255 research outputs found

    Hide and Seek a Share: The Ethics of Sharing between Presence and Distance

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    Hiding and sharing things can go together. Haiǁom and other San hunter-gatherers in southern Africa are considered to be a group in which there is a lot of sharing. At the same time, hiding what could be shared is not rare. The ethnographic situation that I explore in this contribution is that of hiding tobacco and other consumables. What happens when Haiǁom divide their tobacco into two pouches, one for sharing with others and one that is kept hidden? I argue that creating presence but also maintaining a degree of distance characterise Haiǁom sharing practices and their way of dealing with numerous sharing demands in everyday interaction. At a comparative theoretical level, I argue that safeguarding minimal interpersonal distance is part of habitualising a performative ethical sense of how to share. In this context, trying to store things is not necessarily considered unethical as long as those who do still continue to be appropriately responsive to the demands made. What is at stake is the learnt judgement of when demands need to be fulfilled and when other responses are in order

    Towards a theoretical approach to the moral dimension of access

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    Dimensions of variability in Northern Khoekhoe language and culture

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    This article takes an interdisciplinary route towards explaining the complex history of Hai//om culture and language. We begin this article with a short review of ideas relating to 'origins' and historical reconstructions as they are currently played out among Khoekhoe groups in Namibia, in particular with regard to the Hai//om. We then take a comparative look at parts of the kinship system and the tonology of ≠Âkhoe Hai//om and other variants of Khoekhoe. With regard to the kinship and naming system, we see patterns that show similarities with Nama and Damara on the one hand but also with 'San' groups on the other hand. With regard to tonology, new data from three northern Khoekoe varieties shows similarities as well as differences with Standard Namibian Khoekhoe and Ju and Tuu varieties. The historical scenarios that might explain these facts suggest different centres of innovations and opposite directions of diffusion. The anthropological and linguistic data demonstrates that only a fine-grained and multi-layered approach that goes far beyond any simplistic dichotomies can do justice to the Hai//om riddle

    Obituary of James Woodburn 1934–2022

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    Hide and Seek a Share: The Ethics of Sharing between Presence and Distance

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    Hiding and sharing things can go together. Haiǁom and other San hunter-gatherers in southern Africa are considered to be a group in which there is a lot of sharing. At the same time, hiding what could be shared is not rare. The ethnographic situation that I explore in this contribution is that of hiding tobacco and other consumables. What happens when Haiǁom divide their tobacco into two pouches, one for sharing with others and one that is kept hidden? I argue that creating presence but also maintaining a degree of distance characterise Haiǁom sharing practices and their way of dealing with numerous sharing demands in everyday interaction. At a comparative theoretical level, I argue that safeguarding minimal interpersonal distance is part of habitualising a performative ethical sense of how to share. In this context, trying to store things is not necessarily considered unethical as long as those who do still continue to be appropriately responsive to the demands made. What is at stake is the learnt judgement of when demands need to be fulfilled and when other responses are in order

    The social relationships of changing Hai//om hunter gatherers in northern Namibia, 1990-1994.

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    This thesis analyses the social relationships of a group of northern Hai//om, who also call themselves Akhoe, in the Oshikoto region of Namibia. The Hai//om are a Khoisan-speaking group, labelled "Bushmen" or "San" by outsiders, who were dispossessed of their land during the colonial period. Today most Hai//om combine hunting, gathering, agriculture, handicrafts, wage labour, and cattle-keeping in a mixed economy. The Hai//om changing economy has elements of an immediate-retum strategy aimed at gaining access to the delayed-return economies of neighbouring groups, particularly Owambo-speaking agropastoralists, and farmers of European origin. Based on long-term participant observation with the Hai//om, this thesis shows the flexibility and versatility of Hai//om social organization and its institutions. Particular reference is made to the ways in which social categories are established on the basis of material transactions (sharing, gift-giving, bartering and commercial exchange), and are grounded in shared classifications of land and its resources. The thesis documents and analyses how Hai//om construct and maintain social relations, including relations with outsiders, in everyday social interaction. Patterns of Hai//om social practice involving these social relations emerge in language pragmatics, in the usage of space, and in ritual activities. The thesis also includes an analysis of representations of ethnic identity and economic difference in Hai//om folklore. The investigation shows that Hai//om social relationships and social values continue to shape the diversity and overall flexibility that characterize Hai//om life today. Although Hai//om have little power to influence the conditions imposed on them by national and international contexts, Hai//om social strategies across changing conditions can be explained on the basis of a set of instituted social practices centred around open accessibility and informal common ground

    Wir Staatsmenschen. Das Feld, die Stadt und der Staat in der Kulturanthropologie Afrikas

