54 research outputs found

    Peer Review Jurnal RachmawatiW Gizi FKM

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    Cek_Plagiasi_Rachmawati_Complementary Feeding

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    Pemberian ASI Eksklusif kepada bayi merupakan cara terbaik yang dilakukan Ibu untuk mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang bayi pada masa awal kehidupan. Ibu merupakan tokoh utama dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif, namun dalam prosesnya Ibu juga membutuhkan bantuan berupa dukungan dari berbagai kalangan seperti keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan, diantaranya ahli gizi. Karenanya, paparan pengetahuan tentang menyusui bagi ahli gizi dan calon ahli gizi sangat penting sebagai dasar pelaksanaan peran ahli gizi dalam mendukung menyusui. Kegiatan edukasi ini dilakukan dalam bentuk seminar secara online dengan pengukuran peningkatan pengetahuan melalui pre-post test. Jumlah peserta yang melengkapi pre- dan post-test adalah 158 orang dari total 228 peserta seminar. Berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon, diketahui adanya peningkatan hasil evaluasi yang signifikan (p<0.05) pada topik 10 LMKM & kontak plus, Isu Global Menyusui, dan skor total ketiga topik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan edukasi tentang menyusui dan peran ahli gizi dalam mendukung menyusui dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta. Intervensi berkelanjutan dengan meningkatkan peran stakeholder diharapkan dapat menguatkan kapasitas ahli gizi dalam mendukung menyusui.

    Literature Review: K-Beauty Effect on Health Behavior and Korean Cosmetics Purchasing in Indonesia

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    Background: The K-wave popularity led to increased Korean fans in Indonesia, including other sectors of Korean products. Further, the styles of the stars, look, and culture became Indonesian people's references in fashion, ideal body shape, and food consumption patterns. However, a concern was also raised about the halal status of Korean beauty products and Indonesian health behavior to meet the ideal body shape of Korean celebrities. This study aims to understand the general perspective of the K-beauty popularity effect on Indonesian people's health behavior and cosmetics purchasing intention, including its halal issues. Method: This study was conducted by reviewing relevant research articles between 2012 to 2022 on the topic through a google scholar search engine. In total, 14 articles that meet the inclusion criteria were reviewed. Results: This study found that some adolescents that worshiped Korean idols had a negative body image and did a strict diet, heavy exercise, took weight loss pills, or did plastic surgery to meet their body goals. Further, South Korean dramas significantly affect the brand image of Korean cosmetics and further increase its purchasing intention. People's knowledge of halal cosmetics, religion, and the halal label will affect their purchasing level and preference for halal cosmetics. Conclusions: This study concludes that the emerging K-beauty trend should be balanced with the knowledge about a healthy way to gain beauty and the understanding of halal cosmetics. The stakeholder should enhance the intervention to improve youngsters' knowledge and attitude toward halal cosmetics and a healthy diet
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