78 research outputs found
Evaluasi Kinerja Organisasi Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang
This study aimed to describe supporting factors and inhibiting organizational performance and to evaluate the organizational performance of Semarang City Department of Education in achieving quality. The study used the theory of the factors that affect the performance of the organization. The factors that affect the performance of the organization used in the study include human resources; facilities and infrastructure; management information systems; cooperation; and leadership. This study used qualitative research method of descriptive. Based on the research results, factor that support the performance of the organization are human resources, cooperation and leadership whereas inhibiting factor are facilities and infrastructure; and management information systems. Organizational performance evaluation results indicate that the 9-year compulsory education targets have been met, the drop-out rate reached the national minimum servive standard, a decrease in the number of graduates, reduction in the number of teachers, reduction in the number of students repeating, decreasing dropout, an increase in the availability of the library, infirmary, computer rooms and laboratories, but a decrease in the availability of classrooms in the year 2013/2014. The suggestions given are fulfilling the availability of infrastructure needs, manage and utilize the education management system optimally, improve the education standard that is 12-year compulsory and seeks to reduce the children street in order to avoid dropping out of school, prepare for the exam to increase the number of the graduates and urged local governments to fulfilling the needs of theachers, do more focused on the construction of classrooms and repair the damage
Kinerja Inspektorat Provinsi Jawa Tengah
This Research will analylize the performance of Central Java Provincial Inspectorate and and dimensions that support or hamper the performance of the agency. The theory used in this research is the theory of public administration and five dimensions of performance that the quality, quantity, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and accountability with descriptive qualitative research design. Data collection techniques used through interviews, observation and documentation with information from employees Inspectorate of Central Java province. The results of this research indicate that the performance of Central Java Provincial Inspectorate of encouraging the implementation of good local government in Central Java is still less than optimal, especially in terms of cost effectiveness, were found problems such as limited human resources, budget and infrastructure that support the performance. Nonetheless, the performance of Central Java Provincial Inspectorate has been supported by a program whose activities have been scheduled, the training and technical guidance to improve the quality of employees, compliance program with the vision of the service, giving recommendations on the examination results on education, discipline Inspectorate of Central Java province in reporting its performance, their efforts to optimize existing resources, to the Central Java Provincial Inspectorate website as a form of performance transparency to the public. Regarding the issue, there are some suggestions that can be done such as improving the quality of existing resources, the addition of the proposed budget and infrastructure to be more adequate
Analisis Kinerja Dinas Sosial, Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Semarang dalam Penanganan Masalah Anak Jalanan di Kota Semarang
The research is going to describe and to analyze the performance department social, youths and sports in Semarang and factors that support or detain their performances. Theory that will be used in reasearch are public administration and five dimensions of performance which are productivity, service quality, responsivity, responsibility and accountability with descriptive qualitative study. This research using interview, observation, documentation as method to get information from social services, youth and sports in Semarang and the caretaker of anak emas foundation as the extension hand of the goverment to take care of homeless kids. The result of research is showed that performance of social services, youth and sports in their role to make a better social life for homeless kid is not quite optimal specially in productivity, service quality, and accountability, we see there are some problems in human resources, budgets and lack of information in website also lack of support to another foundation as the extension hand of goverment. However, the performance of department of social, youths and sports had been supported by their ability to discover the street kid's needs through some programs which are better than the previous year and their obedience to rules and SOP also stick to the principles of administrative as they did their job There are some ideas to counter the problem ,for example, raise the budget, add human resources, more concern about another institution and smoother the services
Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang
Kualitas pelayanan merupakan salah satu ukuran untuk menilai pelayanan publik. Puskesmas Rowosari merupakan unit pelaksana tingkat pertama dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan di wilayah kerjanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menilai sejauh mana kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesms Rowosari serta untuk mengidentifikasi dimensi yang menghambat dan mendukung kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Rowosari dengan menggunakan dimensi Tangibles, Reliability, Responsivess, Assurance dan Emphaty. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum Puskesmas Rowosari telah memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang baik kepada masyarakatnya, meskipun dalam memberikan pelayanan masih ada dimensi yang belum berjalan optimal, yaitu dimensi tangibles dan dimensi reliability
