4 research outputs found


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    Novel Kinkakuji karya Mishima Yukio merupakan novel yang diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1956 dan mendapatkan penghargaan Yomiuri pada tahun 1957. Dalam novel ini, terdapat beberapa masalah yang menarik, diantaranya adalah religiusitas dan seksualitas yang dibahas secara berdampingan, adanya keterkaitan religiusitas dan seksualitas dalam novel, kekaguman tokoh utama pada keindahan Kinkakuji hingga penghancuran objek, serta tokoh utama yang beberapa kali gagal melakukan hubungan seksual dikarenakan setiap ingin melakukan hubungan seksual, bayangan Kinkakuji selalu muncul dalam pikirannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keterkaitan religiusitas dan seksualitas serta makna yang terkandung dalam novel. Dalam proses pengkajian, peneliti menggunakan teori strukturalisme Ferdinand De Saussure tentang tanda, penanda, dan petanda yang dapat membantu peneliti dalam memahami wujud teks sehingga dapat menemukan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Kinkakuji sebagai simbol religi yang mampu melepaskan manusia dari unsur seks sebagai simbol dari unsur duniawi, novel ini juga sebagai cerminan diri dari pengarang dan juga sebagai bentuk kritik terhadap kondisi Jepang paska Perang

    Development of a Chatbot for Pregnant Women on a <i>Posyandu</i> Application in Indonesia: From Qualitative Approach to Decision Tree Method

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    With the widespread application of digital healthcare, mobile health (mHealth) services are also developing in maternal and child health, primarily through community-based services, such as Posyandu in Indonesia. Patients need media for consultation and decision-making, while health workers are constrained in responding quickly. This study aimed to obtain information from pregnant women and midwives in developing a decision tree model as material for building a semi-automated chatbot. Using an exploratory qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted through focus group discussions (FGD) with pregnant women (n = 10) and midwives (n = 12) in March 2022. The results showed 38 codes, 15 categories, and 7 subthemes that generated 3 major themes: maternal health education, information on maternal health services, and health monitoring. The decision tree method was applied from these themes based on the needs of users, evidence, and expert sources to ensure quality. In summary, the need to use a semi-automated chatbot can be applied to education about maternal health and monitoring, where severe cases should be provided with non-automated communication with midwives. Applying the decision tree method ensured quality content, supported a clinical decision, and assisted in early detection. Furthermore, future research needs to measure user evaluation

    Midwifery Continuity of Care in Indonesia: Initiation of Mobile Health Development Integrating Midwives&rsquo; Competency and Service Needs

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    Midwives&rsquo; competence in providing continuity of care using mobile health (mHealth) applications is limited in developing countries. This study identified and explored midwives&rsquo; competency and service needs to develop mHealth in Midwifery Continuity of Care (MCOC) education and training. It used an explanatory sequential mixed method, and was conducted from August to December 2021. A cross-sectional approach was used to find the characteristics and competency scope of 373 midwives in West Java, and continued with a qualitative design through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of 13 midwives. Descriptive data analysis (frequency, mean, deviation standard) and qualitative data analysis (coding, sub-themes, and theme) were conducted. In terms of the midwives who participated in this study, more than half were aged &le; 35 years (58.98%), with a working period &gt; 10 years (56.30%), had diploma degrees (71.12%), and used smartphones on average 1&ndash;12 h/day (78.28%). Most midwives needed to develop competency in the MCOC scope, including its early detection of the risk factor of complications and treatment management. They were concerned about the purposes, benefits, and design of mHealth. In summary, midwives&rsquo; competency indicators for early detection are more needed in MCOC using mHealth. Further research is required to evaluate midwives&rsquo; competence in MCOC using mHealth