2 research outputs found

    Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Kesehatan Fisik, Kesalahan Kerja Dan Kecelakaan Kerja Teknisi Pesawat Udara

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    The study examines job stress, job satisfaction, physical health, work accidents and faulty work. Study was involving 100 aircraft technicians PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Occupational injuries is measured by Safety Related Injuries Scale. Work was measured with a scale error faulty work by the job description of aircraft maintenance division that has been standard. Physical health was measured by Physical Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Job satisfaction was measured by job satisfaction scale developed by researchers. Work stress was measured by Job Stress Survey (JSS). Data occupational accidents, faulty work, physical health, job satisfaction and job stress were analyzed with statistical regression analysis. The analysis showed job stress did not predict an increase in accidents and faulty work. Job stress did not predict decline in physical health and job satisfaction. High and low occupational accidents, faulty work, physical health, and aircraft technician job satisfaction can not be predicted through the high and low job stress

    Model Integrasi Atribut Asesmen Formatif (Iaaf) Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Sel Untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Penalaran Dan Berpikir Analitik Mahasiswa Calon Guru

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    Dalam studi ini dikembangkan model integrasi atribut asesmen formatif (IAAF) dalam pembelajaran Biologi Sel untuk mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa calon guru Biologi. Atribut asesmen formatif yang diintegrasikan adalah collaboration, self-assessment, peer-assessment, dan feedback & learning progression. Model yang dikembangkan mencakup pembelajaran interaktif, pembuatan bagan konsep, dan reviu artikel jurnal Internasional. Dimensi yang diukur dalam studi ini adalah perkembangan kemampuan mahasiswa membuat bagan konsep, kemampuan mahasiswa melakukan reviu artikel, dan kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa. Hasil studi mengindikasikan bahwa Model IAAF dapat mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran dan berpikir analitik mahasiswa. In this study developed a model of integration of formative assessment attributes (IAAF) in Cell Biology learning to develop reasoning skills and analytical thinking Biology student teachers. Attributes of formative assessment that  integrated is collaboration, self-assessment, peer-assessment, and feedback & learning progression. The model developed includes interactive learning, graphing concepts, and review articles of International journal. Dimensions measured in this study is the development of students’ ability to make a chart of concept, the ability of student conduct review of articles, and the ability to reason and think analytically students. The study results indicate that the IAAF model can develop reasoning skills and analytic thinking students