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    Der vorliegende Band ist in gewisser Weise „außer der Reihe”, da es sich nicht wie bei vielen Heften dieser Reihe um eine Abschlussarbeit oder ein anderes direktes Produkt des Kölner Instituts fĂŒr Ethnologie handelt. Andererseits ist diese Arbeit in dieser Reihe sehr gut aufgehoben, da der Autor viele Jahre im Kölner Institut gearbeitet hat und hier durch seine Habilitation die Venia Legendi in Ethnologie verliehen bekommen hat. Der vorliegende Text ist die ausgearbeitete Version des Vortrages, der am 29.6.2015 zum Antritt auf die Professur fĂŒr die Kulturanthropologie Afrikas gehalten wurde. Diese Professur ist im Institut fĂŒr Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln angegliedert und der Vortrag erlaubt eine ethnologisch/anthropologische Standortbestimmung der kulturwissenschaftlichen Afrikanistik heute. Wie alle regionalwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten FĂ€cher steht auch die Afrikanistik in einem SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis zwischen dem Anspruch, auf systematische Fragestellung wie dem VerhĂ€ltnis des Menschen zum Staat eine Antwort zu geben, und der Herausforderung, dies in Anerkennung der Tatsache zu tun, dass diese Fragen sinnvollerweise im Kontext der unterschiedlichen lokalen AusprĂ€gungen zu beantworten sind. Der vorliegende Beitrag meistert diese Herausforderung durch eine Anwendung von praxistheoretischen Ideen, oder durch das, was wir inzwischen „praxeologische Theorie” nennen. Ausgangspunkt sind dabei die Handlungen der Akteure in ihren sozialen Beziehungen, im vorliegenden Fall die Handlungen, die gewichtige und bestimmende GrĂ¶ĂŸen wie den „Staat” erst schaffen und erfahrbar, greifbar machen. Die theoretische Kernidee ist, dass soziale und kulturelle Praxis nicht die ausfĂŒhrende AusĂŒbung von vorformulierten Ideen, Strukturen oder Werten ist, sondern dass sie diesen „vorgelagert” ist, d. h. erst die Praxis schafft die RealitĂ€ten, die dann wiederum ihre eigene WirkmĂ€chtigkeit entfalten und uns zu „Staatsmenschen” machen. Wenn wir den Staat in seinen unterschiedlichen AusprĂ€gungen verstehen wollen, dann ĂŒber die wiederholten, weitgehend alltĂ€glichen Handlungen der Menschen, die oft ĂŒbersehen werden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt im vorliegenden Beitrag auf dem VerhĂ€ltnis von Staat und Menschen in Afrika, wo dieser Prozess gut zu beobachten ist, weil in vielen Situationen staatliche Einrichtungen erst seit relativ kurzer Zeit eine bestimmende Rolle eingenommen haben und diese Rolle im Leben der Menschen mitunter nur prekĂ€r wahrnehmen. Durch das Nebeneinanderstellen von afrikanischen und nicht-afrikanischen Beispielen verweist die Arbeit von Thomas Widlok aber auch auf KontinentĂŒbergreifende, universelle Prozesse und auf die Notwendigkeit, die sozial- und kulturanthropologische Afrikanistik ĂŒber die Grenzen eines geographischen Kontinents hinaus zu begreifen und auszuĂŒben

    Hide and Seek a Share: The Ethics of Sharing between Presence and Distance

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    Hiding and sharing things can go together. Haiǁom and other San hunter-gatherers in southern Africa are considered to be a group in which there is a lot of sharing. At the same time, hiding what could be shared is not rare. The ethnographic situation that I explore in this contribution is that of hiding tobacco and other consumables. What happens when Haiǁom divide their tobacco into two pouches, one for sharing with others and one that is kept hidden? I argue that creating presence but also maintaining a degree of distance characterise Haiǁom sharing practices and their way of dealing with numerous sharing demands in everyday interaction. At a comparative theoretical level, I argue that safeguarding minimal interpersonal distance is part of habitualising a performative ethical sense of how to share. In this context, trying to store things is not necessarily considered unethical as long as those who do still continue to be appropriately responsive to the demands made. What is at stake is the learnt judgement of when demands need to be fulfilled and when other responses are in order

    The temporal dilemma of death

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    L’un des dilemmes que la mort crĂ©e pour les endeuillĂ©s concerne le temps. Hertz a montrĂ© que la coupure de liens sociaux demande que des rituels puissent Ă©tendre le dĂ©part d’une personne dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e. Selon Rappaport, les rituels sont aussi un moyen de « numĂ©riser » le processus analogique prolongĂ© de pourriture du corps et d’oubli. Dans cet article, j’étudie comment ce dilemme temporel est rĂ©solu par des rituels mortuaires dans le nord-ouest de l’Australie. Les objets possĂ©dĂ©s jouent ici un rĂŽle important, et j’avance l’idĂ©e que leur traitement rituel reflĂšte Ă©galement ce dilemme temporel. Ces biens peuvent utilement ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme l’objectification durable de souvenirs, tout en renvoyant simultanĂ©ment Ă  l’exclusion « numĂ©risĂ©e » d’autres souvenirs. Un bien personnel enchĂąsse donc le mĂȘme problĂšme de continuitĂ© et de distinction que celui posĂ© par le corps mort. Ceci signifie que ce qui arrive aux objets lors des funĂ©railles va bien au-delĂ  de question d’hĂ©ritage ou de redistribution de biens.One of the dilemmas that death creates for the bereaved concerns time. Hertz pointed out that the severance of social ties requires rituals that can stretch the exit- (us) of a deceased person. Following Rappaport, rituals also serve as a means to ‘‘digitalize’’ the analogic protracted process of bodily decay and of forgetting. In this paper I investigate how mortuary rituals in northwest Australia solve this temporal dilemma. Property objects here play an important part, and I argue that their ritual treatment also reflects the underlying dilemma. Property can be usefully considered to be the lasting objectification of memories and at the same time to be based on the ‘‘digital’’ exclusion of others. It therefore enshrines the same dilemma of continuity and clarity that is posed by the dead body. This indicates that what happens to objects at a funeral goes far beyond questions of inheritance and the redistribution of property
