58 research outputs found

    Pemberian Larutan Gula Garam dan Istirahat Pendek dalam Menurunkan Beban Kerja Pekerja Bagian Produksi Perusahaan Roti ”X” Kota Semarang

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    ABSTRACK Background : Hot climate can increase body temperature, and then increase skin blood flow, heart beat rate, blood pressure, sweat rate and decrease gastrointestinal function. High sweat rate causes water-electrolyte imbalance in the body. Because of water-electrolyte imbalance, the body felt to dehidration. In dehydration, the work pulse will arise and make the work load arised. At β€œX' Bakery, The climate over the threshold level, so the worker suffer dehydration. In order to cope the problems, the study about water-electrolyte consumption and short pauses was done. The aim of this study was to know the effects of carbohydrate-electrolyte consumption and short pauses to work load. Mehtods : The design of the study was Within-subject design with 16 subjects (8 man & 8 women) .There was two treatment in this study. Work load was determined by measure the work pulse with ten pulses method. The data was analyzed with T-paired Test (a = 0.05). Results : The result showed that carbohydrate-electrolyte intake and short pauses can significantly decrease work pulse 42,13% (p<0,05) . Conclusion : Based on the result, it is concluded that water-electrolyte intake and short pauses can significantly decrease the work load . It is suggested that worker and management has to improve the interventio

    Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Punggung Dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Pada Porter Di Stasiun Tawang Semarang

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    Back pain is a phenomenon that often encounter in everyday life. One of the causes of back pain are manual handling. Porter in Tawang Station still using manpower without any supporting tools on doing their job. Lift transport job, like what porter did, the burden lies in the muscles especially on the back. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between back muscle strength and back pain of porter in Tawang Station on 2016. This study is a quantitative research with cross sectional design.The instrument used is the Body Map (to collect personal data such as age, years of service, smoking habits, and exercise habits also complaints of pain on body part) and Back Leg Chest Dynamometer (to measure the strength of the back muscles). The study population was the entire porter Tawang Station in total 60 people. Determination of the study sample using purposive sampling technique, which we did not measure if the back pain radiating to the leg because there\u27s a probability diagnozed of Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) and the measurement feared would make the condition even worse. From these techniques was obtained 57 respondents.The results showed that there was significant relation between back muscle strength and back pain complain of porter in Tawang Station. Spearman Rank correlation test results, confidence level of 95%, p = 0.001 (p &lt;0.05) and the correlation coefficient r = -0.412. Therefore, it\u27s necessary to do back muscle strengthen exercise, exercising and strecthing regularly to maintain back flexibility which then would minimize the risk of back pain

    Perbedaan Paparan Debu pada Pekerja Penggilingan Padi Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemasangan Local Exhaust Ventilation

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    The rice milling process gives rise to variety of hazard. Hazard identification in the rice milling in Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang shows that there is chemical hazard in the form of grain dust that is included in organic dust. Dust is hazard that negatively affect number one in causing occupational disease. Disease arising due to organic dust, among others, organic dust toxicity syndrome, farmer lung and asthma. Preliminary research in the rice milling in Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang shows that the workers often feel uncomfortable and have difficulty breathing while working because of the grain dust. Therefore, the control needs to be done to reduce dust exposure, namely the installation of local exhaust ventilation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences of dust exposure to rice milling workers in Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang before and after the installation of local exhaust ventilation. This is an experimental research with one group pretest posttest design. The population in this research is measurement results of dust exposure to rice milling workers in Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang. The sample of this research is each four measurement results of dust exposure before and after the installation of local exhaust ventilation. Data analysis is conducted by comparing measurement results of dust exposure before and after the installation of local exhaust ventilation. The results showed that dust exposure after the installation of local exhaust ventilation dropped amounted to 0,5 mg/m3, 0,3 mg/m3 and 2,0 mg/m3. The conclusion is the installation of local exhaust ventilation in rice milling Pregolan Desa Jetis Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Semarang can reduce the dust exposur

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Gangguan Muskuloskeletal pada Pengayuh Becak (Studi Kasus di Pasar Pagi Kabupaten Pemalang)

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    Occupational disease caused by unergonomically designed workstations are Musculoskeletal Disorders. One of profession in informal sector of transportation services which still used the role of human labor is pedicab driver. That kinds of profession has high risk on its workers towards the occurance of body parts injury or skeletal muscle. Pedicab driver who works in the market is not only carry passengers but also carry goods market. This study aim is to analyze the risk factor of Musculoskeletal Disorders on pedicab drivers (A Case Study of Pasar Pagi in Pemalang Regency). This type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach and observation. The subject of the research were five people. Triangulation in this study is the assessment results of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method and field observation. The result of this research showed that the risk factor of paddling activity most affected was the awkward posture on the wrist, back, and legs with repetitive movements 40times/minute, long duration, and high workload. While the the risk factor of lifting the loads most affected was the awkward posture on the neck, shoulder, wrist, back, and legs, repetitive motion 3-8 times, lifting the loads about 5-25 kg in one lift, long duration, and required a great of energy. All of five informants were male, in the age range between 42-60 years old, with the longest work period 32 years. The researcher suggests to the pedicab drivers to do stretching in a limb during working time

    Analisis Faktor Individu dan Lingkungan terhadap Keluhan Computer Vision Syndrome pada Karyawan Bagian Central Control Room PT. X Jepara

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    Kumpulan gangguan fisik yang menyerang pengguna komputer disebut dengan Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Sekitar 88-90% pengguna komputer mengalami CVS. Keluhan yang sering diungkapkan oleh pekerja komputer adalah kelelahan mata (yang merupakan gejala awal), mata terasa kering, mata terasa terbakar, pandangan menjadi kabur, penglihatan ganda, sakit kepala, nyeri pada leher, bahu dan otot punggung dan tekanan darah tidak normal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Menganalisis faktor individu dan lingkungan terhadap keluhan computer vision syndrome pada karyawan bagian central control room PT. X Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan interpretative. Sebagian responden mengetahui postur duduk ideal tegak lurus, dari ketiga kursi yang paling mendekati kaidah kursi yang baik untuk mendukung kesesuian postur duduk adalah kursi kerja tipe 1 dan 2. Setiap responden memiliki persepsi yang berbeda mengenai jarak pandang mata terhadap monitor. Responden tidak mengetahui sudut pandang ideal mata terhadap monitor. Terdapat sebagian responden yang memiliki riwayat gangguan okuler, yaitu myopia. Lama melihat monitor responden berkisar 8 jam dengan waktu istirahat yang tidak terjadwal. Rata-rata usia responden adalah 30-40 tahun. Semua responden menyatakan pencahayaan ruangan sudah cukup, namun hasil pengukuran pencahayaan umum menunjukkan masih diatas standar. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan terbiasa dengan penggunaan multiple monitor, namun posisi monitor masih belum sesuai. Resolusi monitor memenuhi standar namun semua responden mengeluhkan ukuran monitor yang kurang besar. Sebagian responden menyatakan kontras monitor sudah sesuai, namun hasil pengukuran pencahayaan lokal menunjukkan masih diatas standar. Sebagian responden menyatakan masih merasakan kesilauan monitor. Sebagian besar karyawan menyatakan monitor terbebas dari kedipan
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