2 research outputs found

    Analysis of Consumer Confidence on Mobile Commerce in Indonesia

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    The rapid development of mobile-based information technology, can change an existing business process. Such as loss of distributors in a single chain of business processes. Mobile Commerce industry is getting a good condition to grow. With the decrease in Mobile communication costs, more and more people are using mobile computing devices that can connect to the Internet. There are several m-Commerce applications in Indonesia, namely Lazada, Tokopedia, Buka Lapak, Shoppee and etc. The existence of these applications in Indonesia traders switch to online stores. This study takes three examples of m-Commerce applications in Indonesia with the top three criteria in terms of the best reviews and the highest number of reviews. The results of the sampling application is Lazada, Tokopedia and Buka Lapak. The process of collecting data taken will be analyzed to know about the level of consumer confidence in an m-Commerce application. This is evidenced by a collection of examples of online stores that exist in m-Commerce applications that inform ratings, discount information and existing features. The results obtained from this research is, consumer confidence can be seen from the review feedback that exist in each - each m-Commerce. Many discounts and low prices have no effect on consumer buying interest in the online store. The researcher's suggestion is to reward the most traded buyers with points that can be redeemed for certain goods, discounted goods or subsidized postage


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    The quick effect of climate change has become the main focus of the world including the government of Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia has projected the transition of fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles will be a solution in carbon emission reduction. However, in fact electric vehicles still produce carbon emission.  The purpose of this research is to compare two policy of carbon emission reduction which both of them have not implemented yet in Indonesia, namely Carbon Tax and Ultra Low Emission Zone. The research method used is qualitative with scoping review approach using various scientific articles. This study concluded that Carbon Tax is more effective and efficient implemented in Indonesia according to 3 (three) variables namely carbon emission reduction, potential tax revenue and implementation efficiency.Efek perubahan iklim yang sangat cepat menjadi salah satu fokus dunia termasuk pemerintah Indonesia. Pemerintah telah memproyeksikan peralihan penggunaan kendaraan berbahan bakar fosil ke kendaraan listrik yang akan menjadi solusi dalam penurunan emisi karbon. Namun, nyatanya kendaraan bermotor listrik pun tetap menghasilkan emisi karbon. Studi ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dua kebijakan penurunan emisi karbon yang keduanya secara teknis belum diterapkan di Indonesia yaitu Pajak Karbon dan Ultra Low Emission Zone. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik scoping review menggunakan berbagai literatur ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pajak Karbon lebih efektif dan efisien diterapkan di Indonesia berdasarkan 3 (tiga) variabel yakni penurunan emisi karbon, proyeksi penerimaan pajak dan efisiensi penerapan