76 research outputs found

    Analisis Lanjut Pemanfaatan Empiris Ramuan Seledri (Apium graveolens L) oleh Penyehat Tradisional

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    Celery (Apium graveolens L) is a very popular plant as a soup and many other vegetable menus. Celery has benefits as a medicinal plant and the efficacy has been known worlwide. Research on Medicinal Plants and Herbs (Ristoja) conducted in 2012, 2015, and 2017 has collected thousands of herbs and some of them contain celery. This study carried out further analysis on the empirical use of celery as an ingredient of traditional medicine by traditional healers (Hattra) through interviews and observations. Based on Ristoja's data, they found 90 herbs and among them there were 20 local names of herbs which are used by Hattra. The celery by Hattra was empirically identified for 10 types of diseases treatment. It was used mostly for hypertension or high blood pressure treatment and justificatied scientifically through other scientific literatures. It was recommended that celery could be use for self-medication a mild hypertension patient. Celery was safe although there are still contra indications. The celery treatment should be socialized through promotive activities in elderly posyandu activities remain under supervision of health worker

    Penggunaan Jamu pada Pasien Hiperlipidemia Berdasarkan Data Rekam Medik, di Beberapa Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia

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    Hyperlipidemias are disorders which are manifested by elevation of blood lipid, such as total cholesterol and/or triglyceride above the normal level. Hyperlipidemia management is done by lifestyle modification (high-fiber diet, exercises) as well as using antidyslipidemias. On the other hand, non-conventional or traditional treatment of hyperlipidemias using herbals (jamu) is becoming ubiquitous, performed by jamu practitioner clinician (dokter praktik jamu). This study is a part of a web-site Jamu Registry Study, which is intended to figure herbal (jamu) dispensed by jamu practitioner clinician for hyperlipidemic patients. A descriptive, cross-sectional design is applied, using medical record data of ‘jamu’ patients from some health facilities, in 7 provinces in Indonesia. Results showed, out of 97 hyperlipidemic patients were mostly female (60.8%), aged 48-58 years (46.4%); most of them (62.9%) were treated merely with jamu for 1 – 2 weeks, and the rests were treated with jamu in combination with conventional and/or other alternative medication. The most jamu used were branded herbal capsules (55.7%) containing of Guazumae folium and Murrayae folium. Adverse events were reported in four cases i.e. diarrhea and diuresi

    Herbal Therapy and Quality of Life in Hypertension Patients at Health Facilities Providing Complementary Therapy

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    Background: Hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor that had serious consequences to some organs (heart, brain, kidneys and blood vessels). This study aimed to investigate the dominant risk factors that related to quality of life in hypertension subjects. Methods: This cross-sectional study used a of data from medical records in hypertension subjects health care facilities in provinces of: DKI Jakarta, Central Java, West Java, East Java, Bali, Banten, and South Sumatra which used complementary medicine for treatment patients. The interview and recording of patient medical records was done by 77 medical doctors who practicing herbal medicine. The quality of life based on Short Form 36 WHO questionnaire for getting data quality of life of hypertension patients. Risk factors that related to quality of life in hypertension patients were analyzed using Cox regression. Results: Total patients had been collected were 189 subjects. The proportion of those who had good quality of life were 51.9% (97/187). Dominant risk factors related to quality of life in hypertension patients were level of education and type of treatment. Compared with those who had low education level, those who had middle and high education level had 83% more risk to be good quality of life. Furthermore, in terms of type of treatment, those who had pharmaceutical and herbal/traditional had 29% more risk to be good quality of life. Conclusion: Hypertension subjects who had higher level of education and had pharmaceutical and herbal/traditional had more risk to be good quality of life

    The Use of Traditional Health Care Among Indonesian Family

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    Background: The use of traditional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine has increased significantly over the past few years. The main reasons for the increasing use of traditional medicine is a growing trend for patients to take a more proactive approach to their own health and to seek out different forms of self-care. This study aimed to investigate the dominant risk factors that related to use of traditional health care among Indonesian family Methods: The study used household data from 2013 National Health Survey Indonesia. Using cox regression, we then could present dominant risk factors that related to use of traditional health care among Indonesian family Results: Total subjects had been analyzed were 294,959 subjects. The proportion of those who used of traditional health care were 30,4% (78,775/294,959). Dominant risk factors related to used of traditional health care were type area, level of education, employment status, level of economic, and knowing about the availability of health care. Compared with those who were in rural, those who were in urban had 14% more likely to used of traditional health care. Household who had higher education level had 85% more likely to used of traditional health care. Household who were employed had 18% more likely to used of traditional health care. Household who had higher economic level had 45% more likely to used of traditional health care. Furthermore, household who knowed about the availability of health care had 32% more likely to used of traditional health care. Conclusion: Household subjects who were in urban area, employed, had higher level of education and economic, knowed the availability of health services were more likely to used of traditional health car

    Kualitas Ekstrak Etanol 70% Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lamk) dalam Ramuan Penambah ASI

