28 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Model Untuk Aplikasi Government

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    Instansi pemerintah di Indonesia telah banyak mengembangkan sistem informasi berbasis Information Technology (IT), tetapi pengembangan tersebut masih belum mengacu pada pemanfaatan framework pengembangan sistem informasi. Oleh karena itu, pada makalah ini bertujuan melakukan eksplorasi Zachman framework untuk diterapkan pada pengembangan sistem informasi aplikasi Government, dengan studi kasus pada instansi pemerintah Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Kependudukan (Dinakertransduk) Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Hasil dari Zachman framework adalah dalam bentuk arsitektur level untuk perencana dengan memperhatikan seluruh aspek pada organisasi instansi pemerintah. Arsitektur level yang dihasilkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk ketersediaan dokumentasi data, sistem dan teknologi yang mendukung proses bisnis instansi pemerintah dengan pengembangan IT

    Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Antarmuka Pengguna Berbasis Task Analysis Model

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    Pada makalah ini diuraikan mengenai perancangan dan pengembangan antarmuka pengguna berdasarkan task analysis model, yaitu berdasarkan kategori spesifikasi pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh pengguna terhadap perangkat lunak .Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model lifecycle, yang meliputi tahapan pembentukan problem domain, task analysis yang direpresentasikan dengan struktur pohon yang selanjutnya dijabarkan menjadi urutan aksi penguna, dan task design yang meliputi task synthesis, task optimation, pengelompokan task, state transition dan perancangan dialog untuk setiap antarmuka pengguna

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi dan Tingkat Kerawanan Pangan Petani Lahan Kering di Kabupaten Gunungkidul (Studi Kasus di Desa Giritirto, Kecamatan Purwosari, Gunungkidul)

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    Gunungkidul was being as an extreme nature and categorized as marginal land which was cause food shortages in some districts. One of the district experienced food shortages in 2013 was Purwosari. This research aimed to find out the food consumption patterns and relation among land area, income and educational levels of the dry land farmers toward the food shortages level. The research method used in this study was descriptive technique by giving explanation from statistic data (percentage, mean, data range, frequency distribution, cross tabulation). Moreover, in order to measure the food shortages leve this study used the comparison formula between the number of poor people consuming food with the nutrition daily value as much as 2,150 calories. The research findings show that the average daily individual consumption was 1274.25 Kkal, and categorized as people who are extremely food shortages. The calories are mostly gained from consuming rice, corn and tempe, as daily consumption patterns. The levels of farmers\u27 income, farming land areas, and level of education are not related to the food shortages level

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Sistem Pencocokan Sidik Jari Dengan Algoritma Filterbank Gabor

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    From research result used filterbank gabor algorithms, can give 96 (24 x 4) featurres from 24 sector with 4 filter. Gabor filter use 23 x 23 with orientation change 00, 450, 900, dan 1350. Each orientation angle change will be rotation gabor filter on to its. Make feature vector or FingerCode with Avarage Absolute Deviation (AAD) are average value from difference pixels number for each sector and centre value on sector. Error system on disjoint between FAR dan FRR with value 3,6% and threshold value 39. Then slope from GAR graphic value 400, this is proving that this system is running a good, cause slope recommendation value 450

    Karakteristik Perbedaan Antara E-commerce (Ec) Dengan E- Government (Eg), Dan Penerapan Paradigma Ec Pada Eg Dengan Pendekatan Empiris

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    S---Lebih dari satu dekade bahwa aplikasi EC dan EG telah memberikan dampak besar pada beberapa sektor, baik sektor swasta maupun masyarakat. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) pada EC lebih berhasil dibandingkan dengan pemanfaatan TIK pada pemerintahan dalam hal ini EG. Keberhasilan EC inilah yang akan digunakan oleh pemerintahan untuk menerapkan paradigm EC ke dalam EG, dengan mengadopsi konsep, proses, dan teknologi yang diterapkan pada bisnis. Kajian ini dilakukan secara komperatif terhadap dua fenomena EC dan EG. Pada makalah ini dibahas secara empiris mengenai karakteristik persamaan dan perbedaan antara EC dan EG, serta paradigma kekuatan dan kelemahan pada EC untuk diterapkan pada EG. Fenomena antara EC dan EG memiliki banyak persamaan, tetapi pada prinsipnya meliliki perbedaan secara mendasar terkait mengenai peran bisnis dengan pemerintah

    Pendapatan dan Produksi Potensial Usahatani Konservasi Lahan Pantai di Kabupaten Bantul

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    Coastal land management are expected not only serves as an erosion control (wind), but also serves to increase farmer's incomes. This study aims to analyze the income and the potential production of conservation farming system on coastal land in Bantul. The survey was conducted in the village of Srigading and Gadingsari Bantul. Income and potential production of four main commodities, namely red onions, red peppers, eggplant, and sweet potatoes were analyzed using Technical Efficiency Effect Model. Results of the study showed that from 0.1 hectares of coastal land, the farmers obtain the highest revenue of red pepper, which amounted to Rp 3.9 million in the dry season 1 and Rp 2.5 in the dry season 2; followed by red onions income, amounted to Rp 2.1 million in the rainy season and Rp1.6 in the dry season; while eggplant provide the lowest income, which amounted to Rp 98 thousand in the rainy season. The estimation results of Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Model with MLE method showed an increase in the potential of onion in the rainy season by 7.4%; eggplant 11.4% and 10.2% sweet potato. In the dry season 1, there is an increase in onion production by 10.6%; red Chili 4% and 5.6% sweet potato. While in the dry season 2, there is an increased production of red onion and eggplant by 4.1% at 6.1%

