varieties of seeds, namely by conducting counseling to farmers by referring to the most critical and influential indicator, namely the suitability indicator

    Intervensi Good Agricutural Practices (Gap) terhadap Preferensi Petani Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) di Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran keadaan preferensi petani mengenai GAP, mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap intervensi GAP sebagai upaya peningkatan preferensi petani dan untuk menetapkan strategi penyuluhan di Desa Margamulya. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari instrumen kuesioner dan wawancara. Penentuan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin sehingga didapat responden sebanyak 48 orang, untuk teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi linier berganda dan analisis Kendall's W. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa intervensi GAP pada petani tomat di Desa Margamulya berada dalam kategori kurang baik. Sedangkan untuk preferensi petani tomat terhadap GAP masuk dalam kategori tinggi. Faktor internal, faktor eksternal, dan intervensi GAP menunjukkan memiliki pengaruh yang kuat dan bernilai positif terhadap preferensi petani secara simultan dan umur, pendidikan formal, pendidikan nonformal, ketersediaan sarana produksi dan kemudahan akses informasi beperngaruh secara simultan. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan preferensi petani khususnya dalam implementasi dan men-difusikan GAP pada budidaya tomat adalah dengan cara memberikan penyuluhan daring dengan membagikan video dan materi mengenai GAP serta dengan memberikan gambaran melalui petak percontohan dengan penerapan prinsip GAP. Adapun beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah bagi BPP Kecamatan Cikajang dilaksanakannya kegiatan pembinaan dan penyuluhan yang lebih efektif, setelah pandemi ini berakhir dapat melakukan penyuluhan secara tatap muka dan lebih intensif tentang teknologi GAP dan melibatkan beberapa stakeholder

    Diseminasi Penggunaan Jamur Trichoderma sebagai Biofungisida pada Tanaman Bawang Daun (Allium Fistulosum) di Kecamatan Bathin VIII Kabupaten Sarolangun

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    Wise consideration of the use of chemical pesticides in farming should be given to environmental sustainability. One of the biopestithat was developed was a biofungisida that functioned to control diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. The use of Trichoderma fungi as biofungisids can reduce the use of chemical fungicides. Howevwe, the distribution of information on Trichoderma mushrooms has not reached all major perpetrators in Bathin VIII district, som many farmers are unawaere of the Trichoderma fungu's biological agents. The study is conducted at the inside Bathin VIII district of Sarolangun. Sample in the study of as many as 46 farmers taken usung tedium sampling techniques. Free vaeiables covering internal, exsternal factors, and innovation and interconnected variables  are enabled by the use of Trichoderma mushrooms as a biofungisida. The analysis techniques used are descriptive analisis, linear regression analysis, and Kendall;s W analysis. The results of the study indicate that a farmers knowledge, attitude, and skill were moderate. Factors that influence the behavior of farmers in the cultivation og Trichoderma mushrooms are internal factors and innovation. The strategies used to improve skilla are by conducting outings and demonstrations of ways on techniques to make Trichoderma mushrooms and how to make biofungisids from the Trichoderma mushrooms for plants