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    From the collection of data (SDKI) in 2002-2003, it is found that the number of exclusive breastfeeding in infants below the age of two months covers only 64% of total infants. The most alarming facts are that 13% of infants under two months have been fed infant milk formula and one of three infants aged 2-3 months has been given additional food. Therefore, using Kelor as herba to facilitating breast milk is needed as extract requirement. In addition, this research considers characterization of Kelor extract as a first step to standardize Kelor extract. Sample is extract of Kelor leaf from East Java. To ensure quality requirements of 70% ethanol extract from Kelor leaf for herbal medicine, it has to meet the quality requirement guidelines established by BPOM. Examination includes non-specific parameter such as water content, total ash, total acid insoluble ash, and extract microscopic examination. In the other side, specific parameter includes content of dilute alkohol, content of dilute water, assay of total alkaloid and chemistry compound test. Characteristic of 70 % ethanol extract from Kelor leaf for non-specific parameter are water content 15,68%, total ash 3,04%, total acid insoluble ash 1,13% and loss on drying 29,70% , whereas characteristic of spesific parameter for content of dilute etanol 33,11%, content of dilute water 47,53%, and assay Trigonellin 15,68 %. The conclusion is non spesific characteristic from kelor leaf etanol extract, that is water content does not meet the quality requirement guideline

    Model Analisis Terapi Jamu sebagai Komplementer terhadap Perbaikan Keluhan pada Pasien Artritis

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    Telah dilakukan sebuah penelitian observasi, purposif dan deskriptif terhadap dokter praktik jamusecara komplementer-alternatif dengan menggunakan jamu di 9 dari 12 provinsi wilayah SentraPengembangan, Penerapan dan Pengobatan Tradisional (SP3T) di Indonesia selama 6 bulan penelitian.Didapatkan 63 pasien artritis yang yang masuk ke dalam penelitian, menerima terapi konvensionaldan tradisional. Seluruh pasien berusia ¥16 tahun, dengan persentase terbanyak pada usia 51-70tahun (50,8%). Ditemukan 37% pasien memiliki riwayat penyakit hipertensi sebelumnya, dan 7%riwayat rematoid arthritis. Sebanyak 47% pasien dengan hipertensi pada keluarga dan 16% pasiendengan rematoid arthritis pada keluarganya. Terapi konvensional terbanyak yang digunakan dalamterapi pasien arthritis yaitu golongan NSAID (43%), disusul suplemen (22%), fiioterapi (12%), antipirai(10%), kortikosteroid (4%), lain-lain (4%), dan analgetik narkotik (3%). Komponen jamu yang seringdigunakan yaitu jamu osteoarthritis Tawangmangu (37,5%), sambiloto (11,3%), temulawak (11,2%),jahe (8,1%), habbatussauda/jinten hitam (8,1%), dan murat (4,8%). Adapun keterampilan dengan alatyang digunakan yaitu akupunktur (47%), akupresur (13%), stimulasi listrik (7%), akupunktur & stimulasilistrik (7%). Perubahan pasca terapi yang terjadi adalah perbaikan, berupa hilangnya gejala penyakit.Gejala klinis yang paling banyak menghilang saat follow up yaitu gejala sistem neurologis (33%), sistemmuskuloskeletal (31%), dan tak kalah pentingnya yaitu gejala umum (23%), karena 3 dari 4 gejala umum(tidak nafsu makan, letih, dan penurunan berat badan) merupakan gejala yang paling sering ditemuipada penderita rematoid artritis. Meskipun demikian perbaikan gejala klinis ini belum bisa dipastikansemata-mata karena efek terapi jamu saja, karena selain jamu digunakan pula terapi konvensionallainnya. Ditemukan pula peningkatan Quality of Life (QoL) derajat baik sebelum terapi (36%) danmenjadi 79% pada masa sesudah terapi