    Analisa Kondisi Kerusakan Jalan pada Lapisan Permukaan (Studi Kasus : Jalan Adi Sucipto Sungai Raya Kubu Raya)

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    Secara umum jalan dibangun sebagai prasarana untuk memudahkan mobilitas dan aksesibilitas kegiatan sosial ekonomi dalam masyarakat. Keberadaan jalan raya sangatlah diperlukan untuk menunjang laju pertumbuhan ekonomi, pertanian serta sektor lainnya. Mengingat manfaatnya yang begitu penting maka dari itulah sektor pembangunan dan pemeliharaan jalan menjadi prioritas untuk dapat diteliti dan dikembangkan dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, serta pemeliharaannya. Ruas Jalan Propinsi Adi Sucipto, Sungai Raya Kubu Raya sepanjang3,80 km yang mengalami kerusakan cukup signifikan, baik kerusakan ringan, kerusakan sedang maupun kerusakan berat pada beberapa ruasjalan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui jenis dan tingkat kerusakan pada permukaan jalan, danmemberikan tindakan untuk perbaikan kerusakan jalan berdasarkan tingkat dan jenis kerusakan yang terjadi. Tahapan analisa dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah dengan melakukan survei visual di lokasi penelitian, menentukan jenis dan tingkat kerusakan dan mengukur dimensi kerusakan yang meliputi panjang, lebar dan dalam kerusakan yang terjadi, menghitung luas kerusakan, analisa kondisi kerusakan permukaan Jalan Adi Sucipto dengan cara menghitung nilai PCI secara keseluruhan menggunakan metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI), selanjutnya menentukankondisi kerusakan permukaan jalan berdasarkan nilai PCI. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, permukaan Jalan Adi Sucipto Sungai Raya Kubu Raya tergolong dalam tingkat kerusakan buruk (poor) dengan nilai PCI sebesar 35,65. alternatif perbaikan yang sesuai adalah program tambalan (patching), dilapisi ulang (overlay) dan selanjutnya dilakukan pemeliharaan rutin

    Genistein Increase Intracellular Distribution of the High Motility Group Box-1 Through P38 Pathway in HeLa Culture Cells Induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α

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    Cervical cancer is one kind of many cancer that cause death to women around the world. Many studies had support the statement that inflammation has a strong linkage with cancer development. Several factors like proinflammatory factor can influence tumor cell microenvironment, and induce a faster proliferation. TNF-α is suspected can induce proliferation. While cancer itself can induce inflammation, which is marked by several marker. One of them is HMGB1, released from the cell as active secretory lysosomes or passive diffusion. Genistein has demonstrated growth inhibitory effects of various types of cancer cells. It inhibits tyrosine kinase pathway, which can be activated by TNF-α. One of those pathways that have the link with proliferation is p38. This study tries to reveal about inhibitory effect of genistein toward p38 pathway that had been activated by TNF-α. This research was conducted by exposing cultured HeLa cells with various doses of genistein for 90 minutes, and then exposed to TNF - α 10 ng / mL for 20 minutes. Observations were made with a confocal microscope, by staining the cells with pp38-TRITC and HMGB1 antibody. The intensity was measured and analyzed by Fluoview software. The results suggest that there be significant differences between pp38 intranuclear intensity and HMGB1 extranuclear intensity of each dose of genistein (p = 0.000, ANOVA). pp38 and HMGB1 intensity were increased along with increasing genistein dose, but at high dose there were noted decreasing of pp38 and HMGB1 intensity. At apoptotic dose, pp38 and HMGB1 intensity were increased markedly, showing the effect of apoptosis. In general, increasing doses of genistein increase intranuclear p38 activation and HMGB1 extranuclear translocation. So there were a strong linkage between p38 activation and HMGB1 translocation in this study

    Indonesian and Western Perspectives on Shackling the Mentally Ill

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    BACKGROUND: Mental illness has become a serious problem in Indonesia. Many people with severe mental disorders remain untreated or drop out of the care service system and eventually end up being shackled. Although attention to human right in Indonesia has grown, physical restraint of people with mental disorders remains prevalent. This study aimed to compare the Indonesian and Western perspectives pertaining to shackling the mentally ill. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a systematic review. The data were mined from news, research and studies pertinent to restrained mentally ill patients. Literature was searched from Google scholar, BMC, BMJ, and the Cochrane library. The key words used in the English language were “shackling and schizophrenia”, and “restraint and mental illnesses”. The Indonesian words included “pemasungan gangguan jiwa”. Searches were conducted until August 2015, resulting in 45 articles that consisted of 36 research articles and 9 non-research articles. Two of the 45 articles were duplicate. RESULTS: The theme of shackling in Indonesian perspective consists of: (1) Misguided perception of families and communities on people with mental illnesses (PMI); (2) Family and community treatment of PMI; (3) Lack of continuity in service programs between psychiatric hospitals, com-munity health centers, and communities. The theme of shackling in Western perspective consists of: (1) The impacts of restraint and shackling; (2) Restraint and shackling prevention; (3) There are no studies on the advantages of physical restraint. CONCLUSION: Research and news obtained from Indonesian articles consist of misguided perception pertaining to PMI and their treatment. Western articles include the impact of shackling PMI and prevention. It is essential to empower communities to raise awareness on mental illness and to provide correct information on treatment and the obligation to prevent shackling the mentally ill persons in Indonesia. Keywords: shackling, restraint, schizophrenia, mental healt