9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Hasil Pap Smears Pada Pengembangan Surveilans Terpadu Infeksi Menular Seksual Di Jawa Timur (Analisis Untuk Mengembangkan Surveilans-respons Ims)

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    Background: The implementation analysis of Pap Smears result to the integrated Surveillance development of sexual infection in order to respond the IMS and HIV/AIDS cases which increased especially among the housewife and its aim to the implementation Pap Smears result. Results: The Analysis result: 1. Based on the Pap Smears analysis result when its managed properly might be benefited the information not merely detected service cancer which is tend to increase but its also detected fungal infection and 5 types of IMS data: Haemavilus Vaginalis (HV), Gonococoes (Cocen), Trichomonas Vaginalis (TV), Herpes and Virus Papiloma Humanus (HPV) which is Cocen and TV tend to increase every years. This data might be used for Surveillance Respond of Pap Smears intended to the productive housewife who is representing susceptible age group against sexual infection and HIV/AIDS. 2. The integrated Surveillance activity of HIV and sexual infection along with eight steps of respond Pap Smears, the structure is matching up with Surveillance of WHO respond and the system and mechanism base on decision of Minister of Health number 1116/2003 to instruct the formation of Surveillance technical implementation and the formation Surveillance technical implementation and the formation Surveillance networking among those units. 3. Developing the integrated Surveillance of sexual infection and HIV/AIDS through the uphold unit Pap Smears is required the determination of basis function, the Surveillance uphold unit, the Respond Surveillance uphold and function, formulation of Protap and Instruction, Training, Monitoring and Evaluation Surveillance System, Communication, Procurement of Coordination and Resources. Exceptional the above mentioned it is necessary pay attention as well as Surveillance structure and quality. Suggestion: 1. Improving the Surveillance Respond System by improving the users of culture information and data for making a decision the unit of Pap Smears entirely levels of administrative at Central or Regional. 2. Developing the production of Health Information System that is able to convert data into information Pap Smears to facilitate analysis and interpretation of data. 3. Developing Data Centers, Surveillance and Health Information in accordance with decision of Minister of Health number 116/2003 and filling those units with functional staff epidemiologists and health information experts. Key words: Pap Smears, Surveillance Respond, Sexual Infection-housewif

    Kajian Tentang Pengembangan Sentra Kesehatan Reproduksi sebagai Unit Pelayanan Puslitbang Sistem dan Kebijakan Kesehatan (P3skk) Surabaya

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    This is a exploration study with the objective to analyze the development of Health Reproductive Center in Health Policy and System Research and Development Center in Surabaya. Data which was collected included Health Reproductive Center\u27s programs, its capabilities and stakeholders expectanctes. Data was collected using questionaires, secondary data and assessing papers by fasilitators on the health reproductive workshop. Results of this study was that the development of the Health Reproductive Center must be done to support the health reproductive program of Health Department. Expectancies of stakeholders is that Health Reproductive Center should do their functions comprehensive, holistic in accordinative partnership. The recommendation was that Health Reproductive Center should be facilitated by Health Policy and System Research and Development Center to perform as the stakeholder\u27s expectancies that is health reproductive information center to do advocacy and proposals development

    Fungsi Kepala Ruang Rawat Inap sebagai Perawat Pengelola di 8 Rumah Sakit Provinsi Kawasan Timur Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study are to identify: 1. Each of managerial function of a nurse principal in planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, supervising and evaluating of nursing care; 2. Selection process, nursing management training, job discription, nursing standard of inpatient wards, roles of the hospital directors and hospital organization structure in nursing care. Structural and indepth interviews have been done to 88 nurse principals and 8 hospital directors in 8 province hospitals (Dili, Kupang, Mataram, Ujungpandang, Palu, Kendari, Jayapura and Ambon). Indepth interviews have also been caried out to 8 head of nursing department in those 8 hospitals. Documents and reports searching have also been done. Descriptive analysis showed that most of nurse principals have not performed their managerial functions. Selection process has not yet been done objectively and only one nurse principal has already met the nursing management training program requirement. The directors of hospitals have performed their roles in motivating the nurse principals in their management roles. However, the hospital organization structure has not yet linked with the job discription for nurse managers. Nursing standards and job discriplion m the hospitals have also not yet been operationally described Based on the results of this study, nursing task force must be created appropriately in line with the hospital organization structure and the selection procedure of nurse principals in order to improve their performances in nursing management

    Pemasyarakatan Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Eksklusif melalui Penyuluhan

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    The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate and compare changes and differences on the knowledge and attitude toward Exclusive Breast Feeding, among pregnant and breast feeding mothers exposed to various campaign techniques; (2) to assess and compare proportions of Exclusive Breast Feeding practices according to various campaign techniques applied. Pretest-post test quasi experimental design, without control group, was implemented in this investigation. The total population of mothers, seven months pregnant was drawn as the subject to be investigated. A total of 377 mothers was recruited from four health centres. Data and informations were gathered through observations and structured interviews. Comparative tests were employed in data analyses. Pregnant mothers recruited for this investigation were subjected to direct educational sessions delivered by PKK cadres, and they were also provtded with informative leaflets. These cadres applied four educational techniques, i.e. lectures, simulations, group discussions, role play. The results of this study showed, that the four educational techniques produced significant differences on the improvements of breast feeding knowledge. However, the study indicated no significant different on Exclusive Breast Feeding attitude and practice. At the end of the investiga­tion, there were significant improvements on attitude towards Exclusive Breast Feeding in each study area. The Exclusive Breast Feeding was practiced upon newborn babies until they reached three months of age (48.3%) and 4 months of age (51.7%). The low levels of knowledge, attlfude toward Exclusive Breast Feeding, and the practice of Exclusive Breast Feedmg, tend to be influenced by campaign implementation by cadres

    Profil Kesehatan Kerja Nelayan di Kota Pekalongan dan Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Republic Indonesia is an archipelago country of 17.000 islands surrounded by the 70% seas. So fair hence if most of coastal area have living as fisherman. The informal sector labor among fisherman not yet obtained optimal health service especially which deal with his work, such as those which suggested that is obtain get plenary health service (preventive, promote, curative and rehabilitative and also executed omprehensively in health system.This study was a crossectional study located at Pekalongan (Central Java) and East Lombok Regency (West Nusa Tenggara); implemented in 10 months.The objective of this study is to describe the occupational fishermen health profile consisted of three components a) work capacity, b) work load and c) work environmental and three of component must compatible. If not compatible cause by the problem of occupational health. Interview, medical check up includes laboratory test and observation the environmental of the fishermen houses were used as the methodology of data collection in this study.The Result of the study most of the occupational fishermen health profile are not good compared by the standard. The recommendation to increase of the occupational fishermen health profile is three strategic consist strengthening of the health programmed includes the fishermen community organization