Kinerja Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Kota Semarang
This study will describe and analyze the performance Household Waste Management of Semarang and aspects that support and hinder. The theory used in this research are five dimensions of performance, ie inputs, outputs, outcomes, benefits, and Inpact. Techniques used in the collection of data through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature. Techniques used in selecting informants using the snowball technique. These results indicate that the performance of household waste management tumah Semarang not optimal. Input Department of Hygiene and Semarang have not been met, it is because of discipline and Sanitation Department workers Semarang still need to be improved, there is still need for improvement and rejuvenation facilities and infrastructure, and endahnya given budget. Output Department of Hygiene and Semarang have not been met, due to the implementation of programs and activities are still constrained to be a low budget. Outcome Department of Hygiene and Semarang have not been met, because by the awards received adipura Semarang has yet to make public awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness. Benefit of the program and activities of the Department of Hygiene and Semarang is good. Impact of programs and activities and bring positive impact. Aspects of performance support Department of Hygiene and Semarang is the quality of human resources, cooperation, and the division of the territory. Aspects of inhibiting the performance of Department of Hygiene and Semarang are budget constraints, lack of facilities and infrastructure support, and lack of human resources in terms of quantity. Based on research, Performance Household Waste Management of Semarang, there are some recommendations that can be given to optimizing the performance such as budget cuts and divert into other needs, attention and care infrastructure is already there, as well as the evaluation of the employees to see the advantages and disadvantages on a territory
Pengembangan Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Di Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada Dinas Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan Kota Semarang Di Bidang Perindustrian)
Small and Medium Industries plays an important role for the economy of the Semarang city. This sector is able to address equity in the distribution of income among regions. If the Small and Medium Industries can be maximized, the city of Semarang can raise the local revenue. This study aimed to describe and analyze the performance of industrial field in Semarang, also drives the performance of Industry Department and Trade in Semarang to implementing the Development Program of Small and Medium Industries. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methodes. The results shows that performance in implementing the Programme for Small and Medium Industry Development has not been maximized. This assessment is based on the dimensions of productivity, quality of service, responsiveness, and accountability and reponsibility. This could be happen because the Industry can not achieve 100% of the target achievement and there has been no significant increase in the number of Small and Medium Industries. Incentives can be seen from the aspect of performance factors for Human Resources and Cultural Organization. The conclusion of this study is the performance of Department of Industry and Trade in Semarang is not yet up and need to be scaled back. Suggested for Industry increasing the quantity and quality of human resources and imposed a system of reward and punishment
Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Pada Kantor Kecamatan Blora
In the era of regional autonomy and decentralized, the performance of public organizations have an important role in providing public services to the community. Blora subdistrict is a public organization that is in the province of Central Java. Blora subdistrict has a duty to carry out the wheels of government and public services at the district level. In achieving these goals is certainly influenced by the performance of the organization as a whole. As a district located in the city, it would be a representation of other subdistricts be interested researchers to discuss it. The purposed of this research is to analyze the performance of Blora District organizational in achieving their objectives, accordimg to the vision and mission of the organization. To see the performance of the organization, researchers viewed from various aspects, such as productivity, responsiveness, quality of service, cooperation, use of resources and timeliness. The second objective was to describe the factors inhibiting the Blora District of organizational performance. This research used qualitative descriptive study that refers to the concept of performance indicators and the condition of the locus recently. Based on the results, it can be explained that the performance of the organization has been run well. Such as the responsiveness indicators, quality of service, cooperation and timeliness. But, there's a problem with the human resources and infrastructure. Therefore, the researchers gave suggestions to increase the competence of human resources. The organization have to optimizing existing facilities and infrastructure to support the activities and increase budget allocations and adjust according to budget targets
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