    Jamu Pada Pasien Tumor/Kanker Sebagai Terapi Komplementer

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaan flora nomor 2 di dunia, memiliki berbagai macam tumbuhan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat termasuk untuk pengobatan kanker. Akan tetapi dalam pemakaian tumbuhan untuk pengobatan masih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara Asia, terutama dalam hal pemakaian tumbuhan obat yang terintegrasikan dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal. Diberbagai belahan dunia tumbuhan obat telah banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan kanker, baik sebagai pencegahan maupun pengobatan. Tanaman yang digunakan adalah yang mengandung senyawa atau substansi seperti karotenoid, vitamin C, selenium, serat dan komponen-komponennya, dithiolthiones, isotiosianat, indol, fenol, inhibitor protease, senyawa aliin, fitisterol, fitoestrogen dan limonen. Glukosianalat dan indol, tiosianat dan isotiosianat, fenol dan kumarin dapat menginduksi multiplikasi enzim fase II (melarutkan dan umumnya mengaktivasi). Asam askorbat dan fenol memblok pembentukan karsinogen seperti nitro- samine.Flavonoid dan karotenoid bertindak sebagai antioksidan. Karotenoid dan sterol mengubah struktur membran atau integritas. Senyawa yang mengandung sulfur dapat menekan DNA dan sintesis protein, sedangkan fitoestrogen bersaing dengan estradiol untuk reseptor estrogen sehingga akan terjadi keadaan anti proliperatif. Perhimpunan Dokter Indonesia Pengembang Kesehatan Tradisional Timur (PDPKT), setelah melalui prosedur dan identifikasi yang panjang, berhasil memilih 30 jenis tanaman berkhasiat obat dalam mengatasi berbagai penyakit, termasuk kanker. Selain itu berdasarkan pengalaman pengobatan di RSU Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang dan RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, diperoleh sejumlah herbal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Di Indonesia, prevalensi penyakit kanker cukup tinggi. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2007, prevalensi tumor/kanker di Indonesia adalah 4,3 per 1.000 penduduk dan merupakan penyebab kematian nomor 7 sebesar 5,7% dari seluruh penyebab kematian.4 Sementara itu pada Riskesdas tahun 2013, prevalensi tumor/kanker di Indonesia adalah 1,4 per 1000 penduduk, atau sekitar 330.000 orang. Prevalensi kanker tertinggi terdapat di DI Yogyakarta (4,1%), diikuti Jawa Tengah (2,1%), Bali (2%), Bengkulu, dan DKI Jakarta masing-masing 1,9 per mil. Penyakit kanker juga menyebabkan beban pembiayaan negara sangat tinggi. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari data Jamkesmas yang menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan dana Jamkesmas paling tinggi penyerapannya untuk penanganan penyakit kanker dibandingkan dengan penyakit degeneratif lainnya. pengobatan kanker yang baik harus memenuhi fungsi menyembuhkan (kuratif), mengurangi rasa sakit (paliatif) dan mencegah timbulnya kembali (preventif).6 Pengobatan komplementer alternatif adalah salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang akhir-akhir ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat maupun kalangan kedokteran konvensional.7 Pelayanan kesehatan tradisional komple-menter alternatif merupakan pelayanan yang menggabungkan pelayanan konven-sional dengan kesehatan tradisional dan/atau hanya sebagai alternatif menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan tradisional, terintegrasi dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal.7 Keberhasilan masuknya obat tradisional ke dalam sistem pelayanan kesehatan formal hanya dapat dicapai apabila terdapat kemajuan yang besar dari para klinisi untuk menerima dan menggunakan obat tradisional. Penyelenggaran pengobatan komple-menter alternatif diatur dalam standar pelayanan medik herbal menurut Kepmenkes No.121/Menkes/SK/II/2008 yang meliputi melakukan anamnesis; melakukan pemeriksaan meliputi pemeriksaan fisik (inspeksi, palpasi, perkusi dan auskultasi) maupun To determine the use of herbs as complementary therapy in the practice of herbal medicine doctor , performed a cross sectional study , non-intervention in patients with doctors\u27 complementary - alternative herbal medicine in hospitals , health centers, clinic of physician networks Indonesia. Using medical records and entry program on the website Badan Litbangkes, 10 months evaluated, analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 19.0.Obtainable 72 patients tumor with 129 visits, varying between 1-4 each patient. The most commonly tumor found is breast (32%). Of the 71 patients with tumors, 80.3% receiving herbal, 14.1% received conventional and herbal, 2.8 % received conventional, herbal and traditional health , and 1.4 % received herbal and traditional health. Conventional included chemotherapy, analgesics/antiinflammatory, antibiotic, stomach medicine, tranexamat acids, vitamins, hormonal drugs. Vitamins most used, followed by analgesic/anti inflammatory. Herbal therapy (potion) most often given white turmeric and pearl grass. Herbs with the same components supplied by 8 different doctorspearl grass, white turmeric,bidara upas.There are 51,4% patients came with good quality of life, 40% moderate and 8.6% bad. After receiving 3 modality therapy, there are 79,6% patients with improved quality of life and 20,4% status quo

    Efek Pemberian Air Embun terhadap Gambaran Hematologi dan Biokimia Darah

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    Circulation disorder of blood at a person is related to metabolic process, and it can not be as the normal equilibirum, and later can affect to appearance of disseases. Dew water, can be produced from destilation process (Systemized Dew Process), filtered process and disinfection with ozoniation. Dew water is stated can be used for disorder of blood circulation treatment. For the examination effect of dew water for blood circulation disorder, dew water was tested for blood description and biochemistry blood description at the animal model with cholesterol diet.It was the experimental pharmacology method, with the blood description as hamoglobline, erythrocyte, leucocyte, thrombocyte, hematochrite value; biochemistry description as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, trigliserid; freeze time of blood; the arteri thickness ; body weight and the volume of intake water. Base on the normally of dosage at human, dew water intake for animal model were all day long admintration and of all of research time, every day for 2 month. The result of research has shown decrease of the body weight; increase need for intake water ; repairing haematology and biochemistry of blood, escpecially decrease of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol; diluting blood; decreasing ateroschlerosis disorder at arteri vesse